Snow day!

Jan 27, 2009 19:27

Well, to be technical, it wasn't a complete snow day today. I woke up for my 8 a.m. class to the unhappy sight of no snow on the ground. But just as I left the house at 7:55 a.m., the first flakes started falling! There was some serious accumulation all throughout class, to the point where at least a good inch or so had settled when I went back afterwards to get my shiny new snow boots. :) Minutes later the rest of the day's classes and activities were cancelled! So I did still have to go to my early morning class, but that wasn't so bad. And I suspect my teaching placement at the middle school will be cancelled tomorrow due to inclement weather, so that may be an added bonus.

On a completely different note, I've been working on my SMP today, and I've discovered how much I enjoy writing my notes longhand. Normally for papers and such I create Word documents for any research, but because most of the material for this project is novels rather than online journal articles, I don't want to have the computer constantly sitting on while I read. So I got myself a notebook last semester so I could take all the notes by hand. I haven't done that much of this since high school (except for in-class notes) and it's actually kind of satisfying. The only difficult thing about it is keeping it organized by novel/source document- in a Word file you can just go back to a previous page, create some extra lines, and add things, but on paper you can't really. I've been adamant about sticking to one source at a time with this project, which makes things go much slower but creates less of a headache for me ultimately.

Oh!! My penguin icon is especially appropriate, because the student activities people decided we should have a little movie marathon on-campus to celebrate the snow day (I love my campus- they do things like this for us just because) and one of the films was "Happy Feet"! This was the second time I'd seen it, and it's probably the most adorable thing in the universe. The combination of that and the snow caused much happiness. :)


i love st. mary's, school, weather, movies i've seen

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