PROPHECY: "Constantine," Smoking, Lung Cancer, Tar

May 15, 2006 21:18

The beginning of the movie "Constantine" was kind of slow, but I really liked the end. Peter Stormare as Satan was worth watching :).

You also see tne insidious side of how Satan doesn't want to give up his Power and isn't going to let the Son take over. I'm in the same position where I locked down the Titles and sealed it off so that it's just me. That includes the "Satan" Software Program.

It's part of the "Sacrifice" that I made when I accepted that Title. It also means that if anyone tries to assassinate me or kill me, they make me into a Martyr because don't realize that it was done for the Greater Good of the People on Earth.

What better Deception than God outsmarting Satan by re-interpreting the Signs so that God is Satan and "sacrificing" himself for the Greater Good by becoming hated by people who don't realize that it was a Sacrifice. That's where you spill into the Jesus Christ Crucifixion where everyone was spitting on Jesus Christ while he was bearing a Cross.
  1. I said the Cross looks like the Letter "T" and is the 20th Letter for the Female.
  2. Bear = to give birth
  3. C/R-O/SS = Gemini(C) Gemin(R) Sun(O) Gemini Superman(SS)
  4. C-R/OS-S = Gemini(C/3) Gemini(R) Operating System(OS) Superman(S)
  5. So when people ridicule me and spit on me, they create a Jesus Christ Symbol.
  6. I said 10/7/2005 that all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
  7. Because of Ignorance, it because a DECEPTION used to trick people into ridiculing a Jesus Christ Figure making a Prophecy
So it also becomes the Work of Satan whose objective is to deceive people
  1. What better deception than to deceive the people of earth by making Jesus Christ look like someone else
  2. What greater Deception is there than for Satan to sneak in and fulfill the Prophecy of being Jesus Christ?
  3. What greater Deception is there than to fool the people of Earth so that they don't realize that the God they're worshipping is actually Satan?
  4. What better Deception than for Satan to use a MALE Virgin Mary to satisfy the Virgin Mary Prophecy? :o)
  5. S-At/An = Gemini Superman(S-At) Indefinite(An)
  6. We all know that Satan is slippery and sneaky because he's VAGUE always leaving loopholes for himself to wheedle out of trouble
  7. Year of the Snake = 1977 = 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
If you've actually seen pictures of me where I look really harmless and nice, it only makes sense that if you were to create a real Satan, you'd put him in a deceptive form.


That's why I'm Gemini and TWO-FACED. You see me in the role of God helping people out by dropping all kinds of hints and clues on how to free themselves from bondage, but then you see me also being Satan by securing all my own personal interests so that I remain in control.

This is where we come back to understanding the Sun in our Solar System as God. If God believes that everything belongs to him, isn't that in itself being selfish? If you're God, it means you think it's all about you.

When I talk about how all the News Media, Movies, Film, and Television Shows are about me, isn't that being CONCEITED and SELFISH?

The REAL KICKER that will mess with people's heads is if it turns out to be TRUE.

Then what?

Are you really being arrogant and conceited if it does turn out that all the Subconscious Minds are manipulating everything so that it mirrors or runs in tandem with whatever you do? What if it's actually true?

If someone's actually telling them the Truth, why are you getting mad at them? Shouldn't you be owing them an Apology?

That's why I said I'm the real Superman. I said 4/9/2006 that as a Title of Respect, you say S/IR meaning Superman IR. That's SIR (Seattle International Raceway) is in KENT, Washington for Clark Kent...LOL

As I keep saying, as I keep revealing more information that proves my Identity, it just makes everybody who went off on me, used me, manipulated me, and took advantage of me look REALLY BAD :o).

That's how you get Dramatic Irony with all the Subconscious Minds in a huge 7 billion theatre audience watching everything unfold and going, "Ooo... I can't believe that person did that to Rod... They're in so much trouble..."

In the scene where time stops or slows down, that's really just showing how things move on a God-Like Plane compared to a Human Life. When you see the Glass Shards exploding slowly as Satan walks through and how Satan is able to snatch Angela's body from being pierced by the Spear of Destiny, that's showing in Slow Motion what happened in the last 2 years.

