I was cooking a big skillet full of red and yellow peppers this afternoon, and I suddenly got excited about autumn. Autumn is my favourite season; I love the colours, the foods, the crispness in the air, the sense of winding down but still having the sun on your shoulders.
Currently in the crockpot is
chicken piperade, and a new vegetarian crockpot cookbook is on order from amazon. Cooking is therapeutic for me. It pays to keep that in mind. I'm looking forward to going to the market tomorrow to restock for the coming week.
In other news, I have zero balance on my credit card, and a few hundred left to pay on the heatpump. That feels nice. It took a lot of plodding to get there, but slow and steady wins the race!
Also, today is one of those rare days where I'm quite inconvenienced by not having a car. I'm committed to 2 different events, in different parts of town. One of them (Wright's hill) is basically impossible to get to by bus, and I need to be there early to support Wendy and Will, and then late. There's a good chunk of time in between where I can comfortably bugger off and go to Allyn's birthday party. A taxi between the 2 is going to be dear. But these are the choices I make. And truthfully, it doesn't cause me problems that often.