What I was working on last Thursday

Nov 18, 2008 16:49

When gingerrose and I were in middle and high school, we used to write "Day in the Life" notes to each other. All day, we would keep a kind of journal of the time and what we were doing, and then trade at the end of the day. (We didn't do this every day, obviously.) It's a good way to keep from being bored during things like classes, and sometimes they're fun to look back on. So in the spirit of that, I decided to do one last Thursday- the opening night of dance show- and title it, aptly, "A Day in the Life of a Dancer on Opening Night." :)

I have to admit, for a while I was a little afraid to post this, because it really sharply illustrates how unbelievably busy I am on any given day. I really don't take much of a break at all during the day, as you'll see when you read it. I'd say that's not normal for me, but this week as well, it kind of is. Typing this is actually my break from a bunch of catch-up work I'm doing, and I have a ridiculous amount of stuff to do before next Tuesday when I go home for break. Free time is scarce, I have to say. But I still think the Day in the Life is cool, so I'm gonna post it anyway.

7:06 a.m.: The sun is barely rising. So why am I up? Oh, right- class. Also, it's so freaking cold in here. :(
7:32 a.m.: Dressed? Check. Face washed? Check. Hair combed? Check. Time to make myself some tea and a Pop-Tart!
7:34 a.m.: While I was in the bathroom, it hit me just how much work I have to do today. I've already accepted that my topic paper for Exceptionality (which is due today) isn't going to get done until tomorrow.
7:42 a.m.: Checking my email and eating.
7:45 a.m.: What? Only one email (from my mom, so I'll wait till a bit later to respond to it) and no lj updates? What kind of Twilight Zone have I entered?
7:48 a.m.: Wishing my friend Tom a happy birthday on facebook.
7:49 a.m.: There's a fly in here. How are they getting in?!
7:51 a.m.: Logging off and heading to Victorian Lit class!
8:20 a.m.: I get to class at exactly 8:00- just in time for a viewing quiz for a film we were assigned to watch! Probably won't be able to add much to this during this class. I'd feel weird constantly checking my cell phone, and there's no clock in this room.
9:15 a.m.: We're on break from class, after talking for an hour about Dracula. Particularly the scene where Jonathan Harker is seduced by three vampire women, We're sexy like that.
9:21 a.m.: Gen and I start hitting each other with our papers, taking my maturity level down about 17 points. (Gen decides this is out of a scale of ten, but consents to change it to 20, leaving me with 3 remaining maturity points instead of -7.)
10:01 a.m.: Time for my next class (Adolescence)! I know we're watching a video for part of the time, so it shouldn't be too tiring. Gen decides to skip her next class and go back to sleep; I scold a little, but resist going into full-on lecture mode. (I'm pretty big on the whole attending class thing, for many reasons I won't go into now.)
10:09 a.m.: The 80's fashion in this video is ridiculous.
10:23 a.m.: When we turned the video off, we discovered "Sesame Street" is on. Sadly, we can't just sit and watch that instead of having a discussion. :(
10:32 a.m.: There hasn't been nearly as much talking over the professor during class today, thank God.
10:36 a.m.: There's all this coughing and sneezing around me. Don't get me sick!
10:41 a.m.: I take back what I said about the talking during class. *headdesk*
11:13 a.m.: Break time! I'm gonna put my head down and nap. :) Also, my legs are really sore from the intense stretch I did yesterday.
11:48 a.m.: Class is over! (At least until 2.) I'm going to run some errands and head to the library to do some reading. Hopefully the study rooms won't be too full this early in the day.
12:12 p.m.: It's pouring outside! Totally wasn't expecting that. I did go back to the house and get my umbrella, though, and I made it to the library only minimally damp. No study rooms open, so I'm in an empty classroom.
12:27 p.m.: Finished my first reading, which was starting E.M. Forster's "A Passage to India" (Chapter 1 is all of 2.5 pages long). Now I just have to read a case study for Exceptionality that I'm catching up on for today.
1:10 p.m.: Finished my reading at 12:55, and raced back to the house, because I told Florence I'd be back at 1 for lunch. I did get to drop off a bar of soap in an Iraq relief collection box at the Campus Center, but I didn't have the chance to get more stamps at the post office like I planned. I might swing by and do that after my 2:00 class. Right now we're waiting for the pizza to get out of the oven, so I'm gonna go do some dishes from last night.
1:59 p.m.: In my last class of the day, Exceptionality, waiting for class to start.
2:18 p.m.: We're in groups doing a Powerpoint Presentation on visual impairment. Harper is typing, I'm proofreading her text, and Florence is suggesting ways to make it pretty. :)
3:07 p.m.: Finished the Powerpoint and now we're going over the case study I've been working on.
3:20 p.m.: Done with classes for the day! But there's still a lot to do. My next thing is going down to Monty to practice piano for my job at a local church. Luckily it should take about half an hour.
3:56 p.m.: I'm finished practicing; it was slow going because I've only just now started to feel tired, so I was nearly falling asleep at the piano. I just have to stop and get some stamps, though, and I'll be inside until dinnertime! (I keep remembering more errands I have to do, but those are for another day.)
6:57 p.m.: Wow, I went away for a while there! Here are some things I did between then and now:
~ bought stamps
~ called my dad to wish him a happy birthday
~ started working on my case study write-up
~ had dinner
Now I'm about to start getting ready for the DANCE SHOW!!!! It's still wet outside, so I'm gonna change into my costume when I get there, but I need to put makeup on now. Exciting! (Well, not the makeup. I hate makeup.)
7:11 p.m.: People keep going into the bathroom and closing the door so we can't come in and out. This is bad because I really need to get my makeup done. Gina just came out, so maybe this is my chance.
7:18 p.m.: Makeup application time: 5 minutes. :) Now off to the show! I didn't finish my case study, so I'd sad that I'll have to work on that when I get back. I have a ton of email to catch up on too. One thing at a time!
8:04 p.m.: Time to go over to St. Mary's Hall! Show starts in 26 minutes. :) *dances* Wish me luck! See you after the dance!
8:52 p.m.: IT WENT SO WELL!!! And I think it will only get better in the other 3 performances. :D
9:36 p.m.: Had a nice long stretch, and now I'm going to spend the remainder of the show working on my SMP. This poor project's been neglected the last few weeks, because of all the stuff I have to do. Luckily my SMP meeting is cancelled for tomorrow, so I don't have to pretend like I've been reading. ;)
10:43 p.m.: Wow, there keep being a lot of time gaps in this. We finished the show! 1 down, 3 to go! *celebrates* I am now back at the townhouse, but the day's not over yet. I didn't quite finish my SMP reading, and I need to do the rest of that case study write-up. (I would just leave them for later, but believe me, I have a ton more work to do tomorrow. So it's best that I push on and finish it now.)
11:27 p.m. SMP reading is finished! I'm taking a break to clear some email out of my inbox, and then I'm going to watch a kids' Christmas movie with Gen. :) After that I'll work on the case study for a while.
1:02 a.m.: Well, it's about 1:00 a.m. I've finished the movie and taken a shower, and now I think it's a bit late to do any more work. I'll just put that off to tomorrow. Lots of work to do then, but no classes! In fact, no activities at all until call time at 7 p.m. So it should be much more relaxed than today.


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