Here's a cute Prediction:
- It's mentioning the "Karas Prophecy"
- I've been talking about Prophecies
- Karas = Kara/S = Kara Superman = Supergirl Superman
- I said 5/5/2006 about Kara Monaco who is the real Supergirl and Cinderella
- I said 5/7/2006 that Bliss was the original Supergirl
- I said 11/13/2005 that the Alias that Bliss used was Kara
- I said 5/14/2006 that Subconscious Bliss has been active
I said that Subconscious Bliss knew all along that I was innocent and indeed correct about Psychic Phenomenon, but she has to abide by the Rules of the Game where she can't interfere directly with her Conscious Mind.
Presonally, it doesn't really matter right now if anyone believes this. I'm just planting seeds right now so that years from now when people realize I was telling the Truth and the Psychic/Subconscious Realm does exist, people will know that Subconscious Bliss does indeed exist along with Subconscious Scott.
- I said 5/15/2006 about the movie "Constantine"
- John Constantine warns Angela Dodson that once she starts seeing Angels and Demons, they'll see her
- It's the same thing with people who cross over and "gain the Sight" when it comes to seeing "Half-Breeds" of Angels and Demons
- When someone masters the Decryption Code understanding how it functions and starts applying it to everything they see, they'll start seeing "Angels" and "Demons"
- Those Angels/Demons are the "Matrix" Agents that are working on behalf of the Planet
- Morpheus says that anyone who is plugged into the Matrix is a Potential Agent
- John says ot Angela in "Constantine" that Angels and Demons "NUDGE" people to do things during certain key times
When you actually cross over and can read the Data that is symboilc of the "Matrix" Green Symbols that are falling like rain across a Computer Screen, you'll understand what I mean.
When you walk the Earth, you'll be watching everybody and you'll know that the Subconscious Minds (Angels/Demons) see you and KNOW that you know you see them because your Mind is plugged into the Electromagnetic Field leaking your thoughts and that you know.
The part where it gets creepy is when you see your Friends, Family, and Loved Ones that are still under the control of the "Matrix" working as Agents herding or corraling you into doing things you don't want to do.
You'll start behaving like me where you're fighting them and refusing to do what they say. You branch away from them and you avoid them. That's why you see in my Journal how I tried to "rescue" Conscious Scott and Conscious Bliss by trying to get them to read my Journal and read the Instructions on how to free themselves from the Matrix.
However, they either didn't read it, or they just ignored it. So they remain captured like "Prisoners of War." If they knew that I was telling the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon and what was going on, then they would've understood my behavior and that there really was a rationale explanation.
That's why in "Constantine" I said that Isabel, Angela's Twin, jumping off the ledge looks like Suicide, but she was really murdered. It runs parallel to me where I was "murdered" as the Gemini Twin.
On a side note, I'd like to at least say that at least my Journal is unique. You have all these people sitting around criticizing my Journal and how what I say is dumb. However, that's easy to do. How many people actually have ORIGINAL THOUGHT.
I bet if you asked all thsoe people who are sitting aroudn mocking and ridiculing me about my dumb Journal and dumb Theories whether they could write the same amount of content or even contemplate such Theories, that they'd come up with a blank sheet of paper.
For anyone who looks over my Calendar and the sheer volume of Blog Entries, you see that I'm going at full steam and churning out Journal Entries. That's a lot of writing content. Enough to write a book or a Thesis on Psychic Phenomenon, Psychology, and Science.
It's ironic that people have the gall to call me stupid, but if you were to put them on the spot and ask them to come up with some coherent Theory on any topic, they wouldn't be able to tell you much of anything.
That's how you get people who are Hypocrites and those who try to stifle thought and people who think differently from everyone else. When you try to have different thoughts or ideas, everyone goes off on you and chews your ass out.
You get branded as a moron and have to put up with crap from everyone. That's why if anyone wonders why I'm Anti-Social and don't care to associate with people or be in the Public Spotlight, it's for this reason.
As I said, people will love you, but once they get bored of you, they'll start to nitpick and examine your entire life with a fine-tooth comb. When you're doing well and are successful, everyone wants to be your friend and kiss your ass. When you're doing terribly, people either don't want to know you are quick to take pot shots at you.
That's how you learn how Fame and Popularity can be an Illusion.
When people find out that I really do have Psychic Abilities that affect Global Trends and the Planet:
- You're going to see everyone flocking to me kissing my ass
Some of them will try to make demands on me
- Some people will tell me how I should be acting and what I should be doing
When things are bad, you'll see people jump on THAT Bandwagon. When I make a mistake and it affects the Global Economy or something tragic, then you see everyone turn on you as well.
