I made mention in my letter to my mom about Myrrh from the Three Kings:
- M(Y)R[R]H = M(I)R[T]H
- Male(Y) = God(I)
- Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) = Female(T/20/XX)
- Scott's online handle is Mirth
- M(IR)th = M(A)th when IR (My Initials) = God(A)
- Math was a God in Celtic Lore
- Ma/T-H = Ma Fe-Male(T/20/XX) Superman(H) = Ma IR on(Fe) Male Superman
That's why you see all me always joking around when I play around the Numbers.
I referred to the poem
"If" by Rudyard Kipling.
- My mom tried to get me to memorize it in 4th Grade
- 4 = IV in Roman Numerals = Isabella Valentine
- Isabella Valentine didn't want to learn the Instructions I gave her on how use her "God Powers"
- The 4th Child was Auntie Mildred
- She gave birth to Mimi born 12/25
- She wanted my Glass Case, and I still think she's the one who stole them because they "disappeared"
- In exchange she gave me a Pen with a Parrot on it...LOL
- I've been using that "Pen" (Live Journal Entries) to "parrot" what people do...LMAO
During my 1993 South Kitsap High School Graduation, Sara Messer read the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling:
- Sara Messer edited the last line so it said "person" instead of "Son"
- In "Da Vinci Code," it says that the daughter of Jesus Christ is named "Sara"
- Messer = Mess(ENG)er - ENG
- Messenger = Messiah = Jesus Christ
- ENG = English
She was sitting up front with Angela Pemberton:
- Angela = Angel
- Initials AP = Non-PA = Ma
- Ma = Mother
- So you see "Sara' (Jesus Christ) sitting up front with "Angela" (Mother Angel)
Neil Walker was the one who read a speech the Scott edited.
- Neil = Northeast(NE) Definite(Il/The-Italian)
- NE = VE in Greek
- VE = 55 = LeoLeo = SunSun = Gemini Sun
Every gave Neil Walker a standing ovation for that speech. The Spirit of the Content was his, but it was Scott who was in the background who didn't get any credit for it.
I remember sitting next to Scott at the Wall in front of the Business Section while he was proofreading and cleaning up Neil's Speech. I asked Scott how he felt about it.
He said that as long as people like, he can be content with that. That's just like Scott not to take credit for things or hog any glory. No offense to Neil, but when the entire Graduating Class and all the Families in attendance where clapping for Neil, I was clapping for Scott.
I was one of the few who knew what was really going on:
- I sat behind Kristin Tindall.
- She was the Valiedictorian
- No offense to Kristin, but she had a perfect 4.0 GPA but was never in any of the Advanced Placement Classes
- KT = Aquarius(K/11) Female(T/20/XX)
- I sat directly behind her because it's symbolic of how I use a "Fe-Male" Game Character to run this Software Program
- I said Queen Elizabeth II = Queen Isabelo the Gemini
The letter to my mom is just explaining how she's a "Back-Up Copy" or a reinforcement when other people try to discredit.
You can discredit me all you want, but the Official Titles for my mom also run parallel to me. That's why you've got the Original Copy and then a Back-Up just like in Regular Software :o).
So even if one Copy gets "corrupted," you've always got the Back-Up Copy as a "System Restore."
That's why when it comes to me I'm the Public Figurehead and will most likely take all of brunt of the Bad Publicity. However, if you try to find dirt on mymom, it's going to be really difficult.
My mom's Credit History, Reputation in the Community, and Status is very hard to smear.
Even if people try to shoot me down my my claims against Davis or anyone else whom I've run across, you can't pin anything on my mom. In fact, Dvais owes money to my mom whom he hasn't paid back.
You know it's a bad Sign when you don't pay back "Go/D" :o). That's really Bad Karma.
My mom's INFERNALLY SMART. She's got a Bachelors Degree in Psychology and Social Work and a Masters Degree in Education. If people don't want to believe me and when it comes to my Wisdom that I've inherited from my mom, I can defer to my mom as "Go/D"...LOL
It's a really smart way of doing this. If I just say this stuff, it's just one random occurrence. However, if you've got TWO of them, that's a Pair. It's better yet if you have three to establish a Solid Line.
To: Mom
From: Rod
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 23:49:24 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: You're My North Star, "If" by Rudyard Kipling
I think what's special about it is that you can show Mathematically how you've had a profound positive impact in my life making me the person I am today.
I think that on an Unconscious Level you've been following your Core Beliefs.
You had to put a lot of work in raising me on your own after dad died.
- He died 3/22/77
- 3 = 3rd Sign = Gemini
- 22 = Letter V = 5 in Roman Numerals = Leo = Sun
- 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
- 3/22/77 = Gemini/Sun/IR
- I'm born in the Sun Sign of Gemini and "IR"
When it comes to Royal Blood, I found some interesting trivia:
- Actor Rupert Everett born on my birthday 5/29 played Prince Charming in "Shrek 2" and Everett is a City in Washington State
- Prince Rainier who married actress Grace Kelly is like Mount Rainier in Washington State where I'm born
- Edmund Hillary climbed Mount Everest 1953 on 5/29. Everest is the tallest mountain
I especially like the States
- Rhode Island:
- Rhode Island is inducted 5/29
- It's the 13th State
- Wisconson:
- Wisconsin is the 30th State
- It was inducted 5/29
- It's the Dairy State
- Da = "Give" in Spanish
- IR = My Initials
- Y = Male
You even have you as a Mathematical North Star:
- You're born 12/8
- L = 12th Letter
- H = 8th Letter
- 12/8 = L/H = LH
- NORTH = NO RT./H = No Right H
- L = Left
- Left = No Right
- (No Right) H = (L) H
There's this Celebrity Star named SUNny LEOne. She looks just like your 1961 Graduation Picture in your Study.
