The things we do out of desperation (subtitled: why I love my mother)

Jan 28, 2009 15:18

I've been emailing my parents lately telling them that I'm having computer troubles, and in the latest email I mentioned how much I'd love to be home right now so I could send it in to our trusty neighborhood computer expert to be fixed. Well, my lovely mother has now suggested that she come down and pick it up, so we can do just that! :) This is the sort of thing I would never ask her to do, because it's not a short drive (2 hours) and it seems like an awful lot to do just for a repair issue. In fact, normally I would do everything in my power to dissuade her from coming down. But I'm pretty desperate at this point to get the darn thing fixed, and as she pointed out, pretty soon I'm going to start having things like term papers and research projects and the need to check my email more than twice a day/feed my youtube addiction. (She didn't mention that last one, needless to say.) So I agreed to let her come down and take it home, and at some indeterminate point in the future she'll return it to me. It's really good of her to do this, and I've been feeling a little homesick because of the pressure of this being my last semester of college, so it'll be good to just spend time with one of my parents.

What I'm actually supposed to be doing right now is writing a response for my Shakespeare class, in the limited time I have before I start getting ready to get my senior photos taken. (OMG!) I should probably get back to that.

(Also, Lost tonight. Yay!!!)



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