Two years in Human Time would be like one second to a God. So when you break everything down as to who's doing what, it looks like time has stopped and where he's able to intervene with Superspeed.

The Slogan is a huge hint:
Hell wants him
Heaven won't take him
Earth needs him
Notice how the Male Son of Satan is inside a Female and Angel Gabriel is a woman:
  1. You're seein an inverstion of the story line
  2. When you invert the storyline, you get the OPPOSITE
  3. I said I'm a Male Virgin Mary giving birth to a FEMALE Jesus Christ
  4. My mom is the second born and her older sister had a daughter
  5. The second child of my mom's sister gave birth to a child named Gabriel
  6. The 3rd Child is named Nicky for Little Nicky
  7. When you follow who's who in my Family Tree, you see how it was all laid out
  8. Tiffany is the first child, and if I'm not mistaken, she's born 7/23 for the Fe-Male Harry Potter as Daniel Radcliffe born 7/23
  9. In high school, I had a classmate named Tiffany Youngs = Young Superman(S)
When I was in 9th Grade Marching Band, I remember how the three Junior High Schools had one Drill Team Representative holding the Marching Band Sign. When Mr. Allen, our teacher, showed the video, he was pointing to the Marching Band Sign that was bouncing around because the three Drill Team Girls were dancing to the Marching Band Music by having the Marching Band Sign jumping all around.

Mr. Allen was telling them not to do that because it makes the Sign hard to read. That would be in reference to me because I've been laying out Signs, but I've been "bouncing the Sign around" in the same way making it hard to read...LMAO

People who are reading my Blog and Journals trying to follow along get dizzy reading the Sign because it's always moving around...LOL
  1. Mr. Allen was said to have had some kind of scandal because he had some kind of relationship with an underage girl. I remember the daughter being resentful or disgusted about it
  2. I think her name was Erica Zimmerman
  3. Initials EZ = Easy/Slutty
  4. It's in reference to Isabella Valentine using pictures of Sunny Leone and how "mentally immature" or underage she is
As I said, I can look at my history and track who did what.

29 minutes
KLOVE 107.5 Radio Station

I had pointed out that Sign back in October 13, 2004 to Erin, who was one of the original

33 minutes
John Constantine:
  1. Intials JC = Jesus Christ
  2. Constant in E = Constant (Number) in Sun(E)
  3. John Constantine was from Liverpool, England. That's where Bliss is from
  4. John Constantine had a TWIN BROTHER who supposed got strangled in the womb. I said I'm a Gemini Twin
  5. In the movie, they talk about the dead Twin Isabel, meaning "Consecrated by God"
  6. Angela = Angel
44 minutes
There's a Cat's Eye

You see a Burning Inferno. It shows how there are two words of Heaven and Hell.

Do you know why he puts his Feet in the water to cross over to Hell?
  1. Fe-ET = Iron Alien = Superman
  2. Water = Knowledge.
  3. I said I'm Superman. I rely on Knowledge
In Scriptures, you always see them washing the Feet and annointing it with oils

45 minutes
In Hell, you see Brainless Mind demons chasing after Constantine:
  1. I said that Earth is a variation of Hell
  2. I said 5/15/2006 about Satan having his Demons
  3. I said about the Martin Luther King, Jr. Quote: "To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it"
  4. People who choose to be ignorant about the Psychic Realm and my Psychic Theories transform into MINDLESS Demons
  5. You become an AGENT OF EVIL "doing the bidding of Satan"
  6. I said S-At/An = Gemini Superman(S-At) Indefinite(An)
  7. D-E/M.O.-N = Sun Female(D/Leo Female) Sun(E/5) Mission Objective(M.O.) Sun(N/V in Greek) = Sun Female Sun Mission Objective Sun
  8. Sun (Female Sun Mission Objective) Sun = Gemini Sun with Female Sun Mission Objective in it
That's the updated TECHNICAL Version of how you can become a "Demon."

