PROPHECY: "X-Men: the Last Stand," Valentine, 2/14

May 26, 2006 14:40

There's one scene in "X-Men: The Last Stand" that says it all:
  1. Magneto shows his ID Number that was printed on his arm from World War II as part of the Holocaust
  2. The Number is 214782
    1. I said 5/25/2006 that Isabella Valentine has a "214" or "Valentine" Tag
    2. 7(8)2 = 72 with 8 in it = Year of the Rat (Davis born Valentine's Day) with Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel) in it
  3. I said 5/25/2006 about Ian McKellan (Magnet) having the same birthday as Bliss on 5/25
  4. I said 11/11/2005 that Bliss and Isabella Valentine joined forces against me
Notice how you see the VILLAIN wearing a 214 Tag representing Isabella VALENTINE and indicating how Bliss (Ian McKellan/5-25) sided with the Bad Guys.

It means that when you see Valentine or 214 going FIRST and BEFORE, that's the dominating Number. That's how you know both Davis born Valentine's Day and Isabella VALENTINE were up to something FISHY.

People wonder how this can be Psychic or how it's possible:
  1. It's because the SCREEN WRITERS are plugged into that Electromagnetic Field
  2. I said the Electromagnetic Field encompassion the Planet interconnects everyone's thoughts
  3. The Subconscious Minds of the Screen Writers of "X-Men: The Last Stand" bore witness to what Isabella Valentine and Bliss did
  4. When they were having their Conscious Minds write the Script for the movie, they SLIPPED IN that 214 Tag
It's SEEMS random, but it's not.

That's how I'm able to tell if people are BULLSHITTING me or not. I just watch the Tags that show up in Movies, Television Shows, and Music Lyrics. When you assign Numbers to people, you can track them.

Like I said, you can't lie to the Subconscious Minds around the Planet because everyone's Eyes and Ears serve as the "Psychic Live Webcam Feed" and as SURVEILLANCE SECURITY CAMERAS for the PLANET.

That's how you get a GOD CONSCIOUSNESS that is aware of everything that's going on :P.
  1. I said jokingly on 5/22/2006 that I use "Spud Missiles," which are Potatoes that have EYES everywhere
  2. They MONITOR what people do
  3. When I assign Number and Name Tags to people, the News Articles that surface in the Associated Press the next day home in on them like "Psychic Heat-Seaking Missiles"
  4. Those Number and Name Tags start LIGHTING UP and all those Missiles start DETONATING around those people
That's why you don't want to have a Number or Name Tag associated with you that gets connected to something bad.

It works the other direction where GOOD things will happen in the news and be associated with those tags as well:
  1. I said 4/3/2006 how Kelly Deva was able to save 17 people from dying
  2. She had accepted me on her Friends List
  3. When she did that, the Plane did a "Belly Flop," but no one was hurt
If Kelly Deva had turned my Friends Request down, I guarantee you that some of those crewmen would've died because it would've reflected how I got rejected.

I said 10/4/2005 about the 33 people who died because of a spat that Kelly and I had. Kelly Deva "shoved me" and I accidentally "fell on some people."

I keep telling people that that I don't get mad at individuals without good reason. When I get the news and it shows that people got hospitalized or killed because of something they did, that's when I yell at people.

When someone is negligent and accidentally sends innocent victims to the hospital or gets them killed, that's a Legitimate Reason to chew someone's ass out, don't you think? :P
  1. I said 11/2/2005 that I yelled at Charlie of BCB for killing Mattie Stepanek
  2. I said 4/7/2005 how all the Women came to Charlie's Defense calling my Allegations a crock of shit and they all went off on me
  3. All those women chewed my ass out and I got flamed for it
As I said, as long as I keep on manifesting consistent examples of Psychic Phenomenon using the Decryption Code, it means that I was CORRECT and telling the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon and that those women condemned an Innocent Man and sided with the Killer.

I always knew my Psychic Forensics Tests were correct. That's why I can sit here and report Day after Day after Day using the SAME FORMULA how it works and where those Name and Number Tags GLOW under the Black Light showing who did what.

