LESSONS: Columbo Approach, Psychic Forensics Readings

Jul 05, 2006 11:26

One of the things about perspective is that when people disagree, it causes arguments.

The reason why I will tend to get into arguments with other Psychics is because of differing ideas.
  1. Some Psychics will disagree with my Theories and claims
  2. They have their own ideas on how they think it works

The reason why I'm so sure about my Theories is because I've dedicated 9,000 hours of work. It may sound lame to people because I'm harping about that point, but it's the most TANGIBLE evidence that I have.

When you look at my Journal Entries from September 2004 - July 2006, you can tell by the content and the amount of writing that I've done on the subject where 99% of it is dedicated to Psychic Research, that I've put in the time and effort when it comes to studying this stuff.

Even if you have no clue whatsoever when you first begin studying something, you have to admit that anybody who dedicates over 9,000 hours of research, study, and experimentation has got to know SOMETHING about the subject or field they've been working in.

Because there are no other really tangible methods of measuring what someone knows about something, my Journal serves as proof that I've been plugging away hardcore at this.

When you read the content of my Journal and the way I formulate ideas, you can tell that I'm not your ordinary blogger just spouting out opinions. When I develop theories, I'll provide you with web site links to third party sources showing you where I got my information from.

That what you're supposed to do.

In math, you're not supposed to just come up with the answer. You're supposed to SHOW YOUR WORK.

With all due respect other people who claim they're Psychic, you can take their word for it, but some people want to see proof.

Where is your WORK that indicates that you are an expert in this field?

No offense to people who claim they're Psychic and most likely are, but you have to admit that anybody can walk off the street and say, "Hi, I'm Psychic."

People want to see your work. It shouldn't come as a surprise:
  1. If someone says, "I'm an artist," people will ask to see your artwork
  2. If someone says, "I'm an architect," people will ask where your buildings are
  3. If you're an actor, they'll want to see your resume listing what films you've been in
It shouldn't come as a surprise when people who are attempting to take you seriusly OR are just skeptics that want to prove you wrong want to see PROOF.

People can boo at my approach and call it lame, but at least it SEE it. At least I show you something. How many Psychics do you know actually show their stuff and you can follow it and track what they do?

You can go to my Psychic Journal and peruse all my Research and Notes to your heart's content.

People may find my methods unorthodox because I use unusual Mathematical Formulas to derive my answers and Divination Readings, but at least it's TANGIBLE. At least you can track it.

Even if it seems obscure in the short-term, obscure references doesn't mean that the Theories are incorrect. It just means that the DATA IS INCONCLUSIVE.

That's why you have to take the COLUMBO APPROACH.
  1. Columbo always came off like a dufus
  2. He'd sound so stupid that the villains would laugh and fail to perceive Columbo as a threat
  3. He was all cross-eyed, grubby looking, and "seemed" to ask the STUPIDEST QUESTIONS
  4. At the end, you'd find out that his dumb questions weren't really that dumb after all and his roundabout logic would catch the crook
Someone once told me that with the Columbo Approach, in the short-run it may seem like circumstantial evidence. However, if you start getting 30, 40, or 50 examples that all match, then you have to notice that something fishy is going on.

It's the same thing with my Journal:
  1. Anyone who starts reading my Blog or Journal won't see anything out of the ordinary
  2. If you've only seen one or two "coincidences," it doesn't look that impressive at all
  3. However, if you stick with my Journal and you pay attention to the consistent method I use with the variables and symbols, you'll always see the Data align
  4. I always talk about the same variables and the same people
  5. Readers may get tired of it, but you get familiar with the variables I'm using so that when I cite references, you'll know what I'm talking about
The same thing is said about learning to read the Wall Street Journal. My Personal Business Finance Teacher Professor Rick Abderhalden said that it will usually take you about 6 months to get used to the lingo and jargon used in the WSJ.

However, once you become familiar with the terms, you can see it. It's the same thing with learning any new language. When you read through my Journal, you're learning a new language.

It's just like a Computer Code. If you expose yourself to it long enough, you'll start to make sense of certain things and understand what they do. Then when you fill in the pieces of the puzzle, you can start to make out what parts of the program mean.

You do the same thing when you learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, and any of the Romance Languages. You can piece together what some of the words mean in a sentence and then make out from context what the rest of it means.

When you listen to proficient speakers of a foreign language talking, they speak really fast. The way that I communicate the Mathematical Decryption Code is really fast because I can speak it fluently.

People who are slowly immersing themselves in the language are getting used to it. However, I bet that anyone who puts some serious thought and time to understand what I'm saying with the way the decrypt the Words will start to see it manifest in their daily reading.

