(no subject)

Aug 09, 2010 16:48

WHO: Catgirl and Captain America
WHAT: reunion! ...sorta. Completed!
WHERE: at the docks
WHEN: just after this.

Carrie: *She'd pulled her cowl off for the journal, but she'd woken up in the Catgirl suit, so it's in uniform that she heads out to the docks. With the help of the motored skates she's there in two minutes, just as predicted, and hops up onto a crate to wait.*

Steve: *He's there not long after, his own cowl down and the sheild strapped to his back like always. It's strange to see her this grown up, but the smile he gives her is the same as always.* Decided to retire the Robin threads I see.

Carrie: *As if seeing him again wasn't enough to get a smile of her own, his smile makes it impossible to avoid. So different from Batman. Carrie at 13 would have moved in for an unavoidable hug, but Carrie at 16 keeps to her perch.* Outgrew them, yeah.

Steve: *He nods.* What's the name now? *Although he could probably get in a good guess...*

Carrie: Catgirl. *a grin* A little more straightforward.

Steve: Just a little. I like the ears. *The grin widens.* How're you moves these days? You've had three years now.

Carrie: Better. *totally an understatement, but she'd rather prove it than talk about it. She hops off of the crate, stretches, and glides toward him on the wheeled shoes. While Robin did a lot of darting, it's apparent Catgirl's more a fan of fluidity.* You know, I remember you looking older.

Steve: *He takes a slightly looser stance as she gets closer. He does approve of the change. The fluidity suits her more now, although the skates strike him as a little ridiculous. He snorts.* And I remember you being a lot shorter. I'm still old enough to be your grandfather.

Carrie: Uh huh. *she pulls a quick once-around, ending up in front of him again, and trades her thoughtful study out for a grin.* Great-grandfather, at least.

Steve: *he let's her, but he tips his head slightly to follow her movement.* You certainly talk a lot more.

Carrie: *juuuust gonna grin at that one. She nods her head back toward town.* Let's pull a patrol.

Steve: *Pulls his cowl back up.* Let's see if you can keep up. *And heads for the rooftops.*

Carrie: You're on, gramps. *she heads after him, putting the motors in the shoes to good use. It might be cheating, but she's totally okay with that.*

Steve: *He doesn't hold his stride at all. He's gotta give her credit for using her resources. He leaps from one roof to another, keeping an eye on the girl beside him.*

Carrie: *She keeps up pretty easily, swinging, twisting, and flipping like she's been practicing on these very rooftops every night for a year and not on a three-year trip back to Gotham.* Well, looks like nothing so far blew up since last night...

Steve: *He's proud of her. There's still the little twinge of disapproval, but she's improved, he can see that already.* Things have been quite since the incident at the castle... But one of the gods have been up to something recently.

Carrie: Yeah? *She hits a slanted roof and flips off of it, landing just behind him and putting on a burst of speed to make it next to him instead.* Right, I remember that... Egil, or something. He seemed pretty harmless.

Steve: It's a bad idea to write off any of them. They have power and he doesn't seem the kind who'll hesitate in using it. *He doesn't let even once, diving off onto a lower roof and then back up to the upper stories.*

Carrie: *She's right next to him, catching hold of a jutting flagpole to flip up onto it and vault off again.* You're right. And it's always the seemingly harmless ones that go and prove you wrong. Any movement from him since then?

Steve: No, but there's been a lot of strange things showing up and belongings of others disappearing. The timing's too good to be coincidence.

Carrie: The bills. *she almost misses a step with that thought, but catches herself before a stumble can come out of it.* And Ashelia was talking about toys. *a quick glance* I haven't talked to her yet, but did you find anything out of place like that?

Steve: *He sees that misstep and he's ready to catch her if the fall comes. The relief and pride is a little more obvious when she catches herself.* Not yet, but who knows what might be coming up around the corner.

Carrie: *She scales a particularly sharp slope and pauses at the top of it, perching a little thoughtfully.* At least there's no built-in harm in a scheme like this, unless someone used to partake in serial killing, or something. *and, come to think of it, that actually sounds all too likely…*

Steve: We'll figure out what to do about that if it comes up. *He pauses beside her before launching of the slope to land on a more level place. He stops there, waiting for her, holding up a hand that means "pause".*

Carrie: *She's right behind him, and pulls up smoothly to match the stop. It gets a curious look, while a discrete tap of her shoes kills the motors.*

Steve: There is something I wanted to discuss with you before... Though this may work out better now that you're older. *He smiles a little.* Have to admit, I'm a lot less worried about you now. You've grown a lot.

Carrie: Yeah? *she runs a quick catalog through all possible topics, and comes up with a big, resounding, 'not much'. Whatever it is, she's not predicting it.* What is it?

Steve: *He's quiet for a minute, gathering his thoughts. When he looks up again and tugs off the cowl. This is important and it's...more right to say this to her as Steve. Not as Captain America.* In the time I've lived and fought, I've lost a lot of friends. A lot of people I fought alongside and had come to depend on in different ways. I know what it's like to lose someone suddenly. And while I don't want to be presumptuous as to just how important I might have been to you... or how important to you I might be now, I wanted you to know that if anything ever happens to me... If I ever get taken away from this place, I want you to keep your head up and keep being just as smart and brave as you have since the first day I met you. No matter how dark things might seem at times, you're smart enough to solve just about anything this place throws at you and good enough to find a way to make it work. More than that, I want you to know that you've become someone I would be proud to call a good friend and a comrade in arms. *He smiles again and puts his hand on her shoulder.* I may not have had a hand in your growth these last three years, but I'm very proud of you, Carrie.

Carrie: *She's caught off-guard at first, and too surprised to do anything but listen. Surprise, eventually, sinks into uncertainty. Bruce would never say anything like this. Bruce never said anything he didn't have to - he didn't talk about being proud of her, she just knew he was. She hesitates a second or two when he's done, then reaches up to push back her own cowl. Not knowing exactly what reaction she's supposed to give (or have, for that matter), she tries a small laugh, a weak grin.* You… say this like you're planning on going somewhere.

Steve: *His own smile is soft and he ruffles her hair affectionately. It feels strange to do it to Carrie now that she was older when he had just yesterday done it to a Carrie that seemed much younger.* Not if I can help it.

Carrie: *She glances away, still trying to figure it out. What do you even say to something like that? Training didn't exactly cover this. But, eventually, she decides on a response in kind. When she looks back again, the smile's a little more natural.* Let's keep it at not if you can help it, I like that. But, if one of us does head back home… Then, thanks. For everything. *She leans in, finally claiming that hug she hadn't taken on first seeing him. Both arms wrap around his neck, lips find his cheek. Just as unavoidable as a hug from Robin would have been, but with a few subtle differences.*

Steve: *He leans down a little to hug her back (she's still tiny, that's never changed...) and laughs a little at the kiss, ducking his head just a bit in embarrassment.* You're welcome. *When they pull away he slips the cowl back on.* Now... Ready to go?

Carrie: Never stopped being ready in the first place. *Any softness there might have been in her smile a second ago is gone, replaced by pure amusement. Back to familiar territory, good. She pulls her own cowl back on, kicks the motors to life again, and starts off with an explosive leap.*

Steve: *He can't help grinning, leaping right after her. Content, for now, to play this game of rooftop tag until they find something that needs their attention.*

steve rogers/captain america, robin/carrie kelley

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