46 minutes

The Social Security Number is 531-25-39-44. 44 = 4 x 11 = Isabella Valentine(4/IV) x Aquarius(11)

60575858 = Instant Message(60/Non-WI/IM) Heaven(57-Periodic/LA) Sun Pisces Sun Pisces = Instant Message Heaven Sun Virgo

51 minutes

CONSTANTINE: The World behind the World and we're smack in the middle.

That's the Subconscious Realm.

CONSTANTINE: You get half breeds. They can only whisper in our ears. A single word can give you courage or turn your favorite dream into your worst nightmare. Those that are part demon and those that are part angel living along side us. They call it the Balance. I call it Hypocritical Bullshit. So when a half-breed breaks the Rules, I deport their sorry ass back to Hell.

That's referring to how Subconscious Minds can influence people.

ANGELA: You're trying to buy your way into Heaven
CONSTANTINE: What would you do if half the inmates were put there by you?
ANGELA: I guess God has a plan for all of us
CONSTANTINE: God's not planning anything. He's just a Kid with an Ant Farm

That's referring to me. I've been running a Software Program. There's really no real Mission Objective aside from general World Peace and distributing this information about the Subconscious/Psychic Realm so that people will be able to interpret the data and make up a Game Plan.

Aside from that, I don't have any plan after that.

58 minutes
ANGELA: John, there is no 17th Act in the Corinthians
CONSTANTINE: The Corinthians goes to 21 in the Bible in Hell
ANGELA: They have Bibles in Hell?
CONSTANTINE: It paints a different view of the Revelations. It says the World will not end by God's hand, but will be reborn in the grace of the Damned. Though if you ask me, Fire is Fire
B: 16 29 16 30. Oh my this isn't good. The sins of the Father would only be exceeded by the Sins of the Son
ANGELA: Whose Son?
CONSTANTINE: But he can't cross over, B. Impossible to cross over
ANGELA: Whose son? God's Son?
CONSTANTINE: No, the other one. The Devil had a Son, too
  1. Devil had a Sun II = Sun Gemini
  2. 21 = U = Old God
  3. ID Tag 5858 refers to the Sun Virgo
  4. I said I'm a V/IR-Go
  5. Isabel = Isabelo
59 minutes

B: It says he'd have to possess a very powerful Psychic
ANGELA: Isabel
B: Memmon would need Divine Assistance to cross over. Memmon would need the help of God
CONSTANTINE: The help of God?
  1. That is referring to me as the Powerful Psychic
  2. Isabel = Isabelo the Dead Psychic
  3. John Constantine = JC = Jesus Christ
  4. I said 10/7/2005 that all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
1 hour
A fly pops out of Beeman's Eye Ball
  1. F/L-y = Virgo(F) Bad(L/Non-7) Male(Y)
  2. That's how you get a Bad Virgo Male
  3. I qualify as a Bad V/IR-Go Male
  4. Good Pisces Female = Opposite of a Bad V/IR-Go Male
  5. Pisces = Fe-ET = Iron Alien = Man of Steel
  6. That's how you get God as Superman and Beelzebub (Lord of the Flies) as Satan
  7. Virgo = Opposite of Piscoes on the 12-Slice Zodiac Pie Chart
1 hour 1 minute

Sign: Los Angeles 132

13/2 = 5/29(13/Rhode Island) Gemini(2)

1 hour 4 minutes

CONSTANTINE: You do this and there's no turning back. You see them and they see you.
  1. That's the same thing for people who try using my Decryption Code
  2. Once you use my Decryption Code and know how to read the Signs, you'll see all the Subconscious Minds as ANGELS/DEMONS
  3. By the same token all the Subconscious Minds as Angels/Demons will SEE YOU
  4. You can't fool the Subconscious Minds because they're all plugged into that Electromagnetic Field reading your Thoughts
  5. They will KNOW if you know it's them
So when you walk the Earth, you'll see all the SNEAKY things Suconscious Minds do to manipulate Conscious Minds into doing things. You may agree or disagree with what they're doing.