When they see things happen in the News and they start "reading between the lines" and paying attention to the visual cues with the Letters, Time Stamps, Initials of the People involved, etc. they'll pick up on the underlying Data Transmission.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that the Planet would be sending Low Level Transmissions that are like a Sublayer of Communication because it's not intrusive. It's like the Background or Scenery.

When you use Computer Code, whatever language you've written the Software Program in is the basis and you'll see reflections of that. So when you listen to the Data Transmissions in the Associated Press and you pay attention to the "Background Music" that's playing, you're listening to the Planet.

The reason why the people in the news are distinctive by Initials is because that's the TRUNK of the TREE. The words that follow after are the Leaves and Branches.

When it comes to control, you wouldn't want to have direct control over the Leaves and Branches. You just want to make sure the Tree Stem or Trunk is growing in the direction it's supposed to grow. You don't need to control the rest of it. You'll kill the tree because that would be MICROMANAGEMENT.

People think that if I have these "almighty Psychic Powers" that I should be able to smite people and cite things right down to tee. That's unrealistic. That's like predicting that someone is driving from San Diego to Los Angeles and being able to tell exactly what lane they were driving in, when they switched lanes, and where along Interstate 5 they changed lanes.

Who cares? As long as you got from San Diego to Los Angeles. That's the most important point. When people try to nitpick about my Psychic Readings, those people usually aren't even qualified to judge what is or isn't Psychic. They haven't even developed the skill.

With all due respect to other Psychics, most of them know how to drive the car (using their Psychic Abilities), but if you asked them to check under the hood and tell you what are the components that make up the car allowing it to work, they really couldn't tell you or are vague.
  1. The Planet even jokes about how I'm Asian.
  2. I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a Car
  3. Ever notice how Asians like to dismantle their cars and rebuild them?
  4. That's what I did with my Mind as a Car
  5. C/AR = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) IR(AR)
  6. I took out the Engine and put a new one
  7. I installed a huge SPOILER on the End (I spoil the ending by telling you what's going to happen)
  8. It's got a huge F/IN = Virgo(F/6) Final(I+N=W)
  9. I put huge RI/Ms on the Wheels. RI/M = 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) = Gemini(2) 5/29
  10. I gave it a new "Pa in T" Job. Pa in T = Father(Pa) in Female(T/20/XX)
  11. My C/AR has T-H/IN T/IR-ES = Female(T) Superman(H) Final(I+N) Female(T) IR Northwest(ES)
  12. I use Go/OD Y/Ear T/IR-ES = IR(Go-Spanish) Ovedose(OD) Male(Y) Ear(IR) Female(T) IR Northwest(ES)
Ever notice how you've got the Good Year B/Limp (Communication Limp)

You've also got the M/ET Life B/Limp. M/ET = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Alien(ET).

It sounds stupid the way I break things down into individual letters, but that's how you do "Mathematical Incantations."
  1. With anything, you divide and conquer
  2. When you eat, you don't swallow then entire chunk. You're supposed to chew
  3. C/Hew Communication(C) Cut(Hew).
  4. THat's how you get a Chew Chew Train = Gemini(2) Chew Training(Train/Lessons)
  5. I said I'm the Virgin MOTHER
  6. Because you're all learning like babies, I spoonfeed you doing the "Chew Chew Train" :o)
I wasn't kidding when I said the Planet has a silly sense of humor and where everything is symbolic.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Kevin's "Freaking" Reflective
Date: Jul 5, 2006 6:11 AM

That is the single greatest analogy ever . Wait am I a mounds bar?

It just amazes me in general the things people get mad at me for. I will never get it and I probably should give up trying to.

To: Kevin's "Freaking" Reflective
From: Rod
Date: Jul 5, 2006 12:43 PM
Subject: Social Etiquette, Rich Kids, Perspective, Ho Hos, Twinkies

A lot of people get into arguments when they assume things about other people.

A lot of it does depend on your upbringing. The reason why you get spoiled brats is because they lead a pampered lifestyle where the parents cater to them.

The reason why it's hard for parents to say no to kids is because you can't lie to them if you're rich. It's obvious that you have money.

I was a Direct Sales Trainer and the one thing we taught all our reps is that you should always find out how much money a potential client has. Once you find out how much they've got, it's all just a matter of getting them to spend it.

When it comes to rich kids, they're not stupid. They know their parents have a lot of money. So they can throw a tantrum, kick, scream, and be difficult until the parent caves in.

For some reason, rich kids can take an attitude that their parents are being selfish or unfair. However, if you really take things into perspective, it's not the kids who are paying for the utilities, water bill, cable, phone lines, etc.

My personal philosophy is that if the kid breaks the neighbor's window or their personal property whomever pays for it, especially if it's the parent, is the one who makes the house rules and can dictate how they can spend the money and how much of an allowance they can give to their children.

