"Lost" 5.3 blogging

Jan 31, 2009 23:55

Finally getting around to writing about last Wednesday's Lost (season 5 episode 3)! This seems to be a tradition this season- I watch on Wednesday and blog on Saturday. But I took notes this time, so I'll be more prepared!

First of all, let's just get this out of the way. Desmond was HOT this episode. I don't know what it was- the longer hair, the scarf, the accent- but he was wicked hot. I think he was my favorite character this episode for the attractiveness alone. (Also, his story arcs per episode seem to be more complete than anyone else's. He's had one of the only episodes- the one last season where he reconnected with Penny- that goes through a complete story progression in the show. Fans who complain about that would like him. :)

So, the time jumps. We must address these again. I will divide my comments into two sections:
Why they are good: The flashes are giving us some really interesting glimpses into the island before the castaways crashed. There's so much intricate history in this place that I want to see explored, and this is a way to do that. I fully support doing more stuff with that history. But...
Why they are not good: I can barely keep track of where/when we are anymore. I'm also afraid that a lot of loose threads are being established- people are appearing in places that I don't expect them to be, and that's fine if all those appearances are connected to the plot we've already had in the present. If they don't make it all add up, I'll start to get really frustrated with it. I like flashbacks and time jumps that fill in the past, like "Lost" is supposedly doing, rather than what "Heroes" is doing (to bring up that show again), which is changing the future with every forward glimpse we get.

Speaking of the flashes, they really raise a lot of questions. When the flashes happen and Sawyer, Locke, Faraday, and the others are transported, do the other people (like the Others) just continue moving forward in time as usual? How does that figure into the events that follow? (Do the Others solve the bomb after Faraday disappears?) How is it even possible that they can jump in time at those moments when the others can't/don't? Why does no one in the present (Seasons 1-4) recognize Sawyer and Locke and the rest from the time jumps?

I'm curious about where the time travelers ended up at the end of the episode. Is Richard still there, or is the island as they are experiencing it now pre-Others? If so, that could be fascinating to explore. Who inhabited the island before the Others and the Dharma Initiative did? The only previous inhabitants that I think we know of are the skeletons (Adam and Eve) that Jack found in the caves in Season 1. It's interesting to me that there are these specific, key people- Widmore, Richard, Ben, Jacob (whoever Jacob is), this orientation video/Dharma guy- who got involved in the island's history. Widmore has clearly been there since he was young, but how did he get into that? Ben got there because of his dad, we know that much, but how did his dad get there? There's got to be some specific reason why all these people ended up here. (Clearly I subscribe to the Locke school of reasoning as to how the island works- the destiny theory.) I'm looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.

I was sad to see there was no Oceanic 6 + Ben in these episodes. They're the most intriguing characters to me at the moment (even though I have all these questions about the island itself), so I'm happy to see in the preview that we'll get a bit more of them next week.

And now for some brief speculation. Don't read if you want absolutely no ideas about any possible plot progression. Again, these are NOT spoilers, since I have no knowledge of future episodes.

I'm pretty sure the girl who kept threatening the time travelers with a gun is Danielle- she's wearing all the same clothes and the gun looks awfully familiar. :) Also, bets on the fact that Faraday's mom is the woman helping out Ben in the current episodes? We'll see about that one. I always assume that any character mentioned is someone we've already met. :)

"Heroes" premieres Monday night, so expect an entry about that then. I also keep trying to remember to tape "Bones", but I frequently forget, so those updates will be more sporadic. :) Happy TV watching!



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