Here's a cool Sign regarding Random Number Generators and Subconscious Minds:
- My niece Stacey mentioned about the movie "Superman"
- Notice how my niece Stacey posted at 9:25 am
- I said 11/6/2005 that CHRISTopher Reeve is born 9/25
Amy posted at 3:08 pm on 5/26/2006:
- I said 5/26/2006 that Jessica Jaymes sent me a Friends Request
- 3:08 = 3/08 = 3/8 = 38
- I said 2/14/2006 that Jessica Jaymes is born 3/8
- 3/8 = Gemini(3/3rd Sign) Superman(8/H/Pisces/Fe-ET/IRon Alien/Man of Steel)
- I said 1/23/2006 that Jessica Jaymes' Initials JJ = 10/10 = Death Anniversary of CHRISTopher Reeve
In the Scriptures, it says, "On the Third Day, he rose again in Fulfillment of the Scriptures":
- Amy who posted on the Time Stamp symbolizing the Death of CHRISTopher Reeve as Superman, posted it on 5/26
- I said 3/9/2006 that my Birthday is 5/29 = Three Days from 5/26
- I said 10/7/2006 that all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table (My Initials)
- That's how you get a Mathematical Resurrection of Christ ;)
- I said 4/28/2006 that my Superman Software Program is a Psychic Astral Project of me :o)
I can create Mathematical Occurrences Random Generators
When people post Blogs and Journals unconsciously where they don't make a Conscious Effort to pay attention to what they're doing, they're inadvertently serving as Organic Random Number Generators
In "Smallville," you see how Clark Kent dies, but gets resurrected.
I'm just showing how it's possible to create Symbolism using Math. What makes it special is that it's Supernatural or of a "Divine Influence" because it's coming from the Planet Earth as a Super Computer.
My Superman Software functions just like Harry Potter's Patronus Spell summoning an Astral Deer
- Harry's Patronus Spell scares away the Dementors
- De/Mentor = Un-Mentor = Un-Teach
- When people try to "unlearn" or convince me out of believing I'm Superman, I use my "Patronus Spell"...LOL
- In "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," you see Dementors that suck the Life and Joy out of you and taking your Will to Live
- Real Dementors are the Skeptics, Critics, and people who jeer at you saying you tell you you're going to fail
- They suck your Will to Live...LOL
There's a scene where you see all the Dementors swarming all over Harry Potter's Godfather:
- When Harry Potter uses the Patronus Spell that casts out all the Dementors, that's me (Rod) as Harry Potter posting in my Journal all the Information and Data that Mathematicall points to me as being the real Jesus Christ and Superman.
- What you're seeing in the Movie is the THEATRICAL version of what I'm doing
- It's just good storytelling :o).
- When people tell me that I'm just imagining things, I get endowed with Superhuman Strength when I get infused with Knowledge
- That's how I transform into Superman and POUND people into the Ground with the Knowledge I have making them look stupid because they don't have an actual Logical Explanation aside from simple Prejudice or Ignorance
I said all movies are Prophetic:
- Sirius Black represents me who got framed as being guilty for killing Harry Potter's Parents
- Sirius Black is the Godfather of Harry Potter. I said 12/31/2005 that my GODfather is born 9/18/1933 = I/R/S-CK = IR Superman Clark Kent
- Sirius Black = SB = Scott Boone
- I said James Marsden, who plays Cyclops or Scott Summers, is born 9/18 like my Godfather
It was really Peter Pettigrew who betrayed Harry Potter's Parents:
- Peter Pettigrew is Isabella Valentine
- You see how Peter Pettigrew is a coward
- AZ/KA-Ban = Valentine(AZ/Arizona/2-14) Florida(KA/Non-AK/Non-Alaska) Exile
- I said that Isabella VALENTINE banished or exiled me
Sirius Black was the Godfather and trying to STOP Peter Pettigrew (Isabella Valentine) who escaped
- You see how it's BELLAtrix (IsaBELLA) married to RODolphus who KILLS Sirius Black
- That was Subconscious Scott, my best friend, who was trying to protect me as Harry Potter
- However, Isabella in Real Life was able to POISON the minds of both Bliss and Scott accusing me of being a Psycho Stalker
- It was a bogus or BULLSHIT claim
- I said I wasn't talking to Isabella and that SHE was the one who sent me an Instant Message 4/1/2004 inviting me to talk to her
- Then when Charlie of BCB came home early from Vacation, Isabella acted like a cheating housewife whose husband came home early because Charlie told her not to talk to me
- Isabella didn't tell me that Charlie was away on Vacation
- I said 5/1/2006 that I specifically asked her if she was sure it was okay for us to talk and she reminded me that she was the one who invited me
Isabella just slipped away leaving me to get flamed and get in trouble with everyone:
- That's why you see that Omen where Davis born VALENTINE's Day was in car accident October 2002 and walked away without a Scratch
- Davis born VALENTINE's Day runs parallel to Isabella VALENTINE
- Everyone is all defending Isabella when she was the one who caused the mess
- That's why in Truck that crashed into Davis' BMW was driven by another person named BLANEY
- Blaney is a unique name. It's RARE
- The way that Davis handled the Business Affairs was me as the Shiny New BMW (Rod) that Davis was driving
- For Davis to blame the BMW for not looking both ways before entering the Intersection is the same way Davis tries to claim that I should've been the one have seen the Truck coming
- Why do you think in the Drivers Guide Manual for California it says that if the Person in the Passenger Side is UNDER THE AGE OF 15, the Driver will get a Ticket?