I had a really awful experience in business because I let my "Nice Guy" personality get the better of me where I don't complain.
  1. This guy used my credit cards stiffing me with $20,000 debt that has been on there for 3 years
  2. He took out over $20,000 in personal loans from me and my family
  3. He pawned my car for a "business deal" that ended up falling through
  4. He borrowed $15,000 that he didn't invest, which is embezzlement. To make it worse, he LIED about what he did with it to cover it up
  5. He was on my Cell Phone Plan for two years unable to pay and wouldn't get off of it. He was like a leech and being a squatter until I cut the flow and let the Cell Phone Plan fall into delinquency to where he was forced to go and get his own cell phone plan
  6. He'd been stringing me along to be his personal assistant doing all his tech support, checking his E-mail because he doesn't have a computer
This all leads up to March 2006 when he put his foot in his mouth and said how he wants to fly from L.A. to Vegas to gamble. I know that when he gambles he spends $300.00. He hadn't paid a single red cent back.

So I baited him with a question about all this work I'd been doing and the loans and said, "When are you going to be able to pay me?"

Just as I thought, he laughed at me on the phone and said, "You don't do anything." I was so pissed off.

The whole reason why he conducts the business the way he does where he "seeks out potential investors" is so that he can have them spend their money on his supposedly "great ideas."

He may be a nice guy on a personal level, but those are the WORST people you have to watch out for. The dickheads and assholes who rip you off are the easiest to spot. That's Black and White.

It's the ones that are nice and charming with that likable personality that are hard to say no to because you really want to believe that they're going to come through.

Regardless of whether he's a nice guy or not, if he tried to take out loans for his business ventures the way he did for me and other people, no bank or financial lending institution would take him seriously.

If you want to go back to Psychology and perspective, the way that he would take an attitude with me about expenses doesn't even take into account the fact that he went to jail for fraud, which he neglected to tell me until I was about to find out.

If I had known about that early on, I certainly wouldn't have lent him as much money as I did or I would've had more leverage on him when he'd try to give me a "guilt trip" claiming that I should pull my weight as a business associate.

Now my credit is all fucked up, and I have to climb out the hole as a result of associating with him and having kept on listening to him and his bad business decisions.

The only time he admitted that he was wrong was after having lied for 3 months straight from January 2005 - March 2005 about the $15,000 loan he was supposed to use for 60 days and return with plus interest. He got caught having spent it on other things and thought he could get the money back in time without me and my family ever finding out about it.

The reason why this is such a major point in the realm of Psychology is that it shows how people will take certain airs with you if you don't point out their screw-ups.

For the first two years, I just kept quiet and never said anything. When people screw up, you should point it out ASAP.

They even teach that in Dog Training. When a Dog does something bad, you're supposed to bring it to the dog's attention immediately. You don't wait till hours or days later or else you'll confuse the dog.

The way that you have people badtalking you is where people don't realize the position that they're in or they don't understand your situation.

It may seem obvious to others watching about the financial transgressions that guy did, but to that person he still honestly believes it's not as bad as he thinks.

He likes to say, "Well, there are always risks in business." That's a really flippant attitude for someone to take when during the time they were asking for money they were insistent and tried to pass themselves off as an expert in a particular field.

That individual forgets the words he used to SELL me on his ideas with phrases such as "can't lose" and reassurances on how fast the money would be returned.

These are the hard lessons you learn. That's why when people front an attitude about what they did or didn't get, a lot of times it's because of lack of experience and not fully understanding the situation.

This is where Intelligence and Comprehension plays a factor. It all depends on what you understand.

For example, I have a lot of people who are ticked off at me because they think I act "cuckoo" when I get mad at them for some of the things they do.

Some of the things they do are because I take "Psychic Forensics" Readings and can tell when something they've done has caused a major shift or negative trend that results in other people getting hospitalized or even killed.

So you'll have me yelling at them and they're just like dogs that will look at you blankly because you're like the dog owner that is yelling at the dog for having chewed on the sofa cushions or pooped all over the floor.

Just like the dog that doesn't understand english or long sentences, all they hear is, "Blah blah blah BAD DOG!!!! Blah blah blah blah!!!"

Comprehension and understanding goes both ways. As you become an Online Celebrity, the people who badtalk may have little understanding or choose to take offense. You're also a moving target because you're the most visible.

Those things can't be held. You just have to roll with the punches. There's always going to be that small percentage of people that are going to bitch and complain about you even if you haven't done anything wrong.

Sometimes it's because they don't empathize with your situation or they have psychological issues that they're projecting onto you from their past experiences.


P.S. - Mounds alright. In the realm of sweets, it makes you wonder about those Ho-Hos. I'm Asian so I'm a Twinkie: White on the inside and yellow on the outside :).

tires, columbo, humor, psychic, forensics, lessons, advice, cars, trains, asian, wisdom

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