LESSONS: U.S.S. Enterprise, Alternate Universes, Vocab DNA

May 27, 2006 14:22

I was posting a letter I sent to Matt. Personally, I think everyone should post things publicly because it will keep people honest.

Yes, it's true that whatever you can say can be used against you. However, when you practice posting things publicly, you practice being politically correct and thinking about what you say before you actually say it.

A lot of people just open their mouths without thinking.

The other reason why it's a good idea to post your thoughts publicly is so that people can map out your thought processes and the way you think. If you never say anything, people can't read you. While that may allow you to be secretive and maintain privacy, people won't get to know the real you.

If you get in trouble and you need witnesses to vouch for your sanity or how you think, people can trace your thoughts that you post in your Journal. It's the Psycho people who do dumb things like posting how they're suicidal or planning on killing people.

Now that's just plain dumb.

Another reason why it's good to post your thoughts consistently in your Journal is because people then know what your focus is:
  1. People who obsess about love talk about love and relationships
  2. People who obsess about work talk about work
  3. People who are obsessed with depression talk about depression
  4. People who are silly post jokes and funny anecdotes
  5. People who are obsessed with science talk about science
  6. People who are obsessed with UFOs talk about UFOs
Anyone who follows along with my Journal will notice that I always talk about the same things:
  1. I'm pissed at Davis who borrowed over $45,000 from my mom
  2. I'm pissed at Isabella Valentine who chickened out and left me holding the bag to get in trouble with everyone
  3. I keep posting Journal Entries that ("supposedly?") showcase examples of Psychic Phenomenon to prove my Innocence
  4. I talk about having Psychic Abilities and how things are related to me.
  5. I talk about being a Gemini Superman
That's my focus.

Regardless what people want to say about me, at least you know where my thoughts are. At least you can infer certain things about my Journal:
  1. He's really intent on proving his innocence
  2. He believes he has Psychic Abilities and spends his time posting Journal Entries to reinforce that belief
  3. He spends a lot of time thinking about Psychic Phenomenon
  4. He works with a lot of Math and Algebra
Regardless of what people's personal opinions are of me, you can at least concede the following is the basic content of my Journal.

It's all I ever talk about. Some people may want to believe that I have some kind of deep, dark ulterior motive. However, that's why I said 3/5/2006 that "40 Year Old Virgin" jokes about that in a scene:

55 minutes
CAL: I think he might be fooling us all though
PAUlA: Really
CAL: I think he may actually be some kind of genius and this is some, like, big hilarious, like, he's bored at work and he wanted to kick up some shit saying he's a Virgin
PAULA: You're seeing a lot of stuff that's not there that's projecting all over him. He might be an idiot savant but he's not clever enough to go that deep. He's got a great body
CAL: Would you fuck him?
PAULA: In a New York minute
CAL: You would fuck him?
PAULA: Absolutely.

That scene is just teasing about how people are going to try and make this more complicate than it really is because it just sounds too good to be true:
  1. A 31 year old Virgin who's of Royal Blood and an actual Prince
  2. Supposedly Rod's the real Superman and he's doing this for the "Good of the Planet" and to help people
  3. Supposedly Rod's doing it for the Benefit of Humankind
Let's talk Reality here:
  1. Who do you know in this FUCKED-UP WORLD we live in who is like that?
  2. What are the chances of that?
  3. That's even under the assumption you can get over the hurdle of believing that Rod really does have Psychic Abiliities that influence Global Trends using the Electromagnetic Field
  4. That's under the assumption you even believe Rod's wild story about being a Mathematical Jesus Christ and a Male Virgin Mary
That's why I once said that Jesus Christ was a Salesperson. Scott was saying that it was Paul.

You have to admit that whether you believe my story or not, it's going to take some REALLY GOOD SELLING to get people to believe this.

That's why I have to go through this whole thing of "Psychic Shareware" and GIVING people a "Software Copy" they can try out for themselves and say, "OMG, this stuff actually works..."
  1. It's like trying to get people to buy into "Psychic News Subscriptions."
  2. That's why I'm the Psychic Clark Kent who wroks for the DAILY PLANET!!!
  3. The Dailly Planet is the Planet Earth that I said is ALIVE and SENTIENT
Get it??? It's punny!!! LOL
  1. That's why I'm not kidding when I say I'm C-LA/R-K K/Ent
  2. C-LA/R-K = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Los Angeles(LA) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Aqua/RI u S(K/11/Aquarius)
  3. K/Ent = Aquarius(K/11) Entertainment(Ent.)
  4. C/LA-R/K K/Ent = Gemini(C/3) Los Angeles(LA) Gemini(R) Washington(K-K/11-11) Entertainemnt(Ent.)
  5. C-L/AR-K = Gemini(C/3) Bad(L/Non-7) IR(AR/1R) Aquarius
  6. K-E/N-T = Brittney Skye(K-E/11-5) God(N/V in Greek) Female(T/20/XX)
See how it all fits when you know how to break down the words using Separators?
  1. That's how Words transform into DIAMONDS.
  2. Light refracts in a Diamond
  3. When you look at a Diamond at different angles, it scintillates
  4. When I put Separators in different places throughout a word, it causes the Word to show a different meaning
  5. When you take the CUMULATIVE MEANINGS of that word, you get a more WELL-ROUNDED Defintion.
You get to see all the meanings together that give you a General Meaning rather than only one Interpretation.

