So I was waiting to start a movie the other day, and while I waited I watched a trailer on the next theater over, as I am wont to do. The trailer featured several high school-aged girls doing some high school-aged stuff, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what movie it was the trailer for. Turns out it was the trailer for the
Live Action Bratz Movie. I mention this because Brandon said I should share my idea of what the plot of the movie is with all of you.
Now keep in mind, I've seen this trailer twice without the sound, and, as far as I can tell, this is what it's about:
When you enter high school from middle school, you are not allowed allowed to be friends with the same people you were friends with in middle school. In fact, this is SO important, that groups of middle school friends are assigned an upperclassman whose sole duty is to make sure that each of you joins an existing clique. And it stands to reason that that upperclassman's entire social standing in high school is determined by their ability to split up groups of friends. So, of course, the way to get back at said upperclassman is to become friends again after you've been split up. Preferably at that upperclassman's sweet 16 party.
I'm not really sure what this movie is actually about, but after two viewings this is all I can get out of it.