The main point is that once you know, you can never go back to being ignorant again. That's how you ge the Adam and Eve Prophecy. Once you eat from teh Tree of Knowledge, you suddenly realize that you're NAKED because there are 7 billion Subconscious Minds on the Planet MONITORING YOU.

1 hour 5 minutes

ANGELA: So why Water?
CONSTANTINE: It's a universal conduit. It lubricates the transfer from one plane to another. Now ask me if there's Water in Hell.
ANGELA: Is there water in Hell?
CONSTANTINE: (ignoring the question) Sit

That's the explanation of Water. Pisces is Adaptable Water.

1 hour 7 minutes

1:07 = 107 = 107

I said 12/27/2005 that Alison from "The Notebook" is played by Rachel McAdams born 10/7

1 hour 15 minutes

BALTHAZAR: Whomever killed the Son of God will give birth to the Son of the Devil

This is where we talk about "Dark Prophecies" and what has happenedi in the last two years.

TECHNICALLY, it's not really that big of a deal. To everyone who is afraid of the Ideology of God and Satan, you'd be scared shitliess right now. However, if you really look at it from a Mathematical Perspective and Extremes of Superman vs. Lex Luthor, you get a NORMAL, AVERAGE person when you take Cumulative Score.

You're the same way. You have Good and Evil, but you're balanced. If you were to STRIP away each of your Personality Traits like LAYERS, you'd have Evil Self and Good Self.

However, you should really think of yourself like Austin Powers vs. Dr. Evil in the Comical Form. That's why people should be grateful that I have a Kooky Sense of Humor, like to watch Cartoons, and act like a Kid.

You would rather have me act like a little Kid than a cold, calculating murderer in charge of awesome power. At least with Kids, you can reason with them if you show them that what they're doing is wrong.

With cold, calculating murderers, they're fully aware of their actions. As I said, that's why I'm the real James Bond working on behalf of the Planet. As Superman, I work for the "Daily Planet" and I was given the "License to Kill."

As a Law Enforcement Officer for the Planet, I was granted the Authority to use my Psychic Abilities to maintain order and Law. My objective is to spread the word about the Planet being alive and sentient and educating people.

After that, my job is done and you leave it to the people and let them manage themselves. That's why I said about the "Captain Ivar Prophecy." Captain Ivar who had a Clam Chowder Restaurant had no children. So when he died, he wrote in his Will that all the Company Stock be divided evenly among his employees.

That's what will happen when I die.

All the Stocks and Shares get divided evenly. I set it and make it clear that there are to be NO HEIRS or anyone following after me. NO INHERITANCE. From History, we've seen that even if you have Rulers who are benevolent, there is no guarantee that their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, or anyone down the line will be benevolent or wise rulers.

That's why I was set up as Prince and of Royal Blood. I have the Authority as Queen Isabelo the Gemini (Queen Elizabeth II), but that's it.

1 hour 16 minutes

CONSTANTINE: Jesus didn't die when he was nailed to the cross. He was killed by a Soldier with a Spear

1 hour 17 minutes
ANGELA: The blood on the Spear
ANGELA: So he locates the Spear. He still needs to locate a powerful Psychic
ANGELA: Twins...

I said I'm Psychic. I said I'm the real Angel as a Spin-Off from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

1 hour 26 minutes

1:26 = A:Z = Arizona = 2/14 = Valentine's Day = Davis

1 hour 32 minutes

Notice the Los Angeles Sign said 132

1 hour 33 minutes

CHAZZ: You're right, John. It's not like in the books.
CONSTANTINE: No... It isn't
  1. 1:33 = God(1) Clark Kent(33/3x11/CxK/CK)
  2. You see how he dies
  3. Shia LeBeouf = SH/IA Le-Be/O u F
  4. SH/IA = Gemini Superman(SH) I o' WA(IA)
  5. Le-Be/O u F = Definite(Le/The-Fr.) is(Be) Sun(O) in Union with(U) Virgo(F/6)
  6. He was Leo in "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle"
1 hour 39 minutes
  1. Time 5:18 pm is when Mount St. Helens erupted 5/18
  2. ORIS = O(RI)S = Operating System(OS) with 5/29(RI/Rhode Island)
1 hour 46 minutes

