(no subject)

Apr 14, 2012 21:55

I woke up this morning crying and exhausted, and things didn't really improve from there. It would seem that the Annual Emotional Breakdown has arrived. Goody.

However, even with the emotional ups and downs (mostly downs. Haven't cried this much in a long time), it was still a pretty productive day. Dad and I spent a good chunk of the morning taking apart my car in search of an oil leak (which we still haven't found) and I was able to but it all back together myself without assistance, with only a small gouge out of my thumb to show for my efforts, so yay for that.

I also played in the dirt a bit for the (Secret) Garden Project, digging up a clump or two of Spring Beauties down the road from the house and attempting to re-plant them down in the barn foundation since we have NONE up here, not even one small tiny clump! They're everywhere *else* around here, but not a single patch in our yard. It is entirely unfair, so I thought I would try and change that. Not sure if they'll survive or not, but at least I tried. Maybe I'll get lucky.

Also did a several loads of laundry... all of which still need to be folded, but at least I clean socks now.

breakdown, play in the mud, emo, laundry, plants, gardening, pms, car

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