- Why do you think Child Molesters go to JAIL for sexually abusing children who don't know any better?
- The way Davis gave me the song and dance about having everything put in my name with the Credit Cards and finances without me realizing that he'd gone to jail for Fraud is like a Child Molester who sexually abuses a Child who doesn't know any better
How would you like it if you enter the Psychic Realm and I find a way to "PSYCHICALLY STEAL $20,000" off of you? Then I just turn around and say:
- "Well, you're over the age of 21"
- "You should've known better since you were a consenting adult"
- "That's your fault. Tough luck."
Is that fair?
- I said I got mad at Kelly Deva
- If you do a Search on the Key Word "Kelly" during August 2005, you see all the questions she was asking about Psychic Phenomenon
- She wanted wanted to learn more about Psychic Firewalls
- I said 9/29/2005 about Psychic Sex and she got offended at the idea of her Subconscious being sexually intimate with me
- I said 9/29/2005 that Kelly backpedaled and she "shoved me" where I fell over backward
- I said 10/4/2005 that when I "fell over" it caused 33 people to accidentally get killed as a backlash
- I had a SHIT FIT about it because Kelly wanted to learn all about Psychic Phenomenon and then when one of the Experimetns EXPLODES she didn't want to accept responsibility for her actions
What else do you EXPECT when you start playing with Fire?
You're playing with Volatile Chemicals that are LETHAL enough to harm, maim, or even KILL people. That's why I got pissed and I kicked Kelly off of my Psychic Journal. I take Death seriously. Who's going to ATONE for all the Grieving Families who lost loved ones?
How would YOU like it if you found that your relative or significant other died because of a PETTY Lover's Quarrel? All because of Negligence and Ignorance? You'd be pissed, wouldn't you?
Those grieving families don't even know what happened. That's why I feel JUSTIFIED in calling certain people I've run into as SELFISH BRATS that aren't contingent on age:
- I don't care if you're 69 years old
- You can still be a brat
- Do you know that my own stepdad SULKS like a Kid when he doesn't get his way with my mom?
- My mom's really intelligent and can come up with Practical and Logical Answers
- My stepdad doesn't have a High School Diploma
- So he resorts to sulking
I also pointed out that there are people who are half my stepdad's age (69) who have Bachelors Degrees, Masters Degrees, and Ph.Ds. Age doesn't mean anything. It just goes to show that when people older than me think they can front a bitchy attitude with me just because I'm physically 31 years old doesn't mean squat.
Just because you're older doesn't mean you learned the right things.
I had Subconscious Charlie on my team who was in his 40s who thought he should be leader and thought he knew more. It's because of that STUPIDITY and STUBBORNNESS that as soon as he got control, that stupid Tsunami hit in Christmas 2004 killing over 130,000 people.
I yelled at him. I was so furious. He was so DUMB because he thought he was so damn smart. People think they're so fucking smart and then when they get control, THEY FUCK IT UP.
That's why I get pissed at how Isabella, who fronts a BITCHY attitude toward me, made a mess just like Davis born Valentine's Day and walked away from it without getting any blame while I took the fall.
- Peter Pettigrew is a RAT
- I said Davis is born Year of the Rat
I said Davis born VALENTINE's Day runs parallel to Isabella VALENTINE:
- I said 5/26/2006 about the Huge Clue regarding the Number Mark on Magneto's Arm from the Holocaust that starts with "214" for Valentine's Day
- It's hinting who the Villain is or who's being SNEAKY
- X-Men = X = 24th Letter = 24 = Letters BD = Davis' Initials
- "< href="">X-Men: The Last Stand" is produced by Brent RATner
- B/Re-TT = Gemini(B/20? Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic/1975) Male(TT/Non-T/Non-20/Non-XX
- RATner has Rat in it
- That's why in "There's Something About Mary" you see how Tucker drove BRETT Favre away
TUCKER: Are you shittin' me? He was like an Eagle Scout! Wait a minute, you guys should be kissing my fucking hairy bean bag. If it wasn't for me she would've gone and married THAT Schmuck.
That was ME (Rod) as the GOOD PERSON and how Tucker (Charlie of Bay City Blues) made up all that CRAP scaring Isabella Valentine as Mary. That's why it's Ben Stiller = BS = Gemini(B/2) Superman(S).
That's why I get irritated when people think they can BULLSHIT me with their own versions of the story:
- All I have to do is cause their Psychic Name/Number Tags to LIGHT UP
- I show how they align with what is seen in Popular Movies, Television Shows, and Music Lyrics
- It shows what Predictable Behavior they engaged in
Because everyone has seen all the Movies and T.V. Shows as well as heard all the Music, they'll know.
If all my other Psychic Readings and Divination Readings align with other things seen on T.V. and in the Movies, why would any of my other Predictions be wrong when I'm using the same Formula?
People can even do the Research on their own. They don't need me to do it. They can check the IMDB themselves and look at the Celebrities and when they were born, who they married, and the children they had.
You can look at the movies they were in, what year the movie was made, and the character they played.
When you use the Decryption Code to unlock the hidden meanings with the names, you see the Pattern of why certain Celebs played certain roles and what they did in conjunction to what people are doing right now with the things they say and do.
That's why I'm the Male Virgin MOTHER. As MOTHER, I'm supposed to be smarter than the KIDS. The Parent is naturally OLDER and more EXPERIENCED than the Kids. That's why when I went through "Psychic Boot Camp" two years ago, my Education, Intellgience, and "Virtual" Age got accelerated.