LESSONS: Goibniu, Intellectual Weapons, 14th Amendment

May 17, 2006 11:11

Here's an example of how you can see how some people just don't learn their lesson:
  1. I said 10/22/2005 about Intellectual Rape
  2. I said 10/25/2005 about Intellectual Gangbanging
  3. I said 10/29/2005 about Psychic Chess
  4. I said that my Journal in itself cqualifies as a Written Software Program where my Entries form a "Weave Pattern" or "Web"
  5. I said 5/16/2006 that RobynZ/Gwendolen is trying to reopen old wounds and pick a fight with me and see if she can get under my Skin
While it's true that I'm talking about her in my Journal, you have to look at the content. It's one thing to just throw insults back at someone, but if you actually have a lesson or you're making an example of the other person showcasing bad behavior and where others can learn from RobynZ's mistakes, that's how you one-up someone.

Mental Martial Arts, Forging Verbal Weapons
As I said, when people don't like you and think you're a moron, they're going to try and walk all over you and establish dominance. In the World of Intelligence and Intellectual Agility, we ceom back to Mental Martial Arts and Cerebral Combat.
  1. Are you really smart, or are you just tripping all over your words?
  2. What kind of weapons (Verbal Arguments) are you using?
  3. Are your weapons (Verbal Arguments) strong enough?
  4. If your weapons you're using aren't strong enough, they'll BREAK or SHATTER in combat
I know exactly what kind of Weapons that RobynZ/Gwendolen tries to use:
  1. Rod's crazy
  2. Rod's stupid
  3. Rod thinks he's Superman
That's the "Intellectual Weapon" (Verbal Argument) that she's "constructed" that she tries ot use against me to show all her friends and everyone that she's Superior and holds Dominance.
  1. When you translate what you see in the movies and Physical Combat or in Roleplaying Video Games over to the Psychic Realm and Intellectual Realm. those weapons you use are WORDS.
  2. How strong your weapon is depends on who FORGED your weapon
  3. The reason why I have "Magical Weapons" or powerful weapons is because they were forged by the PLANET
So when I draw from my Arsenal or Verbal Weapons Cache, I draw upon Information that was set in place a LONG TIME AGO:
  1. When I draw from points in history, those are intersecting lines
  2. I said 5/16/2006 that "40 Year Old Virgin" Steve Carell born 8/16 like Madonna (VIRGIN Mother) is a FORGED (Verbal) )WEAPON
  3. It can be used and reused. It is harder to wear down
  4. I said 5/16/2006 that I was Goibniu on Haven who used to FORGE WEAPONS
People say "Words are Weapons" and can be used to hurt someone:
  1. Just like Goibniu, I've been building or constructing "Verbal Weapons" these last two years by strinigng points of information together that can be used
  2. When I research and pull RESOURCES together to construct a Journal Entry, that Blog Entry transforms into a Magical Weapon
  3. When you play "Neverwinter Nights," you have to go on Quests in order to forge special Magical Weapons
  4. You have to get Fairy Dust, Dragon's Blood, Holy Water, and other unique items
  5. When I go searching on the Internet to find information about Celebrity Birthdates, Historical Information, and Current Events, I'm intersecting information that comes together to FORGE a special weapon that goes into my Arsenal
That's why when I say I'm the "Intellectual Goibniu," it's a true statement with the Verbal Constructs that I make.

Hate Groups
The thing that RobynZ and other people underestimate about me is that they don't believe I have Psychic Abilities and that I'm full of crap. That's their own undoing. As we all know, no one wants to give people credit where credit is due.

All those people and Haters are eager to insult me, but they last thing they want to do is compliment me or acknowledge my Intelligence and that they're dealing with an individual who's extremely perceptive and smart.

It doesn't fit the mold of the Persona they're trying to project and claim about me so that they can maintain their user base of followers. That's how you get Propaganada. If you go to the Rodillon Hate Group, that's all you'll mostly read.

If there's anything that they've quoted off me from my Journal, it's only what they think sounds dumb and will fan the flames of people they've recruited.

Ironically enough, the process of Induction that they use is NO DIFFERENT than the way that I pull up information off the Associated Press that I "claim" is Psychic Phenomenon. The way that RobynZ selectively chooses to quote from me is the stuff that puts me in a bad light or makes me sound stupid or just downright crazy reinforcing her own readership.

I do the same exact thing when I selectively choose information that surfaces off the News Wire every 24 hours and say that it's a Psychic Phenomenon or directly related to what I posted 24 - 48 hours previously in my Blog.

As I said, that's where RobynZ and al her followers have a Short Circuit in their brains. To acknowledge that I have Psychic Abilities means to acknowledge that they were wrong a year ago when I was stating I'd observed Psychic Phenomenon.

As we all know, no one likes to admit that they're wrong.

