Feb 27, 2010 12:09
I'm feeling quite disaffected at work. Indifference makes for very slow days. I don't know if it's where I'm at in this project (over it but not yet finished), or something larger. I will have to keep an eye on it. I'm also aware that I have an underlying discontent that is a bit deeper and more profound, which I overlay with busy (the plan to go to Europe was just another example of that).
Speaking of busy... Now that I have allowed myself to see the profound amount of work that needs doing around the outside of the house (which I was willfully blind to before because I was overwhelmed by it), I have discovered the dangerous intersection of OCD and home maintenance. This morning rolled out of bed about 8, made coffee, removed putty from the remaining downstairs windows, given all the surfaces that will need painting a vigorous scrub with a stiff brush and a bucket of warm soapy water, used the hose to give the front and side of the house a pseudo powerwash, and then topped it all off with a delicious breakfast of waffles, bacon and venison sausages eaten in the sunshine.
It's a very nice way to start the day. I feel accomplished!