Kuramamamanama to the rescue~! [Closed, quickielog]

Aug 05, 2010 03:26

WHO: Kuwabara and Kurama
WHAT: [YYH narrator voice.] Kuwabara had been stuck in the jungle for the past month, losing his journal in the process. He finally found it and made contact with other folks of Rivelata- and Kurama. The later goes to rescue him. Will he be able to- oh, of course he can. /end voice
WHERE: Somewhere in the jungle.
WHEN: Backdated to July 11th.

[Kuwabara closes the journal as he sets the thing aside-...actually, it'd be best if he keeps a death grip on it this time yeaaah much better. He can't help but wince after taking another deep breath.]

Must've really cracked a rib...[Not that it concerned him that much. He went through worse after all. In all honestly, Kuwabara would rather have a few broken bones from a clean fight than trek through the messy process of survival. Those biology courses he took had paid off at least. As much as he enjoyed (well, not really) eating berries and whatever fruits he could find, Kuwabara can sure go for a big 'o bowl of udon or rice or SOMETHING!

To distract himself from getting too hungry, he went back to his thoughts. "I'm glad you're back," Kurama had told him.]

Heh. [It's not home but...] Good to be back I guess.

kazuma kuwabara, kurama/minamino shuuichi

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