All the favorite vehicles are symbolic:
- I said 7/5/2006 about Airwolf, the General Lee, and KITT
- I said 7/3/2006 about Herbie
- Herbie = H(E[R]BI)E = He with EBI with R in it
- He = Gemini(He/Helium/2). I'm born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
- EBI = 529 = 5/29 = My Birthday
- R = AR = IR (My Initials)
- R = 18th Letter = 18 = God(1) Superman(8)
Herbie means "IR" (R) born on 5/29(EBI) born in Gemini(He).
Herbie Fully Loaded: 1 hour 30 minutes 45 seconds
ANNOUNCER: There's no place to go! Look out for the crash! Herbie... Herbie's on the FENCE! Herbie's on the FENCE!!!
- Fence = Fe/N(C)E = IR on(Fe) Ma in E(NE/Maine) with Communication (C) inside
- F(EN[C]E) = F/ENE with C in it = Virgo(F/6) Gemini(ENE/EVE in Greek/555/LeoLeoLeo) with Communication C/3/3rd Sign) inside
You see a similar theme in the movie "Racing Stripes" with a Zebra that pulls off a miraculous win like Herbie:
ROUGHSHOD: They say his dad's a horse and his mom's a fence:
- Horse = Superman = Super Sperm
- Mom = Fence = F = 6 = 6th Sign = Virgo
- Virgo = Virgin = Virgin Mary
- The Fence would the Electromagnetic Field surrounding the Planet
- Notice how the Ovum is always larger than the the Sperm
- The Sperm is TINY
- I said 1/17/2006 about the Planetary MYOSIS Process
If anyone is wondering how you get Jesus Christ or the Father that would be able to control or manage the entire Planet as "God," it would be through that Myosis Process happening on a Planetary Scale.
That's why you see my thoughts always "leaking" in the Associated Press because my Intellectual DNA pierced through that Shell Membrane and started bonding itself. Because Electricity courses through the entire Planet, it's like an explosion.
Millenium Falcon
You see the key passage in "Star Wars."
LUKE: What a piece of junk!
HAN SOLO: Hey! She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid
- Millenium Falcon = Initials MF = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Virgo(F/6/6th Sign)
- Vigo = V/IR-Go
- V/IR-Go = Sun(V/5/Leo) IR IR(Go-Spanish)
- Han = H/An = Superman(H) Indefinite(An)
- HA/N = Gemini(HA/81=9x9/IxI/II) God(N/V in Greek)
- Solo = Sol/O = Sun(Sol-Spanish) Sun(O) = Sun Sun = Gemini Sun
- S(OL)O = SO with OL in it = Significant Other(SO) with Sunny Leone(O/15+L/50=65=5x13) inside
Princess Leia was Carrie Fisher:
- Carrie Fisher = CF = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Virgo(F/6) = 666 = Anti-Christ
- Carrie Fisher is born 10/21 like my maternal Grandfather Hilario Mantac
- Hilario = Hilarious - US (United States). He was in the Philippines and not in the U.S.
- Man(T)ac = Man(I)ac when Female(T/20/XX) = God(I)
- Man/T-AC = Male(Man) Female(T/20/XX) 5/29(AC/13/Rhode Island)
- M(Ant)AC = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Indefinite Female(An-T) 5/29(AC/13/Rhode Island) = Gemini 5/29 with Ant inside
- That's how you get Peter Parker living with his "Aunt May." I'm born in the Month of May
- Ma-y = Mother(Ma) Male(Y)
- I said I'm the MALE Virgin Mary
I'm the Millenium Falcon. I may not look like much (just like Herbie and a Zebra), but I got it where it counts.
in "Return of the Jedi," the script was written where the Millenium Falcon was going to be destroyed. However, due to popular demand, the script was rewritten where the Millenium Falcon survives.
It's referring to me. I was brought back by popular demand rather than being destroyed in a tragic end. You see that scene where Han Solo is staring out at the ship.
HAN SOLO: Why does it see like this is the last time I'm going to ever see her again?
- I said 2/19/2006 that I'm General Akbar in the CA-L.A./MA-RI Cruiser
- CA.-L.A./MA-RI = California(CA) Los Angeles(L.A.) Mother(Ma) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
- I said I'm a Star
- All the Star Destroyers from the Evil Empire are shooting at me as the CA-L.A./MA-Ri Cruiser
- The People of Earth that think there's no such thing as Psychic Phenomenon are protected by the "Shield Generator"
I'm waiting for enough people to get wind of my Journal to realize I'm dead serious and spread word about my existence.
- All the people reading my Journal are the Ewoks
- The Technology is so primitive compared to the Evil Empire
- That's why you see me as C3PO "impersonating a God" using the Mathematical Decryption Code
- The 6 million languages represents the Subconscious Mind acting as a Universal Translator to talk to all the creatures on the Planet Earth
LUKE: Do you understand anything they're saying?
C3PO: Oh, yes, Master Luke! Remember that I amfluent in over six million forms of communication.
