Why not?

Jan 26, 2009 15:01

Meme for all those interested. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to do it or not at first, but I finally gave in. Also, given my limited creative abilities I make no guarantees regarding what you'll receive. :)

The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1) I make no guarantees that you will like what I make;
2) It'll be done this year;
3) You have no clue what it's going to be. It could be anything. Jewelry, a poem, a contract, a mix CD, a photograph... anything, really; and
4) I reserve the right to make something extremely odd.

The catch? The catch is that you incur a moral obligation to repost and follow through. Creativity is awesome.

If more than 5 people respond to this, I might still make something for you if I have time! So you can comment even if 5 people already have.

I feel like I've been having a more stressful week back than I actually have. It's more a lot of little things than anything big. I mean, there's the computer malfunctioning, which is a big one (and believe me, the fact that the friend I want to take a second look at it hasn't emailed me back yet isn't helping matters). But I also seem to have become remarkably accident-prone. I've tripped over more things in the last three days than in the entire time I was home for break. I gave myself a papercut yesterday, and also aggravated the dry skin on my feet (TMI? What TMI?) so that it was bleeding slightly. I spilled hot chocolate on my coat at one point as well. :(

In addition, I think the gnomes are following me again. Last spring gingerrose and I decided that our house must be inhabited by gnomes, because a number of random things went missing around the same time. Two of her CDs disappeared- in one case, she could find the case but not the CD, which is really unusual- and my black strapless bra was misplaced. All 3 were eventually found, but their disappearance was still unexplained. Now the same thing is happening. I had the unfortunate and stressful experience over winter break of misplacing a work check (my first at that job, no less). It was never found, and while Father Scott was completely fine about it and had no problem issuing me a new one, it was still embarrassing. And really out of the ordinary for me, since I'm known in my family for being good at managing money. Then I got back to school and discovered that my Ziploc bag with all my envelopes and stamps in it is missing. I also briefly lost the ankle bracelet I wear a lot, but found it a couple days later (either it was just buried under the crap in my drawer, or the gnomes were issuing a peace offering). I mean, I'm all for less material clutter in my life, but I would prefer to part with things willingly rather than have them vanish into thin air.

So it's been like that the whole week- lots of little annoying things, plus the stress of starting up school and work again after a month off. I have no idea why, but my Ed Psych reading seems to be going at a snail's pace. I'm going to clock in some hours studying in the library tonight, just so that I can be sure to get everything done.

In other news, though, we're expecting wintry weather tomorrow! Maybe classes will be cancelled. :)

Off to tag more entries from 2004 in this lj now!


tmi, memes and quizzes, school, random, worries

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