I called Davis back on the phone today. He had called a couple days earlier, but I missed his call and didn't bother to pick up. He doesn't really have anything worthwhile to talk about.
Davis just talks about himself and what he's doing. Since he doesn't understand anything about Psychic Phenomenon, much less believe any of it, it's a waste of breath. That's why I stopped try to explain it to him.
DAVIS: What are you doing?
ROD: Working on my Course Syllabus
DAVIS: The Court what?
ROD: I said Course Syllabus. There was a
news article about a Witch School, and
I sent in an application to teach DAVIS: Oh, you mean that "Journal" thing?
Notice that Davis is still unconsciously worried that I might try to sue him even though I said I wouldn't it. That's why he heard the word "Court" instead of "Course." I know he's still paranoid.
He said defensively on the phone a couple weeks back, "I'm not worried about you suing me because all I have to do is prove you're crazy." That may be true, but if I was asked to sit in court and Davis' Attorney tried to grill me, I'd submit the information that shows it's a Software Program:
- "Oh, you can't take anything Rod says seriously because he thinks he's Christ"
- I didn't say I'm Christ
- I said C+H+R+I+S+T = 77 = IR = My Initials
- C-H/RI-S/T = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sigh) Final(H/Pisces) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Superman(S) Fe-Male(T/20/XX)
- I didn't say I was the Virgin Mary, I said I'm the Virgin M/AR-y because I'm a Pure Male Virgin and the 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) IR(AR) Male(Y).
- I'm born 5/29, my Initials are IR, and I'm Male. True Statement
- "You can't believe him because he thinks he's God"
- I didn't say I'm God. I said I'm "Go/D" meaning the IR(Go-Spanish) Mother(D/4/Cancer Sign/Eternal Mother). It runs in conjunction with the Virgin Mother
- I said I'm Queen Isabelo the Gemini = Queen Elizabeth II = Queen MOTHER
- That's why I'm the "IR (Queen) Mother" = Go/D
The Planet gets extremely Specific:
- There are no laws against Acronyms and if there were, you'd put all the Video Game Programmers out of Busiiness as well as trample on my First Amendment Rights to FREEDOM OF RELIGION.
- It qualifies because it follows a CODE or SYSTEM OF LAWS.
- You can't lock someone up for that.
- You have the Church of Elvis, which is based off of unusual laws
- At least mine's Mathematical in Origin
Davis thinks he's so damn smart just because he's sat in on a couple of Court Cases with his mom as a Magistrate. Guess who the mother is. Me as the Virgin Mother :P.
In the phone conversation, you could tell by the way he said about that "Journal Thing" in the tone of his voice that he doesn't believe it. That's why I gave up trying to explain things to him.
That's why I'll be really irritated if anyone tries to go off on me claiming I cut Davis out or cheated him out of anything. Davis has made it QUITE CLEAR that he doesn't believe I have Psychic Abilities.
For him to even claim that he has any association or any legitimate claim is silly. However, don't discount it. When you become successful, people suddenly come out of the woodwork.
- I said 11/2/2006 about the "Legally Blonde" Precedent
- Werner is claiming that it's the right of the father to have visitation rights
- Elle Woods asks what is so special about this sperm particular sperm
- It hints toward how it's because that child is now special that the father wants in on it even though he was never there
- Davis was never there for me and in fact borrowed MORE MONEY from me making my life worse
- Davis made it quite clear that he has nothing to do with it
- Elle Woods even says that for all "masturbatory emissions where the sperm was clearly not seeking an egg, that can be viewed as Reckless Abandonment"
- Davis clearly abandoned me when he stiffed me with an unpaid $1,200 Cell Phone Bill to go get his own line. You can verify with the Nextel Records and Verizon Records in 12/2005
- You can see from the $20,000 Credit Card Debt on my Bill that he hasn't contributed one cent to paying it off even though he was the one having me charge things on it FOR HIM and HIS BUSINESS DECISIONS
- That's why I said 3/5/2006 that I got pissed when he LAUGHED at me on the phone and said "I don't do anything"
- That debt should have been on HIS Credit Card - not that any Credit Card Company would ever extend him a Line of Credit with his track record
- That's why I said about that Omen on October 2002 where his BMW got totaled by the Truck named Blaney. He walked away without a scratch. It was symboilc of me as the "Corporate Vehicle" being put into financial ruin without Davis having to pay for any of it even though he made the decisions using my Credit Line
- Davis claims that I always had control. However, Davis looks for very specific candidates to work with. That's why you even see Matthew Friesburg as another Male Virgin that Davis is working with now
- You even see the visual symbolism in "Herbie Fully Loaded" with that "Devil Truck" that is going run over Herbie. I said 6/5/2006 how Davis is the Mathematical Anti-Christ
Like I said, I'm doing Davis a HUGE FAVOR by not suing him. I even told him that it doesn't have to be me who sues him. He's got a whole list of people whom he has "borrowed" money from whom he hasn't paid back and is delinquent on payment.