It's a SMARTER way of looking at Words and it shows the Brilliance of "God" as a Super Computer.

That's why I said that the Planet has been sitting around for a couple Million Years coming up with all these different variations of how the Words link together:
  1. Words are like LEGOS.
  2. Le/Go=S = Definite(Le/The-Fr.) IR(Go-Spanish) Superman(S)
  3. You can take all the Letters and string them together and then rearrange them
  4. That's how you get Vocabulary Gene-Sequencing
The way you string together words is the same way you string together DNA.

That's how you get Verbal Genetics.
  1. That's why "Star Trek" is by GENE RODdenberry...LOL
  2. Gene = DNA
  3. Rod = My Name
  4. That's why I'm Captain K(IR)K = Washington State(K-K/11-11) with IR in it
  5. Captain K(IR)K was from I o' WA...LOL. I'm I o' WA :o)

  6. I said 3/19/2006 that my best friend Scott would be Montomery Scott
  7. I said 3/19/200-6 that Davis born Valentine's Day would be Nichelle Nichols (NN/2x14) as Lieutenant Uhura...LMAO
  8. The way that William Shatner talks when he acts where he pauses when he formulates sentences is the way I compose my Journal Entries where I have to think about what I write before I post it...LMAO
  9. I said that I'm the Turd Sign. That's how you get William SHAT/ner
  10. SHAT= Past Tense of SHIT
  11. SHAT = Superman(S) Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel) Superman(At/20-1/19/S) God(N/V in Greek/5/Leo) Final(E+R=W)
  12. = Superman Superman Superman God Final= Gemini(3/3rd Sign) Superman God Final
  13. I said LEOnard NI/M.O.-y is born 3/26 on my Parents' Wedding Anniversary
  14. 3/26 = C/Z = Cubic Zirconia opposite of Diamond for the Superman Insignia
  15. S(P.O.)CK = Superman(S) Port Orchard(P.O.) Clark Kent(CK)
Bliss' favorite character is Captain Kirk:
  1. I said 5/14/2006 that Bliss is Celtic
  2. I said 2/13/2006 that I used to the Celtic God "Goibniu" on the Online Chat Place Haven who would forge weapons
  3. In the song "What's on Your Mind? (Pure Energy)" by Information Society, you'd hear the Forge in the background
  4. That's referring to me as the former Goibniu...LOL
  5. "What's on Your Mind?" is referring to Psychic Abilities
  6. "I could break you down, but what good would it do?" is referring to how I can go through people's Subconscious Minds, but what good would it do?
  7. That's why you hear that cool Sound Byte from Spock in "Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan" saying "Pure Energy"
  8. Pure Energy = Electromagnetic Field...LOL
  9. I'm the Information Society which is comprised of all 7 Subconscious Minds on the Planet that give you the Cumulative Collective Consciousness of GOD as the Planet...LOL
I said my Physical Body is the real U.S.S. Enterprise from Washington State and Captain K(IR)K would be my Subconscious Mind as the Captain at the Helm
  1. I said I've been mapping out Star Charts (Celebrity Birth Charts) using the IMDB...LMAO
  2. The Mind is like a Planet
  3. I "explore new worlds"
  4. I boldly Go(IR-Spanish) where no one has gone before...LOL
  5. That's why the U.S.S. Enterprise-E = SOVEREIGN Class Starship
  6. I'm a Sovereign...LOL
When I post Journal Entries that show Images or Pictures from the News Articles showing PROOF of Psychic Phenomenon, those are my "PHOTO-N" Torpedoes...LMAO

I said I've been having Kinky Psychic Sex with all the Subconscious Minds of Adult Film Stars and the Most Beautiful Women on this Planet:
  1. I'm Captain K(IR)K
    < li>I take women to VENUS to show them my PENIS
  2. VEN u S = Sun(V/5/Leo) Sun(E/5) Sun(N/V in Greek) in Union with(U) Superman(S)
  3. Sun Sun Sun in Union with Superman = 3 Sun in Union with Superman = Gemini Sun in Union with Superman
That's how you get Kinky Prophecies :o).

