Here's a funny example of Tags:
- I said 5/6/2006 that "Mission Impossible III" is littered with Bliss Tags.
- In the news tonight, the posterboard reads "Find Bliss in the Bedroom"
- B-Ed/Room = Gemini(B/2) Education(Ed) Area(Room)
- I said 1/21/2006 that Communication is Sex
- When I teach you something, I'm "impregnating you with thought" so that you'll "give birth to an idea" (Yes that includes males)
I wasn't kidding when I said that the Planet intentionally had her choose the online Screen Name Bliss because "Ignorace is Bliss" :o).
Bliss is CHRISTine. She always used to fantasize about being pregnant. She also would go onilne and enjoy pretending to be a Fetus in the womb.
Fe-T u S = Ir Activated(IRon/Fe) Female(T/20/XX) in Union with(U) Superman(S)
In the movie "
Mission Impossible III," Ving's character asks a question:
ETHAN HUNT: She was like a little sister
LUTHER STRICKELL: Did you ever sleep with your little sister?
You see that Incest Tag that hints at Luke and Leia:
- I said that I'm Superman
- I said 12/16/2005 that Bliss was the original Supergirl
- We used to be intimate.
- Technically, we count as "Kissing Cousins."
I said 12/31/2005 about the Supergirl Story Arc. you'll see an Alternate Universe were Supergirl has Superman's child but isn't related to Superman.
You see that scene in "Star Wars" where Leia kisses Luke for Good Luck
- Then we find out in "Return of the Jedi" that Luke and Leia are Twins
- I said Bliss is a Gemini like me
- Gemini = Twins
- T/WI-N = Female(T/20/XX) 5/29(WI/Wisnconsin) Sun(N/V in Greek)
- Twi(N) = Twi(LIGHT) when Sun(N/V in Greek) = Light
- Twi(LIGHT) Zone = Twi(N) Zone
- I said 4/18/2006 that when people mess with me, I use my Psychic Abilities to yank you into the TWILIGHT ZONE
- I yank you into the TWI(N) Zone, which is the Realm of Gemini, which is MY Sign
That's how I'm able to perform "Psychic Curses" and Hexes on people when I plug in through the Electromagnetic Field, do a "Psychic Google Search," and go into the back of your mind like the Back End of a Web Site, and start messing with your System.
That's how I'm able to go in and transform all your Friends, Relatives, and Loved Ones in "Matrix" Sleeper Agents that ACTIVATE when you're not behaving correctly. They start herding you and disciplining you so that you'll behave better.
- People who don't like me doing that will brand me as the "Psychic Darth Vader" with the Subconscious Minds acting as the "Psychic Imperial Storm Troopers" closing in on them.
- People who cheer me on will herald me as God with the Subconscious Minds acting as Angels
- People who HATE what I'm doing (especially if it's directed at them) will brand me as Satan with the Subconscious Minds acting as Demons "possessing" people
It's all a matter of perspective.
Subconscious Dan Brown of the "Da Vinci Code" left a HUGE HINT when he wrote the book "Angels and Demons" where the Calligraphy Art of the two words "Angel" above the word "Demon" can be rotated 180 degrees to spell the same thing.
Technically, there is no Good or Evil, only DESIRABLE and UNDESIRABLE RESULTS.
When you detonate a Nuclear Warhead, that's not exactly Good or Bad if you want to get technical. It will definitely yield UNDESIRABLE RESULTS for Humankind.
- Imagine if I was to start an organization
- In order to be a Member of this Organization, you have to wear purple socks
- If you don't wear purple socks to Meetings, you'll be punished
- As long as I have 7 billion members that agree to abide by this Law and enforce it, that's the organization
- It may be a DUMB law that's pointless in our Society, but as long as I've got members who abide by those terms, it's valid
When it comes to organizations, it doesn't matter if it makes sense to anyone outside of the organization. If those rules are followed within the organization, that's all that matters.
Look at the Mafia. If you rat on the Family or do something against the Family, they'll kill you.
That's not very ethical in general society, but when it comes to Organized Crime and how they govern themselves, that's how it works in their organization.
If you borrow money and you don't pay loan sharks in time, they break your legs or kill you. It's not ethical by Society's standards, but those are the Rules in their Organization and if you choose to do business with them.
The reason why my Rules have clout is because I've got 7 billion Subconscious Minds reinforcing what I dictate no matter how stupid the Rules may seem to the Conscious Minds of people. While I've got the support of the Subconscious Minds and the Animal Kingdom, that's a lot of power to wield.
That's all that really matters and all the Conscious Minds are subject to those Rules while they reside on Planet Earth and while I serve as the Planetary Ambassador carrying out the Will of the Planet.
As I said though, I don't have much time to live. I said I'm dying. That's why it's so important that this information be dispensed and people learn how to develop their own Psychic Abilities as well.
I said it helps my case if other people try out my Psychic Theories and succeed in developing their own Psychic Powers because then they can vouch for my Credibility and prove that my Theories were correct all along.
That's why you won't see me complaining if anyone tries out my stuff. It's like "Psychic Shareware."
The Planet bonded the Master Account to me so that in case anyone tries to plagiarize or steal my work, I can show it's tailored to me. The Planet also made it so that the Planet communicates with me. That's how you get that scene in "Galaxy Quest" where I'm Gwen DeMarco who just repeats what the Computer says.
As I said, if World Leaders and Religious Figures could get their hands on this "God Software Program" and find a way to bypass me and go around me, they would. Ethics would go out the window.
That's why the Planet chose me with its own Specific Operating System that installed on the way it wants things done. Why settle for what the World and Religious Leaders want when they aren't even interpreting the Signs correctly?
- Why should the Planet settle for having to work with the World and Religious Leaders with all their quirks and deep-rooted ideals when the Planet can just create its own "robot" that will carry out things exactly the way it wants and where it has direct control over that robot or "human remote control"?
- That's how you get the "Mission Impossible III" movie trailer "Click" coming out with Adam Sandler who gets his hands a on Unversal Remote Control.
- I'm the Universal Remote Control. I have Remote Control access over the Planet :o)
- Re-M.O./Te = Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic/1975) Mission Objective(M.O.) Non-Alien
I've been fiddling with the Remote for the last two years :o).
- The Last 4 Digits on the Superman Journal ID are 1191
- Adam Sandler's IMDB Number is 1191
- I said 5/4/2006 how I have the Power to Control Numbers and Random Number Generators
- That's how I am able to go in and unlock people's minds and hack into them because I fiddle with YOUR numbers since your Mind functions just like a Computer
- All Computers use Numbers to calculate. Same with YOUR Mind
- That's how I can control whom you meet, whom you run into, and time everything that happens in your Life with the help of the Subconscious Minds
When I walk around the Planet, everything is timed in my Life.