Wow, I'm so dumb. Here I've been worrying about how I'm going to prove my Identity as the real Superman, and I forgot all about my best friend Roman whose Subconscious Mind has been helping me all this time:
- I said 4/9/2006 that my friend Roman lives in Kent, Washington with his wife Karen
- Kent is in Washington State where I'm from
- City of Kent is for Clark Kent
- I said 10/8/2005 that I got mad at Robin Alcuri and told her that the Seattle Internation Raceway
- Seattle Internationl Raceway = SIR
- I said S/IR = Superman(S) IR (My Initials)
- Carr = Dominant(A) IRR(ARR/My Initials)
- I said 10/25/2005 about RobynZ who was making a WTF Community posting making fun of me claiming that I'm Superman
- She had fun throwing me the wolves so that everyone on the WTF Community would jump all over my ass and rip into me.
- It was totally uncalled for because I wasn't bothering anybody
- All my comments are restricted to my Journal. The only way you can take offense is if you go out of your way to visit my Journal to SNOOP or SPY on me
- I said 10/25/2005 that RobynZ is a Hypocrite accusing me of being a Stalker when she was "snooping" my Public Blogs for SEVEN MONTHS.
- Not that I care since I make my Blogs public, but don't sit there and chew me out when you engage in the same behavior
- I said 2/12/2006 that I'm the real Herbie, which is an adorable Racecar
- The Seattle International Raceway (S/IR = Superman IR) is in Kent, Washington
I said the Planet is a floating brain in space orbiting around the Sun:
- Cities can be seen as "Planetary Metropolitan Brain Cells"
- I said 1/24/2006 that that Highways, Roads, and Arterials are symbolic of the Physical Neural Pathways of the Planet Earth
- People travel from one destination to another passing through cities is a Physical Representation of creating a neural connection between one brain cell (City ) to another brain cell (City B)
I've been fretting about how to figure out proving that I'm the real Superman. I always knew that if I can make the leap and show that the Planet really did create me so that I was born on a Specific Day, with a Specific Birthdate, and Characteristics that prove that I"m the real Superman, it would make it very difficult for anyone to really challenge me and accuse me as being a bad person.
Everyone knows the Superman Icon and that Superman represents Truth, Justice, and the American Way. So no matter what the Skeptics and Critics say, you win over the People of Earth because they've already been hardwired to identify with Superman:
- I said that the Planet Earth is Conscious or Sentient
- The Seattle International Raceway (SIR) in Kent Washington, it's symbolic of Superman INSIDE of Clark Kent
- When Clark Kent transforms into Superman, he rips open his S-H/IR-T and transforms into the Man of Steel
- I said 4/3/2006 that I'm the real Superman
- When I tap into my Psychic Abilities that plug into the Electromagnetic Field activiting it, it's Superman as a Projection of me
- I said 1/10/2006 that I'm from South Kitsap High School (SK) and Male(Y)
- That's why Superman is able to fly through the SK-y. I'm the SK-y
Superman flies through the SK-y (Rod), which is a Project of me:
- I said the Planet genetically altered me to look like the real Clark Kent
- I said 3/3/2006 that I even have the Superman forelock on the front of my hair (same like Elvis who's "The King")
- I said 10/7/2006 that my biological father was born 11/19 = K/S = Kansas:
- Clark Kent grew up in Kansas
- I technically grew up in K/S (11/19) as a SPERM in my biological father's Testicles
- I said the Planet is like a Human Brain floating in space orbiting around the Sun::
- If my dad was a Planet, he would've been Planet Krypton
- Kal-El would be the DNA inside my dad's sperm
- The Sperm carrying me as DNA was the Spaceship that Jor-El made:
- That's why Marlon Brando is the Godfather as my God Father)
- I said 12/31/2005 that my Godfather is born 9/18/1933 = I/R/S-CxK = IR Superman Clark Kent
- My dad dying in 3/22/1977 is Planet Krypton dying
- When that Spaceship (my biological father's DNA) crashlanded on Earth, that was my mom's Ovum when she got pregnant with me
- That's why my mom is technically another version of Mother Earth
- I said 4/3/2006 that I worked in the Diamond Industry symbolic of my Superhero powers.
They say it takes millions of years to make a Diamond. Ye/AR-S = Old Definite(Ye/The-Old English) IR(AR) Superman(S). My biological father is the first IR.
