I can take the story of my Family History one step further:
- I said 5/26/2006 about my cousin Mimi who is th daughter of my Auntie Mildred
- She was an only child just like me
- She named her daughter Ivy Ann
- IV-y = Isabella Valentine(IV) Male(Y)
- A/NN = God(A/1) Valentine(NN/2x14)
- IV-y A/NN = Isabella Valentine God Isabella Valentine
- Isabella Valentine God Isabella Valentine = Gemini(2) Isabella Valentine with God in it
Once again, we see how far-reaching htings are regarding my own family. All I have to do is just cross-reference the information my relatives told me about other family members showing what happened.
Ivy Ann was born about 10 years ago in the Philippines. I was only in College and about 19 or 20 years old. I hadn't met Isabella Valentine until 2/14/2004. A lot of the stuff I talk about was already predicted.
In some cases, you could even accuse me of being Hypocritical because I would say things like, "Thank God I never got pregnant!" It never occurred to me that when you hang out with the wrong people you can get "PREGNANT with thought" and have other people "SEED ideas into you."
People who impregnate you with DUMB IDEAS are the equivalent of getting you "knocked up" and where you have to nurse or take care of an idea. If it's a bad idea, you'll get strapped with that bad idea like a "bad kid" from a bad father.
- That is meant to say that women can take on Father Roles if they are the ones that seed a bad idea into you
- It means that men can take the Mother Role and get pregnant
- That's how you can get a Male Virgin Mary
You have to be careful with whom you choose to listen to.
In my eyes, getting impregnated with a DUMB or BAD IDEA is just like having a Kid when you're not financially or mentally capable of supporting that child.
- When Davis "impregnated" me with the idea of launching a company where I'd be the Financial Support lending my own personal credit and Credit Cards, that was a BAD IDEA.
- It wasn't well-formed because I didn't do a background check on Davis to discover that he had been doing jail time for fraud
- I said he wasn't guilty. I said that it was Vincent Lee who got away without being caught. However, if I knew about Davis' bad track record, I would've had LEVERAGE.
- Davis would NEVER have been able to borrow as much money from me or my Family the way that he did.
I said that when Davis was in need of money, he'd use the Guilt Trip on me.
He'd say things like, "Well, since I'm the one who's doing all the work, I feel justified in asking you for financial aid from your parents."
- This was before I knew that my own Psychic Abilities were streaming money into him.
- This was before I knew about how my own Family History showed what he was going to do
- This was before I knew that a lot of things were preset
The whole reason why my Family Tree is littered with clues is because Davis may someday try to give HIS account or version of the story and the people who are against me are going to want to believe him over me.
That's why you can view my Family Information that is verified by Birth Certificates and Names. You can actually track it so that it forces other people around me who try to push forward their own version of events have to deal with my own family.
That's because my own family bore witness to the things that happened in our Family Tree. Once you plug in my Psychic Abilities that remain consistent and see how the pattern I use is based off of Historical Figures, Public Information, Current Events, and Celebrity Stats, it establishes Credibility.
Adults are just like overage Kids. If they think no one is watching or there's no way to prove what happened, they'll give people their own version of events. It's always told from their perspective.
Tearoing People Down
I've been thinking a lot about
Brian's behavior yesterday in the car:
- I said he was talking to Julie about how I was supposedly a Kleptomaniac when I was 7
- He asked me in front of Julie if I've ever been diagnosed with Attention Deficit DIsorder
- That really bothered me because you usually don't ask thingsl like things in front of people unless provoked
Sadly enough, there are Adults out there that do stuff like that. They really don't know any better. There's no such thing as tact or courtesy. They're just thrown into the world and nobody tells them that they're being rude or they just continue doing what they're doing because they enjoy it.
The reason why I get offended by it is because Brian doesn't know my Life or my situation I'm in. Of course, I come off as absentminded:
- It's the same way that Peter Parker always appears FLAKY and DISORGANIZED to everyone including his Professors.
- Peter always has to drop whatever he's doing to go rescue some people
- Because spectators don't see this, all they see is Peter looking like a Scatter Brain
It's the same thing with me. I come off as scatterbrained or like the absentminded Nutty Professor. People think my head is off in the clouds.
That's one of the mian reasons why I write in my Journal that showcases my Thought Processes so that people don't get this idea that I'm a total space case. I may be out in La-La Land, but if you can keep up with MY thought processes and Train of Thought, you'll find that I'm thinking on a totally higher plane than most people.
It's to a point where it makes all the trivial things that people worry about seem so mundane.
Another reason why it's necessary to be outspoken about such stuff is because people will get the impression that there's nothing more to you and that tehy've figured you out based off of their observations.
I recommend that everyone should keep Blogs and Online Journals that are on public display because if you don't have anything to hide and aren't worried, people will always know what's on your mind. You should always worry about the people who are Posers.
- The reason why I have to as forthright and honest as possible on my Journal is because I don't know where or when a Psychic Occurrence is going to manifest based off of what I said in my Journal.
- I've had problems two years ago where I tried to keep certain Journal Entries private. Then when a Psychic Occurrence would happen, I'd go back and make that Journal Public AFTER THE FACT
- Making Journal Entries that CLAIM to be Psychic Predictions that are only made Visible to the Public AFTER something happens is unacceptable
- Even if you're telling the Truth about having actually posted that Journal Entry before the event occurred and you're merely explaining later on is insufficient
I even had an example a couple days ago:
- I said 5/23/2006 about my Letter to Sasha
- I said it's a Friends Only Journal Entry
- I took a Screen Capture of that Journal Entry showing the Hyperlink and highlighting the section where it says she's from Duke University
- It would've been easier to just make the Journal Entry Public
- The reason why I left it Friends Only and took a Screen Capture is so that the Date and Time Stamp of that Journal would remain SEALED
- It's so that people who check the File Entry's Time Stamp when it was last Edited would see that it wasn't added or planted there in the last couple days
I go through painstaking measures to make sure that my Psychic Journal has few documents that are tampered with or where it looks shady and as if it was doctored.
That's why I'm a HUGE fan of Random Number Generators. Unless you're an Administrator for a particular web site that can go in and manually edit things, Random Number Generators are just that: Random.
So when the Numbers on the Journal ID are chosen when I post in this Blog and they surface, at least you can get people to concede LUCK. Even if people don't believe you had any Psychic Influence, they have to admit that there was a huge Luck Factor involved.
If you keep on producing the same results consistently, that excuse about charging everything to Luck starts to sound really lame.
It's one of the best tools I have to work with because it's difficult to tamper with Random Number Generators.