I love my Screen Capture Software so much :o)
- Chet:
- Notice the name "Chet" as a User
- I said 5/27/2006 about the character CHET from "Weird Science"
- Chet is a unique name
- 666:
- There's an ad for the upcoming movie "6+6+6"
- I said 5/18/2006 how it's possible to have a Mathematical God and Mathematical Satan (Blue Devil)
- "Heed the Omen"
- "The Signs are All Around You"
- Johnny Stugotz:
- Joh(NN)y has NN = 2x14 = Valentine
- S-T u Go/T-Z = Superman(S) Female(T/20/XX) in Union with(U) IR(Go-Spanish) Female(T/20/XX) Aquarius(Z)
- I said 12/16/2006 that Bliss is JS
It's an example of Random Name Generators that can manifest words.
While it's true that Satan is deceptive, people play the Role of Satan all the time:
- Parents who lie and claim their kids can't do something because of the Boogeyman are being Satanic
- Urban Folklore about the man with the Hook who escaped from prison and almost killed a teenage girl and boy making out in a car was a scare tactic
- Claiming that Homosexuality is a Sin in the Bible was a scare tactic to keep people from discovering the Joys of Sex too early
I said that if people knew that Sex was pleasurable and fun, they would've experimented and eventually figured out early that the best sex would be for Gay Men to pair up with each other and women to go Lesbian so that they don't have to worry about accidental or unwanted pregnancies.
It was just easier for the Planet to scare people and tell them they were going to burn in Hell.
The Planet didn't want guys running off with each other sucking each other's dicks off and never getting anything productive done. Same with women. They'd just learn how to use Cucumbers and Corn to substitute for cock and never get anything done.
If you didn't have it listed as a Sin 2,000 years ago, you'd have whole Race of Human Beings fucking each other like Rabbits that are too dumb to invent anything and just have an overpopulation of STUPID PEOPLE that aren't bright enough to invent any Technology...LOL
If the Bible didn't list Homosexuality as a Sin, I guarantee you that we wouldn't have discovered the Internet, Technology, Computers, Laptops, and possibly Electricity. We'd still be in the Dark Ages and the only thing we'd have to show for it are people living in HUTS who know all the different ways you can pleasure people with Vegetables and different sexual positions to elicit the best orgasm...LMAO
Deep down you know it's true :o).
If the Bible didn't list Homosexuality as a Sin, we'd all be laying aroundo n the ground fucking each other. You'd have men running around fucking each other in the ass and figuring out what kinds of vegetables, fruits, and oils can be used as Anal Lube...LOL
Forget about Cars, Chemistry, Philosophy, Sociology, Calculus, Quantum Physics, or any of the Higher Level Concepts. Those people who needed to be born wouldn't get conceived because somewhere in their Family Blood Line two people who were supposed to get together as ancestors DIDN'T.
It would screw up the Technology Time Line.
Because people weren't smart enough to understand these higher level concepts, the Planet just FLAT OUT LIED by SCARING THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE with the SEVEN DEADLY SINS. That was good enough.
We're finally reaching a point in Society where the Religion isn't a good enough reason. People are much smarter and aren't as easily fooled. Humans finally qualify for the next Level of Maturity and knowing the REAL STORY and what's going on without panicking or going into Mass Hysteria.
That's why the Planet gave us "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" where it hints that it's Super Computer.
It says "DON'T PANIC" because it's trying to break the news to people gently so they don't freak out.
People who are no longer Superstitious or afraid of 6/6/6 coming means that people are mature enough to see past illusion.
If I say I'm Satan and I show you how it all works Scientifically, I assume you won't be scared. You shouldn't be when you know how it all works and find that it's just like the current inventions and technology we now enjoy.
I claim that people are like Organic Host Servers and Planet-Sized Brain Cells interconnected by the Planet's Electromagnetic Field creating a Cumulative Consciousness of Earth like that of the Human Mind's Electrical Field that would qualify as "God."
Subconscious Minds use Telepathy where they send "Psychic E-mail" to each other that bypasses the 5 Normal Senses and goes directly to the brain center and where the Subconscious Mind is a Driver and your Physical Body and Mind is the Car
You may not believe it, but at least you understood what I said, right? You can kind of humor me and acknowledge that it's theoretically possible based off of comparative technology we now use today.
(NOTE: I still say I deserve a Nobel Peace Prize in Science for this Discovery *wink wink nudge nudge*. I'm not even 31 years old yet. I'm Genius!)
What's the point of explaining something to people when they don't even understand what you said? That's why the Planet lied 2,000 years ago. It was just easier to lie to people who didn't have the Cumulative Intelligence to understand.
It would've just been a waste 2,000 years ago trying to explain anything. You'd end up with a bunch of sobbing people having nervous breakdowns.