I said 4/3/2006 about the Kryptos in Langley, VA:
- Krypto(N) = Krypto(S)
- N = v in Greek = God
- S = Superman
- When God = Superman, Krypto(S) = Krypto(N)
That's how you get Alignment when the Vocabulary uses Letters as Variables with Symbols showing when they intersect.
Life, the Universe, and Everything
If you REALLY want to get Cosmic and understand the Universe, you can take it a step further:
- I said Life mimics itself on all Levels
- You could argue that Individual Stars in the Universe could be seen as Individual Galactic Brain Cells
- You could create a Theory that the Entire Universe could be seen as a Living Cosmic Organism if Stars are Equivalent it Brain Cells or Blood Cells
- I said 4/7/2006 about my Theory that Stars use Solar Flares as a form of Communication
- It's the same way brain cells are stationary and would have to resonate or emit some kind of signal to communicate with other brain cells in the human skull
That's why the Human Brain and the layout of the Planet serves as a Road Map. That's how you get the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" :o).
- The Answer is 42
- I said 7/16/2006 about the Compass Map:
- When you superimpose the Compass on the Map of the United States, SW is for California or Los Angeles where Heaven (City of Angels/Los Angeles) is
- S/19 + W/23 = 42
I said that when I moved down from Washington State to Southern California in 2002, all the strange phenomenon with inordinate amounts of rain started hitting the California. I said Washington State is known for it's rain.
- I said I'm a Pure Virgin Male
- I said I'm the real Virgin Ma/R-y
- I said 2/18/2006 about "Rain" by Madonna
- I said 2/16/2006 that I'm a Divining Rod and the Lightning Rod for Zeus
- I said 2/23/2006 about the Lightning Rod and Marilyn Monroe
- Madonna dressed up as the Material Girl symbolic of Marilyn Monroe singing "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend"
That's for the Superman Diamond :o).
That's why in "Moulin Rouge" you Nicole Kidman doing the song "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" and makes reference that one line in the Song:
"Because we are living in a material world, and I am a material girl"
There's reference to "Like a Virgin" by Madonna sung by Jim Broadbent dancing around like a Virgin Bride with the Duke:
- Richard Roxbough = RR = Rod Rodillon
- You can tell that the Duke is a variation of Davis though because in the Special Features DVD, Richard Roxbough talks about how the Duke starts to take on "Rat-Like" qualities.
- I said 1/12/2006 that Davis is born Year of the Rat :o).
- I said that Davis has been controlling me and making me his Personal Assistant and do things for him symbolic of Satine who has to kiss up to the Duke
- I have to kiss up to Davis in the same way to try getting him to pay back the loans he took out against my mom.
Davis owes so much money to my mom and I have few financial options because I've been stripped. That's how I got "captured" and technically forced into slavery where I'm not even paid a fraction of what I'm worth.
In fact, I'm not even paid anything. Davis just keeps on using me to do his Clerical and Tech Support while he just pays himself and any of the loans are just an after thought, which is a total 180 from when he really needed the money and would keep hounding me about asking me to borrow money from my mom to give ot him for whatever debts he needed to cover.
That's why Davis was born Aquarius (K/11) for Kryptonite. He uses Le/Ad (Definite Father/Le/The-Fr./Father/PA/Pennsylvania))Shielding so that I can't use X-Ray vision to see what he's doing.
That's why Lana Lang, Lois Lane, and Lex Luthor are all LL. LL = 77 Upside Down = IR on the Periodic Table. They play opposite to me.
When I'm playing the role of Superman, it's always one of those LL's that interferes with my Judgemnet:
- Lana Lang is a Love Interest and Love will screw up Clark Kent's judgment
- Lois Lane is another Love interest that will screw up Superman's Judgment
- Lex Luthor is deceitful or manipulative and can use manipulation or a crafty scheme to fool Superman
That's why I'm always in constant battle as Superman against Davis as the real Lex Luthor. He's like a Hybrid of Lex Luthor when he's being sneaky, but he's also got that symbolic Lois Lane streak as Sunny Leone = Isabella Valentine = Valentine's Day = Davis' B-Day.
The Planet is just showing that people's judgment can be affected by Love and Deceit where they'll do things where they get fooled (by Lex Luthor) or they throw away their Common Sense because they're blinded by Love (Lana Lang and Lois Lane).
