Apr 23, 2007 14:03
It's been a wildly busy week, but really, is there ever any other kind? Luckily, it's been busy in the Good Way, with lots of exciting adventures. :)
Monday and Tuesday were the usual round of choir practises, the standout being sputtering my way through Vaughan Williams' intricate 'Tudor Portraits' and guffawing at the text every other line (I mean, nappy ale? come ON!) with Pampa and Janel.
Wednesday Sister and I took a sisterly field trip to the Kennedy Center to see the RSC's 'Coriolanus'.* My only exposure to the play prior to that night was that Volumnia was one of the characters included in the famous Feminist Shakespeare Hodge Podge play at McNeese all those years ago. We played part of the scene where V convinces C to go to the marketplace- I played C in chorus with two other characters (I rather think it was Isabella and Cressida- it was that kind of a play) and had a blast. With that as my sole experience**, I was looking forward to seeing what the company had to offer. While I'm not sure how I feel about the play itself, I found the production to be quite riveting, viewed as it was from a front row seat. Yes, that's right, William Huston's spittle made contact with the face of your truly. I think the same could have been said if I had sat three rows back, but hey, who's complaining? My strongest reactions were:
2. Best stage fight EVER between Aufidius and Corilanus HOT DAMN. I was completely enthralled.
3. The use of tweeting birds and balloons in Happy Happy Corilanus-free Rome had me giggling helplessly- I think I may have been the only one but, SO FUNNY.
4. Aufidius and Coriolanus? So doing it. Like, there is NO QUESTION. This production included a kiss between the two of them, but that was pretty chaste- it was the REST of the scene that clinched it.
My chief memory to take away from the evening, however, has more to do with myself than the production as such. When I dress up for the theatre, I tend to define that as wearing a low-cut top (by my Puritanical standards) and put some of my ample bosom on display. Take that for what you will- the moral of the story is that, as I gave a standing ovation at the curtain call, I suddenly realised that when Timothy West was bowing, his face was probably two feet away from said bosom. Should he be one of those who keeps his eyes open on a bow, he would have the best view in the house.
Thursday was the day of Giggly Girly Fun with Jen, but Friday was it's own fabulous adventure. A group of us met at the Library of Congress for a special screening of silent Shakespeare films, complete with a pianist in the corner for accompaniment. It was COOL BEYOND THE DREAMS OF COOL. Some of the films were a RIOT- there's nothing quite like a 60 year old scampering about as Rosalind***, or a Florizel who disguises himself as a shepherd by draping himself in leopard skins. AWESOME. :D We went out to dinner afterwards, where I managed to make my plans for Saturday.
Saturday will have to wait, however, as I need to get back to work. La!
* It amuses me that I first thought, hmm, should I clarify that it's the Royal Shakespeare I'm talking about and not the Reduced?, but then immediately realised that, No, the Reduced Company doesn't like the 'anus' part, so there'd be no cause for confusion at all! This is to say, DORK!
** I'm not counting 'If she says your behaviour is heinous, Kick her right in the Coriolanus' for obvious reasons.