They just aren't able to pin anything on him because they're not financial lending institutions that can send a Collection Agency after him. That's why I accused Davis of being a "Financial Predator" that cannibalizes other people's credit.
It may not be conscious on his part, but that's what he does. Just because you aim a gun and shoot someone accidentally killing them doesn't mean you're off the hook just because you didn't know any better.
- The Planet teases that when people "laugh at me" as the "Male Superman," it's Man-S/Laughter
- Man-S/Laughter = "Laughter" directed at the "Male Superman(S)".
- The way that the Jews jeered and laughed at Jesus...CHRIST-opher Reeve is "Man-S/Laughter"
- I said 11/2/2005 how Charlie of BCB was guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter of Mattie Stepanek in June 2004
- I said 4/7/2005 how Isabella Valentine and all those women went off on me defending him and thinking my Psychic Theories were stupid
- They all laughed. I said 10/27/2005 that Charlie was the original Joker with the Laughing Gas
- You see Jack Nicholsen say, "You created me." Batman then says, "You created me first."
- If anyone is angry at how I have all these Psychic Abilities and Titles, they can blame that dumb White Male in New Jersey that allowed it to happen by "killing off my parents" in an "Ali" ( Alison Zaichers)
Amusingly enough, the reason why Davis is African-American is so that you can see African-American's behaving badly. In the United States, they're extremely sensitive about Racial Discrimination. So you get to see a Black Person engaging in Psychological Discrimination.
- I said 6/20/2006 about Mathematical Divinity
- I said 6/21/2006 about my mom technically qualifying as "Go/D"
- I said 6/22/2006 about solving the Immaculate Conception Riddle if you can prove the existence of a Male Virgin Mary
- Gee. Wouldn't it be interesting if you had a real Jesus Christ on the Planet and you had a Black Person mistreating and talking down to that Jesus Christ Figure?
You'd almost think it was staged :o).
When it comes to sending Work and Quality Assurance Inspectors, the best time catch employees is when they don't know you're coming. That's how you get that joke about the Coming of Jesus Christ:
It really shouldn't come as a surprise that if a real Jesus Christ was placed on Earth, he or she wouldn't be named Jesus Christ. That would be too obvious. Plus, you create unrealistic expectations:
- I said 7/2/2006 about the Baby Name Fortune Teller
- Any time you name a child after a Deity, people tend to expect certain behavior
- People have a tendency to rebel against authority or go in the opposite direction
The best time to test people is when they think you're nobody or feel they're in a position of Authority over you.
When people are in a dominant or authoritative position, you get to see how they manage power and how they treat people whom they think are inferior to them.
Some people just can't help behaving badly toward people beneath them. In my case, the reason why you see me antagonistic toward Davis is because he did a whole bunch bad things.
However, even if people want to dispute that, the Planet cut across and fiddled with the names, birthdates, and locations of birth.
- The Black Community could accuse me of being discriminatory if I say Davis is a "Bad" Person, which is subjective
- B/AD = 2/14. Davis was born 2/14
- People can get offended if I claim to be "Christ" because that's subjective and there's no real way to prove that
- However, when I say C+H+R+I+S+T = 77 = IR on the Periodic Table, that's a True Statement
- My Godfather is born 9/18 = Letters I/R = My Initials. True Statement and can be backed up with a Birth Certificate or Driver's License
- My Royal Family Name is Ramos and my stepdad is Ramos, whose mother was "DeJesus" meaning "Of Jesus." True Statement and can be validated with Birth Certificates
- V/IR-Go = Sun(V/5/Leo) IR IR(Go-Spanish) = Sun IR IR = Sun Gemini(2) IR). True Statement
That's what Law is all about.
Law not about what's right, but what you can prove.
For example:
- Kelly Deva is a Dream Clairvoyant
- She says she's been studying Psychic Phenomenon for 10 years
- She may be telling the Truth. I believe
However, if we want to go by facts and what can be proven, my Journal Entries are DOCUMENTED over these last two years and the sheer volume, content, length of individual Journal Entries, and number of Journal Entries posted daily is an average of 5 - 15 day.
People talk about how BORING and LONG-WINDED my Journal Entries are. However, when it comes to authenticating the fact, you can:
- I talk about Psychic Phenomenon EVERY DAY
- I claim that I have devoted 9,000 HOURS worth of Research and Study, you can review it for yourself.
- You can scan through my Psychic Journal Archives
- It would take you WEEKS or even MONTHS to sit and read through all that content I've written on Psychic Phenomenon
No offense to Kelly Deva, but this is where I outclass her and other people claiming to be Psychic:
- where is her Research?
- Where does she have PROOF that she has dedicated 10 years worth of study?