- I said that I've been stripped finanically
- I said 4/8/2006 that I've been disguised to look like a Bum
- You even see the bum at the end of "Bruce Almighty" who can't seem to spell transform ito God (Morgan Freeman)
I said that I wouldn't even be shackled with all this DEBT have all these Loans taken out against my mom if OTHER people had been HONEST, Straightforward, and DID what they had SAID they were going to do.
The reason why I'm stewing in all this Debt is because I followed a Mild-Mannered Clark Kent Personality that was exploited or used by other people who were selfish and thought of themselves first.
It shouldn't come as a surprise. Do you really think anyone who is a Nice Guy like Clark Kent (and without Superman Powers or Psychic Abilities) would be able to survive in a cutthroat and greedy world? Especially in Hollywood where people backstab and can easily take leads from you or go around you?
This pile of debt that has been eating me for three years is from Davis' Incompetence, my shyness for not confronting Davis earlier and letting him dominate over me, and just letting others walk all over me.
When it comes to money and who will get it, it all depends on whomever wants it the most. Because I don't really care about money and it's not a priority, that's why I always get shoved down on the bottom of the pile who gets paid back.
Financial Discrimination
On a certain level, that's how you get Financial Discrimination. I've seen it in people, especially Davis:
- I come from a Middle Class Income Family
- My parents have a nice house and my mom worked hard for it
- Davis takes this attitude that my parents are "rich" and so they're lower priority
- He pays the debtors and collectors that "harass" him the most
- Because I don't harass him him about money and am laid back about debts, I'm a low priority
A lot of people take that attitude toward people who have a lot of money. The Golden Rules of "Do unto others as you would have done unto you" goes out the window. People don't care about your finances, but as soon as it happens to THEM, you will see them all up in arms and pissed off because money has been taken from them.
However, if they borrow from you and after they get the money, a lot of people are "Financiall Immature" and stop caring about your needs after they get the money off of you. Once they don't think they need you, you're no longer a priority to them because they got what they want.
You already "put out" for them financially:
- I said that you should see how Davis kisses my ass when he needs money from me
- He's all nice, polite, and respectful when he 's trying to sweet-talk me for money
- When I ask for when he'll be able to pay me back, he fronts this attitude and uses the Business Partner Relationship we have as reason not to pay me because he says "I'm not pulling my share of the work load"
- I said I'm on "Psychic Maternial Leave" and in "Labor" as the Virgin Ma/R-y and I shouldn't have to be forced to work like this. However, Davis doesn't know and he doesn't see it that way so he takes a selfish attitude think I'm just lazy and sitting on my ass all the time
- Even if that were true (which it's not), the loans that he took out on my mom using me to get to her were not contingent on my work performance.
Who ever heard of people who loan money and the person who borrowed money doesn't have to pay the person he borrowed from if the one who loaned "isn't working hard enough" to be deemed worthy of being paid back?
That's why I said that Davis is sneaky. I once complained and said to Davis that hes an "abusive business spouse." He got offended, of course.
However, I stated that people are better of NOT being business partners with Davis because he treats his own investors better than he treats his own "business spouse." He puts priority on paying them back first because he knows that they could take legal action on him and take him to court.
Because I'm his "business spouse," he can just talk to me or "soothe" me when I start acting up and expressing discontent. Because he's borrowed so much money off my mom, he unconsciously dangles that over my head like a carrot on getting me to continually work for him without any pay or financial compensation because I'm chasing the money he owes my mom like a carrot.
There were many times where it wasn't for how much money he's taken from my mom, I would've stopped working with him and wanted him out of my life. However, this is where we come back to the sad turn of events that were stacked against me where I never finished my Bachelors Degree in Business Administration. I'm 5 Elective Credits off.
Because I'm a 30 year old male, the financial climate is harsher for me compared to new graduates fresh out of college that are eager to enter the work force. One thing that you can see in the Business World is the Employers prefer younger people because they're eager workers.
As we all know, the Job Market for "Superheroes" is next to none. That's why you see Peter Parker in "Spider-Man 2" being FLAT BROKE. He can't hold down a job because he's so busy saving people and can't get to work on time. So he gets fired.
That's how it is with me. Davis is unhappy with my work performance because he wonders what the Hell it is that I do and why I don't seem to be available or on call because I'm off saving the world. I'm managing and cleaning up the Planet.