The Sun is a Star. So you're like my North Star and the Guiding Light because of all the Principles, Morals, and Ethics.
From a Mathematical Spiritual view, it fits with the 3 Kings that followed the North Star:
- I'm of Royal Blood
- I'd be a King
- 3 = 3rd Sign = Gemini
- I'm born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
I inherited my Intelligence from you as my "North Star." So I followed the "North Star" (what you taught me), which led me to my "Mathematical Spirituality."
- The third gift was Myrrh.
- M = 13th Letter
- Rhode Island = 13th State
- Rhode Island was inducted 5/29 (My Birthday)
- Y = Male
- RR = My Initials
- H = 8th Letter
- 8 = VIII in Roman Numerals
- VIII = Sun(V/5) Gemini(III)
- M-y/RR-H = 5/29(M) Male(Y) Rod Rodillon(RR) Sun Gemini(8/VIII)
Remember in 1st Grade when I was supposed to be one of the 3 Kings, but I "demoted" to being one of the Stars in Choir.
- Choir = C/Ho-IR
- C = 3 = 3rd Sign = Gemini
- Music Artist Prince is born 6/7
- 6/7 = 67
- 67 = Ho in the Periodic Table
- Ho = Prince
- C/Ho-IR = Gemini Prince IR
That fits with the other "Mathematical Divinity"
- All the Letters in CHRIST adding up to 77 = IR
- Dad is DeJesus ("Of Jesus") with Ramos as the original Royal Family Name, and
- My GODfather being 9/18 = IR.
What's funny is that you're even "Mathematically Divine"
- You named me "IR"
- IR = Go in Spanish
- Cancer = 4th Sign
- Cancer = Eternal Mother
- 4 = Mother
- D = 4th Letter
- God = Go/D
- You're my Mother
- Go/D = IR Mother
You are the "Mother of IR," and you would technically qualify as "Go/D."
Maybe that's why people shouldn't be messing around with you or getting on your bad side :).
I had been theorizing that the Sun in our Solar System is actually alive and would qualify as God.
- You sing in the Choir (C/Ho-IR)
- You're my MotherYou sing Alto
- Alto = Alt/O
- Alt = Alternative
- O = Circle = Sun
If Auntie Vess is born 12/24 on Christmas Eve and you're the 2nd Child, you'd be the Alt/O or the Gemini.
If you watch "Da Vinci Code," it talks about Mary Magdalene and reference to the "Rose" as a symbol of the Jesus Christ Bloodline.
- Auntie Rosemarie = Rose/Marie
- Marie = Maria = Ave Maria.
Uncle Bong is the 5th Child:
- 5 = 5th Sign = Leo = Sun
- He married Florida
- Florida = "Flower" in Spanish
- Florida State is shaped like a Male Organ
- Male Organ = Rod = Ruler
Uncle Bong told me that Auntie Florida got her birthday wrong:
- She thought she was born 3/29
- Uncle Bong said her birth certificate is 3/30
- Wisconsin = 30th State
- Wisconsin is inducted 5/29
- 3 = 3rd Sign = Gemini
- 3/30 = Gemini 5/29 (Me)
- Florida is shaped like a "Rod" = Ruler
It matches up to my name "Isabelo Rod" as "Ruler Consecrated by God."
- Technically if you're the "IR Mother" and "Go/D," that's a Mathematically True Statement.
- You'd be "Go/D" who consecrated me as your "Son" as "Isabelo Rod."
You, as "Go/D," runs parallel to me as CHRIST = 77 = IR, being the Offspring of Grandma as a "Child of Light" (LT/12-20), with my stepdad with the Royal Family Name of "Ramos" with his mother "Of Jesus" (DeJesus), and my GODfather being born 9/18 (IR).
- Uncle Bong = Larry
- Larry = LA/RR-y
- LA = Los Angeles = Heaven
- RR = My Initials
- Y = Male
- LA/RR-y = Heavenly Rod Rodillon Male
Maybe that's why Grandma was always confusing "Roddy" with "Larry."
I've been doing research and found that the things that old people say during Alzheimer's Disease is based off of their Subconscious Mind.
Bear in mind, this is just Math Trivia. Even when it comes to Royalty, the one thing you taught me is that you can call some a Prince or a King, but it's only a Title.
You taught me that True Royalty comes from how you carry yourself and the responsible decisions you make in Life. You were always encouraging me to memorize
"If" by Rudyard Kipling.
There's that one specific line:
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much
These Mathematical Calculations are nothing more than a Certificate or a degree. When people obtain their degrees from Universities, they may have a sheet of paper that says they passed all the classes, but it doesn't mean that they actually apply what they learn or even remember what it is they studied after they've gotten their degree.
Parents passing wisdom to their children are teachers. If you're lucky enough to have a good parent that teaches you the right things, hopefully the child lucky enough to have such a parent comes away with that Knowledge handed down to them.
When it comes to having you as my mother, I feel very lucky and I don't need Math to prove that.
Your Son,
by Rudyard Kopling
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!