There are also higher stakes involved for RobynZ and her Hate Group Community because the were so sure a year ago that there is just no way in Hell that Rod could have any Psychic Abilities.

If you think about it, it was actually a pretty sound bet. I would've bet conservatively and sided with RobynZ like anyone else. What are the odds or chances that someone really has Psychic Abilities when you see the world crawling with fakes and frauds?

On top of that, Bliss and Isabella only know the OLD ROD. This was the Old Rod predating 4/2/2004:
  1. That was a totally different Rod that didn't know about Psychic Phenomenon.
  2. The Rod that Isabella and Bliss talked to was different
  3. The Rod that used to simper and pine over Bliss on Haven in September 2001 was a totally different Rod
  4. Bliss is going off her old Knowledge of the Old Rod that used to send her 20-page E-mails pining over her
This was way before I knew what I know now.

Same with even Scott. He's going by the Old Rod that was content sitting next to him at the Wall in High School and following Scott around. I was quite happy being in the background and just following other people.

That's the miscalculation that RobynZ made. I'm quite sure that Bliss must've been saying something about me or talking about me in her usual condescending manner on Haven dismissing me as kooky or whatever because she got to witness firsthand what Love can do and how you'll act like a babbling idiot.

For love, yes. You'll say and do really dumb things. All your senses go out the window. That's why Bliss has this inflated ego about what she thinks she knows about me and what she passed on to her friends and people listening to her side of the story and her version of events.

It's always about perspective.

How Bliss Got Haven Up and Running
As I said, in July 2001, I was the one who lobbied for Haven to get it set up under Vamp and Sabrina's host server. At the time, I deferred to Bliss and let her be Owner and let her choose the Theme.

HOWEVER, in reality, Vamp and Sabrina didn't allow Bliss to run her Server because they knew Bliss. They let Bliss set it up because they TRUSTED ROD:
  1. I said 10/27/2005 that I publicly chewed Bliss' ass out on my Journal talking about Betrayal and biting the hand that feeds you
  2. I said 10/27/2005 that I went off on Bliss calling her a Hypocrite insulting me and siding with Isabella when Haven was using my Title Screen that I made
  3. Bliss' followers and people who embrace her on Haven are only there because I got Haven up and running
  4. I said 11/8/2005 that it's like the Game of Sorry. It doesn't matter if you draw cards 3 - 12. You skip your turn until you draw a ONE, TWO, or a SORRY Card to put a man on the board. Otherwise you just SIT there unable to do anything
That's what Bliss fails to appreciate.

The reason why I go off on her about that is because it's no different than the Film and Entertainment Industry and Celebrities. One point Davis always makes about Celebrities bashing on their former Talent Managers as being greedy crooks and unethical is that they forget that nobody wanted to give those people a chance BEFORE they were Celebrities.

Before they were Celebrities, nobody cared or gave a rat's ass about them. The only reason why they can even sit on a Talk Show bashing somebody is because tehy've now got the Star Power to back them and generate interest. Before that, they didn't have that Power to wield.

That's why every time RobynZ or Bliss tries to go off on me, it's so ridiculous because RobynZ from my understanding met Bliss through Haven. Any person who came from Haven and developed the User Base is derived from me getting that Host Server set up.

I was the one that was able to get Bliss the Location using my Sales Skills and UPSELLING Bliss. I was her "Talent Agent" that got her "cast in a role as Owner." She was waiting Flux. Flux was taking his time. He had things to do. Bliss was a low priority.

I used to sit and listen to Bliss complain about how she was so tired of working hard on Alexandria MUSH and not getting appreciated and promoted. When you listen to someone complaining long enough and add in that you're attracted to that person and want to be in their good favor, you'll do things.

That's what I did. I lobbied for Bliss so she could have her own place.

Everyone and Their Grandmother Has a Script
That's how unappreciative Bliss is. Like anyone else, they downplay that role. Bliss claims that it's nothing and that other people have contributed more to Haven:
  1. Without an actual running Chat Place, she wouldn't have had those Coders to contribute their services
  2. You can TALK about all your plans of what you want to do and make with your Chat Place, but until you actually SHOW that you have something working, it's hard to get commitment from anyone
  3. You can get a lot of Construction Workers that are willing to offer free labor and donate time, but it doesn't mean anything until you actually have the Property or LAND to build on
The same Principles go for the Film and Entertainment Industry:
  1. Everybody and their GRANDMOTHER has got a Script
  2. They ALL say it's the best script ever and it's going to make a lot of money
  3. They all say about how people should invest in their film project
  4. They all say that they've got a Letter of Intent from some Celebrity
Until you get the actual MONEY in the bank for that Film Project, it doesn't mean anything in this business.