That's why anyone who watches the "Spider-Man" movies sees how a Superhero is torn in half by his mundane life where he can barely put food on the table to survive and yet still has to go and rescue people. That's what it's like for me as a Superman and Spider-Man figure.
I said that all movies are Prophetic and based off of REAL people and events from MY LIFE. That's why I complain and say how my Life really SUCKS. Not only are you are you treated like dirt, but everybody SHITS on you with their problems and you have to roll up your sleeves and save them from themselves.
You should see how Davis calls me up interrupting me and breaking my train of thought when I'm concentrating because all the Planet's Systems are tied into my body. When I get thrown off track, it sometimes results in physical injury and death around the Planet.
I never say much and I never claimed that I'm "better" than anybody. However, the one pet peeve I have is when someone acts selfishly an their own FUCK-UP results in someone else getting hospitalized or dying. Worse yet, if someone dies because of someone else's NEGLIGENCE.
That's why I chew people's ass out when I get the daily reports in the Associated Press the next day showing who did what. It's like babysitting immature BRATS who are just doing whatever they want and FUCKING UP THE PLANET.
- I said 1/23/2006 that's how you get me as the Incredible Hulk
- When someone hits me, I start bursting with Muscles and turn GREEN for God and start going on a rampage
- You always see in the show how the Villain was acting selfishly and didn't heed David Banner's polite warnings saying not ot make him angry
- I keep giving peopel the same warning not to tick me off because you won't like me when I'm angry
- It's David Banner because I'm the one who BANS Davis when he's doing something STUPID and I have to clean up after his MESS
That's why I get so ticked off:
- I wasn't kidding when I said 1/10/2006 that Davis is the REAL Gilligan
- I'm the Skipper and always hits him with my H/At (Gemini Superman)
- That's why he's also the real Barney Fife:
- Fife is a city in Washington State.
- Don Knotts = K-No/TT-S = Aquarius(K/11) No Male(TT/Non-T/Non-20) Superman(S)
- I said Davis is the real selfish 7 Million Dollar Man "Barney" who uses his cybernetics for selfish purposes
- When I get mad at Davis it's for good reason.
That's why
I said 4/8/2006 that "Bruce Almighty" refers to Davis as B/N (2-14/Valentine's Day). You see what happens when you mingle my God Powers with Davis' selfish behavior where he only thinks of himself.
That's why James Doohan as Montgomery Scott was complaining about how self-centered William Shatner is where it's all about him. Kirk starts with K = 11 = Aquarius.
Shat/NE-R = Shit the Northeast Communication(R/18/2x9/2xI/II/Gemini).
Davis' Conscious Mind is completely oblivious to the Self-Centered behavior he engages in. That's why he's a K/Id meaning Aquarius(K/11) Selfish(Id).
A lot of people are acting like SELFISH, IMMATURE K/Ids. I get so sick of it because I have to play the Adult or the MOTHER and manage that immaturity.
This comes back to why I get pissed off and why the Planet showcases me as having the Title of Madonna (the Virgin Ma/R-y) and as Superman so that when people acting like SELFISH BRATS try to go up against me as the PARENT, I have the authority to WHOOP YOUR ASS.
That's why I said I'm the real James Bond working for the Queen Mother and have a License to Kill and use Necessary Force:
- That's why I was granted the Titles of G/RI-M Re/Ap-ER and the IR/S to audit you for T/Ax Evasion.
- When you're trying to be a Fe/Male (Iron Male), I put a T/Ax (Female Ax or Female Cut-Off) on you. When you try to act up and be meas the FE-Male, I hunt your ass down and T/Ax you.
- When you don't Pa/Y your T/Axes, that T/Ax Evasion.
- You can dodge me, but that's where we come back to where you're eventually going to DIE and have to settle your debts wth me as De/At-H
- De/At-H = Of(De-Spanish) Superman(At/20-1/19/S) Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel)
When you evade the Laws of Go/D, I can seriously fuck you up badly when I send out the Call as the Go-D/Father and all the Subconscious Minds activate as hidden "Sleeper Agents" in YOUR LIFE.
They'll come from anyone who's plugged into the Matrix. They can be in any form such as your Parents, your friends, your spouse, your PETS, and anything that is on this Planet that is influenced by the Electromagnetic Field.