That's why you see Jason Alexander posing as Captain K(IR)K wearing a bad toupee:
  1. Toupee= T-O u Pee
  2. T-O u Pee = Female(T/20/XX) Sun(O) in Union with(O) Urine
  3. U-RI/NE = Old God(U/V in Old Alphabet) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Gemini Sun(NE/VE in Greek/55/SunSun)
You wouldn't believe how all these Physical Objects transform into Symbols.

It's to the point of being so funny it would blow your mind but make you practically sick to your stomach because you'll wonder how you could've missed all these Clues :o).

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: mattmicro
Date: May 27, 2006 1:43 PM

I see you posted our correspondence. For the record that's fine with me. I'm not looking to compete for any titles, etc.

At the bottom of my profile, where I post a copyright notice, it says that all rights are reserved to the public domain. This means any intellectual property I release as MattMicro becomes public property.

This is also true for anything I write through e-mail or commentary to people using this identity. It's all free for public use.

Well wishes,


To: mattmicro
From: Rod
Date: May 27, 2006 2:22 PM
Subject: THEORY: Disclaimers, Alternate Universes, Multiple Earths

I appreciate the comment.

I take the personal philosophy any E-mail that I send to anyone becomes theirs to do as they wish.

Sadly enough, in the world we live in, you sometimes have to be politically correct because people can sometimes twist your words.

Ironically, I do it all the time when I use my Software Program that does Word Breakdowns.

For example, the interpretation with a Male Virgin Mary is a a Gross Interpretation of General Beliefs that Religious Sects believe.

However, no one ever said that you couldn't. People just followed a particular train of thought and took it for granted.

Technically, the Virgin Mary can exist in everyone. I said that the Human Mind is like a miniature version of the Planet. Each individual on the Planet is mini-Earth.

So it's possible to "seed" the Virgin Mary on multiple "Earths" (Human Beings). That's would fit with the description of Alternate Universes or multiple Earths.

In Comic Strips, they talk about different Supermen with different Earths where something in the Time Line was altered making it different.
  1. On one Earth, Superman and Supergirl are cousins
  2. On another Earth, Superman and Supergirl aren't cousins
  3. On another Earth, Superman impregnated Supergirl who gave birth to a child
I use the definition of Software Program to mean that people can use it like Shareware.

I just put a couple of Locks on the System where it's embedded in the Periodic Table and uses Historical Facts where I can override people who are abusing the Software Program.

I've referred to this Software Program as "Fastfood Psychic Theory." It's a watered down version of how people can become "Instant Psychics."

With just a little tweaking and practicing as if you were playing Basketball, Baseball, or any sport to develop the stamina and physique, you can do the same thing with this Software Program.

It fine-tunes people's understanding of Psychic Theory and gives them directions on how to set it up.

It's like "Psychic Windows XP" that you install in your Mind that upgrades your Thinking Processes and helps you integrate your Conscious Mind with yoru Subconscious Mind.

The sad part about Intellectual Property is that it's really developed more out of Greed. In an Ideal World, we shouldn't even have to worry about such things.

However, when it comes to survival as well as making sure that this Software Program doesn't fall into the wrong hands, I used a lot of elements taken from my Personal Life that only I'd know.

As I said, if I just used general information and there are no personal elements, someone could be snooping my Journal anonymously, collect all the data, and then pass it off as their own invention.

Anyone who comes across that type of power and influence in the Community could easily get corrupted by the Fame, Wealth, and Power.

I worked on a bit of a Disclaimer below because one of my greatest concerns is that as I start to gain momentum and become more well-known, I'll be the target of Hackers.

I know that my MySpace and LiveJournal can be hacked like anyone else's accounts and where people can go in and delete my work or go in and edit the Journal Entries making it look like I said something when I didn't.

That would be bad when it comes to people who are against what it is I'm writing and looking for something incriminating.

People may think I'm being paranoid, but I've always know that we're dealing with really heavy subjects here.

That's why I'm working toward transferring as much of the general ideas over to my personal web site. That way, I don't have to worry so much about Censorship and whatever problems that come with accounts being hacked.


Anything written in my Profile or Blogs should always be read with caution when I discuss topics regarding Religion and Controversial Topics.

This Account can be hacked like anyone else and it's possible for Hackers to break in and edit Blog Entries where it can LOOK like I said something.

This is the reason why a lot of E-mails and Electronic Correspondence are not submissible in Court because you can't always authenticate the origin and who wrote it.

The purpose of my writings is to spawn thought and get people to think about concepts, not anger people. If people choose to get angry about what I've written, one has to ask what is causing this anger.

Anger usually tends to derived from fear. When people are fearful, they will lash out in anger. If one finds oneself with feelings of hostility or resentment, one should analyze why something bothers that individual so much.

Sometimes anger is justified, but one should ensure they know why they're getting angry and that it's for the right reasons.

spock, photo torpedoes, u.s.s. enterprise, clark kent, lessons, earth, advice, kirk, alternate universes, star trek, disclaimers, superman, goibniu, supergirl, photon, wisdom

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