- During that 10 years of study, how active was she when she was studying it
- Kelly Deva is a Model so it means that she's off doing her other job with Psychic Phenomenon as a HOBBY
When you look at my Journal, it's written at practically ALL HOURS OF THE DAY. You can tell that all I ever think about and all I ever talk about is Psychic Phenomenon.
It means there's a high probability that there's Truth to when I say I study Psychic Phenomenon hardcore. I eat, breathe, and sleep this stuff and it consumes me.
When people claim they're Psychic, that's fine. However:
- HOW are you Psychic?
- How do we measure that you're Psychic?
- Do you have pictures?
- Do you have Video?
- Do you have Visuals?
- Do they have Time Stamps?
That's why I set up this Process where I bond Psychic Readings to what happens in the Associated Press:
- People can verify that I must've come up with a particular idea because it was TRIGGERED by something that happened in the News.
- The News Article has a TIME STAMP
- Because it's a National or World Event, people can verify that the event did indeed happen
- When you come up with Random Thoughts that you claim are Psychic, but there's no Time Stamp to ANCHOR your Reading proving it occurred at such a time and place, it's harder to believe
I get tons of Psychic Readings every day, but over 50% of it is unprintable because you can't prove it. However, it still helps to state it because you never know if it will be useful for a future reading in the next 24 hours.
On top of that, just because you can't prove it doesn't mean it didn't happen. You can still print it. Just know that when it comes to the Scientific Community, they'll disqualify it.
When it comes to Psychics that claim that they've been studying or practicing for years, most of them don't have any real proof. They probably do have Psychic Experiences, but they don't document them.
My methods may be unusual, but at least I tell you how I track Psychic Phenomenon and lay out what Signs you're supposed to look for tha I claim are examples of Psychic Phenomenon.
I work really hard on my Psychic Journal. I pour a lot of energy and thought into it.
Let's not forget that the Psychic Realm is still considered unknown because nobody can agree on how Psychic Phenomenon works. Since nobody can pinpoint how and why, people argue on that point.
There's no established curriculum.
The nice part is that we finally have the Technology to keep up with it. That's why I use a Screen Capture Program to take pictures of my Computer Desktop AS IS so that people will see exactly what I'm seeing in front of me on my computer.
I used to take Digital Camera Pictures from September 2004 - November 2004 and posted those as well. However, nobody bothered to look at my Research and Findings.
Everyone was so sure I was wrong about Psychic Phenomenon and that there is no way that I could be right in a million years. So none of my Evidence was submitted.
That's just like being in prison and there's proof to show that you really are innocent, but nobody will read it. You see it in "Shawshank Redemption" where there was proof that shows that Andy was innocent. However, the Warden wouldn't look at it and was even guilty of killing the only witness possible.
- I said 12/28/2005 that the actor who played the Warden on "Shawshank Redemption" was the Captain of the U.S.S. Phoenix on "Star Trek: TNG"
- Phoenix is in Arizona
- I said 3/10/2006 that Arizona was inducted 2/14
- I said Davis is born 2/14 for Valentine's Day
- I said you have Isabella VALENTINE
There all kinds of hidden tags that indicate who did what. People wonder how it's possible to know and manage Information. It can be done if you're taught the correct things.
I said that even though I've been actively practicing for 2 years, I've been "learning" for 26 years. It started since chidhood with all the memories I collected.
That's how I can tell when people are playing games with me. I'll just cross-reference with what I did or witnessed while I was growing up. Then when Subconscious Minds are hinting to me things, they just align it with a particular memory I have so that I know what happened.
- Even when you look at this Journal ID Number, it's # 2128619
- 2/128-619 = Gemini(2) Mom(128/12-8) San Diego(619)
- I said 7/5/2006 in my previous post that Isabella Valentine lives in San Diego, which has the 619 Area Code
- I said LiveJournal uses a Random Number Generator where you can't influence the Numbers directly
- Anyone following along in my Journal knows how I use Variables that assign meaning to Letters and Numbers
That's how I can manifest Psychic Abilities, which is a lot more most other Psychics can do because they either don't have an established pattern they've set or haven't documented their Research.
If people can believe those Psychics that haven't documented their Research, I should have equal or more credibility when I write everything out and show the Mathematical Process in which to track what I do.
As I said, it may be Circumstantial Evidence where the Data is inconclusive, but when you keep on manifesting the same results after 30 or 40 experiments, that's when you have to concede there's a pattern worth looking into that you shouldn't easily dismiss about the Method I use.
It just takes time. It shouldn't come as a surprise though because the Planet didn't want people to find it. If it was that obvious, people would've picked up on it decades or centureis ago.
It had to be very subtle or obscure so that when the time came to reveal it, all those Mathematical Tags would light up with the Celebrities, Historical Figures, and Events that occurred on certain dates.