That's why you have to be careful about how you choose your friends and what you choose to do for people. That's why we have this interim where we get to observe everyone behaving badly toward me when they don't believe I have Psychic Abilities or don't believe my Identity.
You get to see how disrespectful and rude people can be giving me ammunition and helping my build a case when people try to go off on me telling me I'm being selfish with my Psychic Abilities and how I don't use them to help people.
I do help people in my own way, but don't ask me to help people more. Especially the ones who turned their back on me and were the Haters that were enjoying making fun of me, kicking, and spitting on me while I was down and when they thought I was a nobody and a loser.
You even see it written in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" when people think that Harry Potter is a liar making up stories about Lord Voldemort having returned. Nobody believes him and they all accuse him of being an Attention Whore and just making up wild stories of supposed sacrifice in order to get sympathy.
All the Readers knew that Harry Potter was telling the Truth and not making any of it up. Harry Potter was telling exactly what he saw and wasn't making any of it up. It was Rita Skeeter who was making fun of Harry Potter in the "Daily Prophet."
- I said that Harry Potter is in the UK
- UK = Old God(U/V in Old Alphabet) Aquarius(K/11)
- I said that it's inverted where you see me as Lord Voldemort cast as the bad guy
- RI/T-A = 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Female(T/20/XX) God(A/1)
- SK-EE/TE-R = South Kitsap(SK) Gemini Sun(EE) Non-Alien(Te/Non-ET) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
- J. K. Rowling = J(K)R = I(K)R in Old Hebrew = IR with Aquarius (K/11) in it
- I said I work for the Daily Planet as Clark Kent
- You see another variation of the Daily Prophet where it's a twisted version of me as Rita Skeeter
I said that Bliss doesn't like me and that Davis as the Aquarius born Valentine's Day running parallel to Isabella Valentine born 11/11 (Aquarius/Aquarius) doesn't like me.
So you see how the storyline switches people's names and regarding who's doing what:
- I said the actor Robert Pattinson who plays Cedric Diggory in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" is born 5/13 like Sunny Leone whom Isabella Valentine uses in her pictures.
5/13 = Sun(5/Leo) 5/29(13/Rhode Island)
- I said 11/23/2005 that in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," you see Ron Weasley and Harry Potter taking the East Indian Twins to the Ball. It's symbolizing the hybrid of Sunny Leone who's East Indian and Bliss who's a Gemini.
- Wand = WA/ND = Washington Sun(N/V in Greek) Sun Female(D/Leo Female) = Washington Sun Sun Female = Washington Gemini Sun Female
- I'm from Washington State, born in the Sun Sign of Gemini, and Fe-Male(IRon Male)
- WI/ZA-R/D = 5/29(WI/Wisconsin) Non-Valentine(ZA/Non-AZ/Non-2-14) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Sun Female(D/Leo Female)
That's why Subconscious Rod is Harry Potter and Conscious Rod's Physical Body would be Harry Potter's Wand.
That's how you get me as a WI-ZA/R-D. That's the Technical Explanation of how my Psychic Abilities work. I'm not kidding when I say that I can reach through and disrupt people. People laugh because they expect that it's instantaneous and tangible.
Not always. It can be, but when you cast a Psychic Spell or perform a Mathematical Incantation, it takes time. It's just like the Weather. It takes time for clouds to form and to power up. If things were that easy and instantaneous, everybody would be doing it and it certainly wouldn't have gone without notice to regular people.
In Junior High, my Marching Band Nickname said "Wise Whiz" on the back:
- Brandon and the rest used to joke and call me "Cheese Whiz"
- Cheese = Wisconsin = 5/29 = My Birthday
- One of the drummers was trying to insult me and call me "Smart Piss"
- Pi/SS = Knowledge(Pi) Gemini Superman(SS)
- hat's why when I'm using Knowledge as the Gemini Superman (Communication Superman), I'll PI/SS all over you.
- In the UK, you say you get "Pissed," meaning drunk
That's how you drive under the influence when you're "pissed."
- P is S = Aquarian Male(P) is Superman(S)
- I said Davis is an Aquarian Male
- When Davis tries to tell you something, you're drinking "P is S" :o)
- When I give you Knowledge, I'm WA/T-ER = Washington(WA) T(20/XX) Final(E+R=W)
That's why you shouldn't be listening to Davis born Valentine's Day, which also includes Isabella Valentine :P.
RobynZ and Bliss believing Isabella Valentine have been "drinking Piss" :o).