39th Edition - April 22nd, 2007

Apr 23, 2007 05:33

~*~Character Searches and Promotions~*~

April 22

augury_rpg is a Trio-era, Post-HBP game set in the year 1997. The Death Eaters' attacks have escalated, with several prominent murders and a devastating assault at a wedding. With the only wizard he ever feared dead, Lord Voldemort threatens to become unstoppable. There is a traitor among us... The Ministry is reeling after the death of the Head of the Auror division. Everyone wonders who will be next, and who among them has been giving out Ministry secrets. But the Ministry is not the only victim of betrayal, as a member of the Order of the Phoenix has sold them out to Lord Voldemort, out of a mistaken sense of vengeance. (For more information, go here. :D) There are still several characters available, including Bill and Fleur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Alastor Moody, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Blaise Zabini, and Hannah Abbot! You must be 18 years or older to play at augury_rpg!

April 21

quarantine_rpg is a Post-Hogwarts, Post-War, AU RPG set in the year 2004. ...As the Red Plague reached epidemic scale, Minister Scrimegour ordered a complete lockdown and quarantine of Wizarding Britain. All were to remain wherever they were at the announcement of the quarantine, with only a few chosen runners allowed free travel to provide supplies and transport the sick. Now, there is nothing to do but wait- and hope for a cure. (For a more in-depth look at the plot, go here and here. :D) There are still several characters available, so go and check out the character list to see if anyone catches your fancy! You must be at least 18 years old (or the age of consent in your country) to play at quarantine_rpg!

April 17

giveamanamask is a Trio-era, AU (canon compliant up to and including OotP) game set in Harry's sixth year. After the battle at the ministry, the Death Eaters, gripped with terror at having failed their master yet again, ran-sacked various departments in search of something - anything - that might be of use to him. What they discovered, an ancient artifact that possess the power to drain any magical being of their power, will change the wizarding world forever - and give Voldemort the chance to take matters in to his own hands, to destroy Harry Potter once and for all. (For a much more in-depth guide to the back story/plot, go here. :D)

There are still several characters open for the taking, including Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbot, Susan Bones, Millicent Bulstrode, Blaise Zabini, Minerva McGonagall, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, and Narcissa Malfoy!

April 16

rpg_afterglow is a Post-Hogwarts, Post-War, Canon-compliant game! After defeating Lord Voldemort in January of 1998, ending the war that threatened wizards everywhere, Harry managed to reenter school, pass his NEWT exams, and finish school with the rest of his class. Today, Harry has embraced his Muggle upbringing and Wizard heritage by using his skills as an Auror in the new Muggle-Wizard Liaisons Office. Has the Wizarding World become the paradise everyone hoped after Voldemort's demise? Would they ever get to live in the afterglow? There are still several characters open, including Hermione Granger, Parvati Patil, Pansy Parkinson, Padma Patil, Theodore Nott, and Ginny Weasley!



April 18

Over at shh_watchers:

Title: One of Us Cannot Be Wrong (1/1)
Author: shh_blaise
Pairing: Blaise/Terry
Rating: Adult
Summary: This was about one thing. Many things. Everything. Nothing. This was about.

Author's Note: This is stoatshead_hill verse. It’s sort of a possibility for what may have happened Easter Sunday between shh_blaise and shh_terry. It can be read as a stand alone fic though. I’ve tried to make it make as much sense as possible in that respect.

~*~Various News~*~


The week started off with Hermione stopping by for a visit. It seems that Draco needs a favour and it's just the sort that Hermione can provide. An invisibility potion sounds like a very interesting project and I'm really interested in seeing how this turns out. I'm not the only one either, as Hermione volunteers to Apparate in and out of Draco's lab and check on the potions. Sneaky plan, you two, I applaud it completely!

The boys go out on a date and it seems it included dancing. Ballroom dancing, to be specific. They seemed to have a very good time doing it too. Then... sex in public... don't mind me, I'm just going to sit on that bench with the perfect view. That thing in my hands? That isn't a camera at all. Nope, nuh-uh, no way, no how. Add in the search for cakes and it's a perfect night as far as I'm concerned. Draco - will you plan my next date for me? Please?

Then comes the time to explain to Emmy what's happening to Draco's Manly Uterus. Emmy volunteers to help take care of Daddy too, which is w00bie to the w00biest *grins*. Diets and exercise..., I'm thinking that Harry's right... no aerobic sex and no bacon *woe*. TEEEHEEE an explanation of baby-making parts! A reflection on how quickly Emmy's growing up turns into an argument about Draco not being able to have, err, it. Draco brings up a subject they've been avoiding and that's how to tell Emmy why Bean came early. I'm not sure how much she'd understand either, boys. The aftereffects of the operation come up as well.


Remember how James Potter was kidnapped? He was acting all weird and stuffs? It seems that Rabastan and Regulus had something to do with it. Rabastan's been the one torturing the poor guy.