It makes all those women who went off on me look even worse in front of everyone for forming a Lynch Mob on me when I was the one trying to save lives.

That's why I keep repeating till I'm blue in the Face that Beehive Analogy:
  1. I tell someone that he shouldn't rattle the beehive because he'll piss off the bees. They'll come and sting him
  2. He laughs at me, calls me stupid, and ignores my warnings
  3. He grabs a stick and starts prodding the beehive
  4. The swarm of bees come out and start stinging him
  5. He has to go to the hospital for bee stings and runs up a a hospital bill
Do you think it's FAIR if he comes to me pissed off blaming me and then saying I'm the one who has to pay for the hospital bill?

If you've been warning someone about how there's trouble and you shouldn't do something, why should you get BLAMED when that person IGNORES what you said, does it anyway, and gets BURNED.

Then they come at you saying it's YOUR FAULT and how you should be the one to pay for the damages and the mess they made.
  1. It's like someone is playing with matches and gasoline
  2. You tell them that it's not a good idea to be playing with those two things inside your house and without a Fire Extinguisher
  3. You warn them that they may accidentally set their house on fire
  4. The person ignores your advice and just keeps on doing it
  5. The person accidentally sets his house on fire
  6. The person then COMES AT YOU and BLAMES YOU for his house being set on fire
  7. THe person then DEMANDS that YOU pay for the Damages to his house that HE burned down
Is that fair?

Where's the Logic in that?

When people start panicking and realizing that my Psychic Forensics Methods are indeed Legitimate, I'm not going to sit here and have people go off on me about how it's all "my fault."

I kept saying how it works. Nobody would listen.
  1. The Planet is having me do what Corporate Businesses do
  2. Verizon Wireless ando ther Companies have their Customer Service Reps work with people
  3. The Customer Service Reps make PAYMENT ARRANGMENTS with people
  4. The Customer Service Rep then gets a VERBAL COMMITMENT from people verifying that the individual states they're going to pay on a specific date
  5. When they fail to do so, they put it in the File
  6. They will continue to repeat this process showing a track record of inability to pay
  7. It's to protect themselves in court if that person tries to complain about unfair treatment
  8. The Company can supply those records in a Court of Law showing how that individual broke their word and was given multiple chances
The same thing goes for why I have to sit here and endure CRAP from years from people.

It's so that no one can easily chew my ass out:
  1. People will claim I stole these powers
  2. People will claim I was greedy and just took this power
  3. People will claim that they were never given any advance notice
  4. People will cliaim I didn't try hard enough
For anyone who follows along in my Journal, it's quite APPARENT how people feel about me:
  1. I've been called stuipd
  2. I've been laughed at
  3. I've lost my Friends
  4. I've had other Friends stop talking to me
  5. I've been publicly flamed where people jeer at me
  6. I've had Hate Mail sent to me talking about how retarded I am
  7. I've had people tell me I'm imagining things and should go see a shrink
  8. I've been told to fuck off and go away
All this stuff builds a case against everyone who tries to claim I didn't do my part. The way that Bliss, Isabella, and Charlie shut me out and refused to listen exemplifies the general social climate toward me.

How can you accuse someone of stealing power or not trying hard enough when it was made clear from the beginning that no one wants to listen to me or believe anything I said?

You can't have it both ways where you all point the finger and say it's Rod's Fault when by the same token the very people who try to blame me were the very ones who said that no such Psychic Abilities or Power exists.

You can't get mad at someone who is telling you how it all works and how to stop it when they don't believe it and then when people finally DO believe it, they all get pissed off and start blaming the person whom they said was wrong.

Like I said, go ahead and call me an asshole and stupid moron. I'll take the jeering, laughing, and people sneering at me today. That's fine. However, don't get all in my face 10 or 20 years from now blaming me for everything when you didn't believe it or claiming that I had some ulterior motive or agenda.

I said how it worked and people ignored me and thought it was ridiculous.

ian mckellan, lessons, valentine, advice, 214, 525, bliss, beehive, blame, isabella valentine, wisdom

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