That's why as the Ambassodor or Representative of the Planet, I have the Authority.
- That's why when people challenge me, Knowledge is WA/T-ER
- I drown people with so much WA/T-ER that it drowns out their Fire or Passion to go up against me
- They become so waterlogged and drowning in Knowledge that they become immobilized or their lungs start taking on Water
- Water = H2O = Gemini Superman(H2) Sun(O)
- That's why I'm A/IR = God(I) IR(My Initials)
- I cut off your A/IR so you can't breathe
- That's why Lungs represents the Body Part of Gemini
- When your lungs are deprived of Air or fill up with WA/T-ER, you die
See how morbid the Planet can be when it comes to defining what happens when you go against the Ma/F-IA?
I said 3/6/2006 that I'm the R u SS/I-An Ma/F-IA and the Go/TT-I Family.
Go/TT-I = IR(Go-Spanish) Male(TT/Non-T/Non-Female) God(I/1 in Roman Numerals)
- The Planet gave me Razor Sharp Teeth
- I said 12/27/2006 that I'm a SH/AR-K
- That's why I'm the real JAWS
- Water is Knowledge
- You see the F/IN surface on the Water
- F/IN = V/IR-Go(F/6) Final(I/9+N/14=W/23)
- When you're swimming in the WA/T-ER, I'm the SH/AR-K
That's how you get me as Lenny (Leo) in Shark Tale. Davis is Will Smith who as the tiny finsh who's pretending to be the Shark Slayer...LMAO
Lenny the Shark dresses up like a Dolphin because Flipper's a Dolphin. I said I'm Filipino (Flip).
Conscious Rod and what you see on the Surface is a Dolphin. Subconscious Rod that you don't see underneath is a Shark.
Harsh Business Climate
In the business world as people get older, they get more stubborn and set in their ways. They're more difficult to manage. I'd be a nightmare to work with in any new job because I'd go around thinking I'm smarter than everyone.
Regardless of whether I am or not, that's just a bad attitude and headache to work with. That's how you get workers who are discontent. No one likes working in a job where they think they're smarter than their boss or where they're being underpaid. It creates huge discontent.
That's why I get mad when Davis tries to suggest to me, "Well, maybe you should go back up to Washington State and go back to School." The reason why I find that offensive when he says that is because he borrowed thousands of dollars for his benefit and is sitting on all those Business Leads and Contacts.
I'm just like the "young business wife" who paid and went to work to pay for the "young business husband" to go to school and get a good job to be able to afford a nicer lifestyle so that both of them can live off well.
It's where the wife sacrificed her life to put her husband through college. However, as soon as the husband finishes college and gets nice paying job and is doing really well, he ditches the wife because she's a nag, no longer pretty, strapped with kids, and a pain to be around.
That's how you get RESENTFUL, bitter divorced wives who got used up and then thrown out. I said that as soon as I put a stop to Davis trying to get me to borrow more money from my mom and I could no longer keep Davis afloat, he started saying, "Well, I think we should dissolve the business and where I work independently."
It was his subtle way in not so many words trying to say that he feels we should go our separate ways. It's because Davis doesn't think that I contribute anything and that I'm "deadweight" to him.
It's because I've stopped "putting out" financially and no longer of use to him as a money source because it dried up. So like a "Financial Nomad," he's now moving on to the next Financial Resource (Victim?).
I said that in some ways Davis is like a Financial Vampire. He'll suck all the money out of you until you're a dried husk and then move on to the next victim. That's why in a Business Marriage, you could argue that if there was a Divorce, the settlement would be the equity of assest and what was generated FROM the union (business marriage).
I said that I put resources into the business we had together. Davis was riding on my Cell Phone Plan (unable to pay his share), having me be his Personal Driver chauffeuring him around, and making me do his Tech Support. I'm still shackled with a $20,000 debt on my Credit Card because Davis had me charging everything on the Indonesian Project.
The Credit Card Company has been bleeding me dry for 3 years with a debt that is from a failed film production that shouldn't even BE on my Credit Card. However, you won't see any sympathy from the Credit Card Company. They expect to be paid.
That's why I get upset how Davis borrowed all that money off my family and is slated to be paid $125,000 off the $7 million dollar Quentin Tarantino "Sweating Bullets" Project. He doesn't realize that was using my Psychic Abiliites that draws people in like a Magnet.