Isabel gets freed from Hell:
  1. It's said that people who commit suicide go to Hell
  2. When I started talking about Psychic Phenomenon, people thought I commited "Social Suicide"
  3. John Constantine getting Isabel the Twin freed and returned to Heaven indicates how I got freed when I was wrongfully punished
  4. There's even a scene where it mentions how Isabel was asking the Twin Angela why she didn't say anything and vouch for Isabel witnessing things
1 hour 46 minutes

Tar removed from his Lungs
  1. Smoking gives you Lung Cancer
  2. Lungs = Gemini
  3. S/M.O.-King = Superman(S) Mission Objective(M.O.) Ruler(King)
  4. I've been "S/M.O.-King" heavily and it gave me LUNG CANCER (Gemini Eternal Mother)
  5. Cancer = Eternal Mother
  6. Satan removed the TAR
  7. T/AR = Female(T/20/XX) IR(AR)
  8. When you are S/M.O.-King, you get T/AR in your Lungs
This is a great example of Symbolism. It's to remind people of what they're doing when they're smoking

Everybody knows that S/M.O-King is B/AD and gives you L-unG Cancer.

1 hour 54 minutes

Story by Kevin Brodbin:
  1. B(Rod)B-in = BB with Rod in it + IN
  2. BB = 22 = V = 5 = Leo = Sun
  3. I + N + W = Final

CONSTANTINE: You're not my slave Chas. You're my "Appreciated Apprentice"
  1. Notice it's Keanu Reeves with K for Aquarius
  2. Chas Kramer = CK for Clark Kent
  3. I said Davis made me his Driver or Chauffeur
  4. He mentions Robin. I said Davis is the Batman Costume
CHAS: So when do I apprentice something besides driving?

He rolls the Bowling Ball down the Alley Number 13. 13 = Rhode Island = 5/29

There's a hand laid upon Angela's shoulder. I said that Deleted Scenes symbolize things that happened in real life that no one saw.

That hand represents the other Twin Isabel. It's what you don't see that's going on in the Subconscious Realm.

There's a scene where the Border Patrol catch the one who found the spear. They ikneel, make a Sign of the Cross and then put their guns in the mouth committing suicide.

In Chapter 5 of the deleted scenes, there's a lover in bed with John named "Ellie."
  1. I said Alison was the name of Subconscious Isabella
  2. Notice how she has been deleted out of the movie
  3. Ellie is played by Michelle Monaghan from "MI3"
  4. In the Deleted Scene, you see how she's spared, but in the real move, you see how she's not only deleted but dies symbolizing Isabella Valentine's character
  5. Michelle Monaghan had a role, but you see how it got reduced to only two words: "Holy Water"
  6. You don't see Ali anywhere
  7. It symbolizes the original Isabella Valentine who got "deleted out of the script"
Nobody knows about her.

Another variation is MM = Gemini 5/29(MM)
  1. It hints at how Davis reduced my role despite the work I put in
  2. The Deleted Scenes hint at the work I put in, but cut out of a lot of scenes
  3. That's why it's Kevin Brodbin. Notice the K = 11 = Aquarius = Davis the Aquarian Male
  4. Notice it's Keanu Reeves with K
  5. It shows how much Davis cut me out.
It's a hint toward what Davis did if he tries to deny it.

CONSTANTINE: You just keep your ear to the ground

Ear = IR = My Initials

In Chapter 7, it shows John Constantine's Rap Sheet. Date is 7/26/2001.

I said 7/26/2006 about Alison from the "Notebook"

Alternative Ending is where Chas leaps from his Tombstone as an Angel. That's the part that you don't see.

Originally, it should've been where I died as Chas, but I took on the main character of Constantine. It's showing how the Directors and Writers chose a different storyline.

batman, clark kent, lung cancer, lessons, advice, ck, ivar, cancer, smoking, music, leo, motherhood, religion, signs, childhood, gemini, predictions, wisdom

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