So when Bliss tries to downplay the fact that I got that Host Server off of Vamp and Sabrina to allow Bliss to run it, Bliss is downplaying it's value:
  1. Bliss says, "Well, I have all these have put in more work than you" (Film Crew))
  2. Serenity spent how many hours writing Room Descriptions (Script Writer)
  3. Bliss says, "I spent X amount of hours building all the rooms" (Construction Crew)
Yeah, but where did you set it up? Where?

In the Entertainment Industry, Celebrities and Film Crew won't commit to anything unless they get a Retainer, an actual BANK STATEMENT, or see the money in Escrow. That's the same with Bliss. She can laud how she had all these people contribute to making Haven, but it was only AFTER I got Haven physically RUNNING on a Host Server so they could "WORK ON SET."

Haven is like a Movei Set. Unless you have the actual movie set, the Film Crew won't sign up or commit. They want something tangible and know thati it's going to be done. Bliss could talk till she's blue in the face about Haven and how it's going to be this great Celtic Theme MUSH Chat with all these Rooms and BLAH BLAH BLAH.

However, it doesn't mean anything until it's in full production and RUNNING. That's what Bliss fails to appreciate with what I did. That's why I say she bit the hand that fed her by turning against me.

The only person who actually did some help was Caedo who would partially run a test version of Haven off of his server, but it wasn't a permanent Site where it could be left running 24 hours a day like on that Planes.Org Server.

Film Crew, 14th Amendment
You can say the same thing about Spirits and Souls and the Physical Human Body:
  1. Everyone believes that Spirits, Ghosts, or Reincarnations are possible
  2. That may be true, but Ghosts can't affect things very easily. It isn't unless you have a PHYSICAL BODY
  3. Without that Physical Body, you aren't a Game Player in this "Conscious Reality" we're in
  4. You sit on the sidelines if you don't have a Body
  5. If you have loved ones and you physically die, you don't have a body anymore
This is where we come back to the 14th Amendent regarding the definition of a LEGAL BODY:
  1. Your body functions just like a Corporation/Company
  2. People who have all these ideas, but no company or CORPORATE VEHICLE are NON-CORPOREAL Spirits with NO BODY
  3. There are a lot of people who have brilliant ideas, but they don't have the Financial Capital or Resources to start their Corporation
  4. That's why they work at another company
When it comes to Bliss, I practically HANDED a Corporation over to her. Haven is a Chat Place Corporation. It may not be making ay actual money, but while it's being run and it has a User Base and has an Infrastructure, that's still a variation of a Corporation and its survival or existence is based off of "Social Profits" where its Life and Longevity is determined by how many people go to Haven and hang out there.

Once again, we come back to, "Who allowed Haven to be possible?"
  1. I said that Bliss and I qualify as the PARENTS of Haven
  2. Bliss is the Father because she had the Celtic Theme and knew exactly what she wanted
  3. I was the MOTHER because I provided the Resources and was INDEFINITE like the OVUM
  4. I had no particular preference as to what the Theme was
  5. Haven was the UNION of me and Bliss
That's why it's an insult when Bliss turns her back on me.

Bliss and Isabella Tags
Amusingly enough, you get Parallelism:
  1. I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table. I said Bliss' real name is CHRISTine
  2. My real name is ISABELO and it runs parallel ot ISABELLA Valentine
  3. I said that I fired Isabella Valentine from Corporation
  4. Bliss did the same thing where she got rid of me from Haven
That was no coincidence. That was the Planet setting up alignment. I can even take it a step further:
  1. Bliss' Initials are CT. Charlie of Bay City Blues was nicknamed Charlie from "Charlie's Angles who is Charles Townsend (CT)
  2. ISABELLA Valentine was the CO-OWNER of Bay City Blues. Rod (ISABELO) was the technically the CO-OWNER of HAVEN
  3. Isabella left Bay City Blues. Rod (Isabelo) left Haven
So once AGAIN, you see the MIRROR.

I can even doing it a THIRD TIME showing ANOTHER PARALLEL:
  1. I'm business partners with Davis born on a VALENTINE's Day
  2. Davis born Valentine's Day runs parallel to Isabella Valentine
  3. I said that I qualify CHRIST = Bliss = CHRISTIne = CT = Charlies Townsend = Bay City Blues Co-Owner
  4. Davis born Valentine's Day = Valentine = Isabella Valentine = Bay City Blues Co-Owner
  5. We split up and Davis sort of went his own way "independently"
So you see ANOTHER mirror.

People can go off on me talking about how I'm seeing things, but don't you find it the least bit ODD that you see three PARALLEL Companies or Organizations with Similar Names all tied together?

The reason why I'm so sure about all of this is because I've been working heavily in the Psychic Field for two years now. I'm quite certain of my Research and the Experiments I've been conducitng.

That's why I get irritated and crabby when people think they can get smart with me and not realize that they're messing with things that are much bigger than them.

forge, gangbang, davis, isabella, rape, lessons, valentine, insults, advice, 14, amendments, indonesia, bliss, law, wisdom

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