[Rod using his Subconscious Mind to communicate with all the Living things on the Planet]
HAN: What are you telling them?
C3PO: Hello, I think... I could be mistaken. They're using a very primitive dialect. But I do believe they think I am some sort of God.
Chewbacca and Artoo think that's very funny. Han and Luke exchange "what next?" looks.
HAN: Well, why don't you use your DIVINE INFLUENCE and get us out of this?
[Conscious Rod (Han Solo) yelling at Subconscious Rod (C3PO) to get us out of this financial mess and out of debt]
C3PO: I beg your pardon, General Solo, but that just wouldn't be proper.
[Conscious Rod's Moral Ethics where it would be rude to claim you're God]
HAN: Proper?!
[Conscious Rod getting mad at his Subconscious Mind]
C3PO: It's against my programming to impersonate a deity.
[That would be Rod who is an ATHEIST and doesn't WANT to impersonate a God because it's immoral]
Han moves toward Threepio threateningly.
HAN: Why, you--
Several Ewoks' spears are thrust in Han's face at the affront to their god. The Ewoks move in to protect their god and Han is surrounded by a menacing circle of spears, all aimed at him. He holds up his hands placatingly.
HAN: My mistake. He's an old friend of mine.
The Death Star Shield Generator is the "Scientific Placebo Effect" where people don't beleve in Psychic Phenomenon:
- Once you prove to people about Psychic Phenomenon and that my Theories are indeed correct, you open the Flood Gates
- People suddenly realize that is Scientifically possible to cast Hexes, Curses, and Spells from Long Distance
- Once people realize they're vulnerable, that's the Shield Generator going down
- The Rebel Alliance is rebelling agains the Matrix that Neo (Variation of Superman) is fighting against to liberate people or "unplug" people
When it dawns on you about how the Subconscious Minds influence people and you learn not to fall for things, that's you unplugging from the Matrix. Agents (Software Programs) can only influence people who are plugged into the System.
- Once that Shield Generator is down, I can go in as the Millenium Falcon to destroy the Death Star
- In the mean time, I'm in a hanging or waiting period caught between the Death Star and the Star Destroyers pinning me down
- You won't see any help or aid thrown my way until we get that Shield Generator down
- That's why it all hinges on the little Ewoks (people reading my Journal) to get to the word out to their "little tribes" to go in through the back door
- T/RI-BE = Female(T/20/XX) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Gemini(B/2) Sun(E/5)
That's how you get a
- Dia = Completely
- D/IA = Sun Female(D) I o' WA(IA)
- Tribein = to rub
- That's why when people read my Journal about how I got SCREWED OVER, I'm seeding "Dia Tribes"
- Tribes have Indians
- That's why as the U.S.S. Enterprise, I use my WA/RP Indians to go really "F as T" :o)
- Everyone else is just running on "Impulse Power" where they don't plan very far ahead.
- I plan months, years, and decades ahead
- I call ahead to make "Reservations" Indian Reservations...LOL
- Indian Reservations = IR = My Initials :o)
If anyone tries to stake claim to my Scientific Discoveries or PLAGIARIZE MY WORK, I've got "Indian Reservatiosn" (IR) that prove I was the orignal Discoverer :o)
That's why the Planet came up with a Mathematical way of proving Authority and Legitimacy:
- I said 6/20/2006 about "Mathematical Divinity" in my Family Tree
- I said it plugs in like a Software Program with the Electromagnetic Field acting like a Planetary Local Area Network (LAN)
- I said 6/21/2006 that my mom's "Technical Definition" unlocks as "Go/D"
- I said 6/22/2006 how you get a Mathematical Immaculate Conception with me as a MALE Virgin Mary
- That's how you get your Planetary Myosis.
You see another layer of my personality as Luke Skywalker:
- I said that Davis was selfish and pawned my Car in Summer 2005
- I didn't have any transportation and would have to WALK or be a "WALKER"
- I said I'm from South Kitsap(SK) and Male(Y) = SK-y
- Darth Vader uses the Force
- Force = Mass x Acceleration
- Force = MA = Mother
That's why if anyone wants to get pissed on how I earned the Darth Vader Title and have been able to command the Force around the Planet, they can blame the "dumb, selfish Black Guy" who made the "Darth Vader" Prophecy come true...LOL
- Why do you think it was Ronald Reagan (RR/My Initials) who was trying to pass the Stars Wars Defense Initiative? (SDI)
- I said that Isabella Valentine was originally assigned for the post
- I said 4/7/2006 how Isabella Valentine thought the whole story about Psychic Phenomenon was a load of crap
- I said 10/27/2005 that Isabella is from San Diego (SD)
- She would've been SDI = San Diego God(I)
- The code for San Diego is 619
- 619 = 6/19= Virgo(6/6th Sign) Superman(19/S)
- 619 = 61/9 = Non-Superman(61/Non-19/Non-S) God(9)
That's why my cousin Helen resides in San Diego. I said Sunny Leone is Helen of Troy or Helen S/Later (Superman Later).