Fleur sends birthday greetings to Harry and Bill does his best to convince Fleur that Harry's right about Voldemort. Ginny joins in as well.

Bella does something bad and they only find the pieces of Benjy Fenwick. Dahlia comes to her rescue, however, and provides an alibi for her whereabouts. Bellatrix never knew about the locket as a gift and Regulus seems to be forgetting Bellatrix *is sad*.

Narcissa contradicts her earlier testimony and Draco came seven weeks early AND Lucius wasn't with her that night, even if that's what she said. There are some extremely interesting conversations in here but Regulus FTW with "can't you keep your legs closed"... BWAHAHAHAA.

Huh. So that's how one makes an Inferius. How very interesting. I feel so bad for Gideon in this relationship :(.

Remus accepts the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. His qualifications are questioned, he's wished luck and then *giggles*, Lily asks the all important question - Are McGonagall and Dumbledore friends or friends? James and Sirius mock and gotta love friends like that.


Seamus tells Dean he's thinking of him, which is really no surprise, but quickly covers it up with talk of furniture. Dean promptly responds - both to Seamus's thoughts and the furniture issue. Seamus is a clever one - he steers the conversation to a more intimate topic, and Dean happily obliges him.

Seamus is understandably at a loss for words.

Later, Seamus entertains himself with Dean's mobile and there is a tense discussion about Mr. and Mrs. Thomas in this log, but life must go on. In particular, life must move on in the direction of Eye-rea. Er, Ikea, right. The furniture store. That lovely, wonderful, absolutely fantastic furniture store.


Bella is still concerned about Luna, enough so that she arranged a meeting with Severus to look into the quality of Luna's care.

Dean wonders if, perhaps, the owl from Seamus is a trap. It turns out that Liam remembers about a trip to Cardiff. They get drunk while discussing their pasts and end up on the beach. One of the things they discuss is Liam's mam and that spurs a decision and Liam takes an unannounced vacation to Ireland.

Meanwhile, Pansy is jobsearching and Michael talks to Cho. Unlike Liam/Seamus, Cho has no memory of even being magical. She's truly lost all her past but Michael gives back a bit. He's also arranged to take her away and possibly give her back a bit more of her past.


Remus is feeling a bit worrisome when the realisation hits him that they will be leaving Hogwarts soon and will have to become "adults". James is there to lend some optimism but how much it works is a bit questionable.


After a long separation, brothers Colin and Dennis have a very long awaited reunion, and Colin fills Dennis in on some rather interesting news. Sometimes, there are important things that one wishes to put off sharing, but Rita quickly learns that she has to let Gilderoy and Avery in at some point.

Fleur has been absent for sometime, and her reasons are certainly cause for alarm. Not everyone always remains in Stoatshead though and it's going out of the area that is truly interesting for some! Rabastan and Narcissa make a trip to France to see art there while Hermione and Roger go off exploring in Barcelona.

Even doctors sometimes have problems. Orla visits Angelina's shop to attempt to get over her fear of flying. Business abounds, Cedric and Bill have a meeting to discuss the museum and just how close they are to opening day.


Lily Evans is having a bit of a meltdown (HA GET IT MELTDOWN ICECREAM HAAA) over some James issues, and Remus sort-of-almost confesses to something after feeling guilty about it. Cormac awakes feeling hungover and unhappy, though admittedly Fred is probably having a considerably worse time.

So. Ummmmmmmmmm angels? Apparently. Not so much for Parvati, who has herself a bit of a moral issue to be dealing with. Really, we should all be taking a page from Harry's book and start being grateful for the small things.

Susan certainly doesn't seem to be wasting any time to get her life started, whereas Theo seems to be taking it much slower. It seems all's well that ends well. You know. Mostly.


Su/Morag fans let out a collective FINALLY! as the tension between them is finally settled, and at the same time we get to see a few owls between the dream team of Lavender and Parvati. In fact, the treats continued with owls between Harry and Pansy and Remus and Neville.


The recently changed students of Hogwarts have quite frankly had enough of being animals and Draco has decided to do something about it. Is it just too much to ask for one's thumbs back??

Later, Daphne expresses some similar thoughts as Draco and decides to storm Dumbledore's office to demand that he changes them back. Of course, as a turtle she isn't going to be storming anywhere fast but with Pansy, Millicent, and Draco surely they will be able to get something accomplished?

~*~Thread to Check Out~*~

So, okay, I'm going to have to go with the Remus accepting the DADA position at Hogwarts post over at hex_files. There's just something about the threads of that post that just bring me so much amusement, and, I mean, we all want to know about Dumbledore and McGonagall. Don't let me the masses down, Remus. ;)

Don't see your rpg listed? Have some news you'd like us to mention? Have a discussion question you'd like us to feature? Then please feel free to email the editors at rpgprophet[at]gmail[dot]com!
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