Apr 17, 2012 21:02
... was pretty much an over all failure this weekend.
* No applications went out. Not a one. Was very much in the "Fuck this, what good will it do?" mindset this week.
* Cleaning - Dishes were done a Wednesday or Thursday. They have not been done since, and have piled up again. Vacuuming did not happen, either. I did burn trash, though.
* Swim laps - also did not happen beyond the usual laps I did while teaching swim lessons. I might've done five total so while waiting for my private swim lessons and water aerobics classes to start, but not the 1000 yds/20 laps I had intended when the goal was set.
* Outdoor stuff - okay, this one I actually did a bit. Attempted to relocate some Spring Beauties and Trilliums from down the road to the Someday Garden location, and three days later there is still about a 65% survival rate. Maybe even all the way up to 75% if you take into account that we've had freezing overnight temps all week, which is hard for any flower to survive without damage. Also spent an hour just after I got home tonight outside raking up leaves and picking up broken branches.
This Week:
* SEND OUT AT LEAST THREE APPLICATIONS. Geezes crips, this is our future we're talking about. Working ten hours a week for 8 bucks a hour won't get you anywhere.
* Swim laps at least once
* FOLD LAUNDRY LIKE WOAH. Also, seriously, vacuum. The floor is nasty.
* Schedule the private swim lessons you just acquired. Or at least call them and attempt to schedule.
* Wish friends luck on TRIVIA, and maybe even listen in an hour or two yourself online.
* WRITE SOMETHING CREATIVE. Even if it's just a line of dialog or a few sentences, something is better than nothing and it might be nice for the seven readers if you updated Beginnings in Disguise one of these days.
job search,
tuesday tell all,