Tuesday... err...Wednesday Morning Tell All

Apr 11, 2012 09:42

Woops. Forgot to do this last night.

Reached all my goals for last week (laundry, garden, swimming/water ex, and three applications) except for the three applications. I did send out one, though, which is better than none at least.

This week:
* Send out three applications. Seriously, not lowering this number until you actually reach that particular goal. Even better, five applications to make up for the ones you didn't send out the last two weeks. :P
* Cleaning. Dishes and vacuum at the very least (dead bugs are not fun to step on bare foot), even better if you burn trash, sweep, and whatever else you can think of.
* Swim laps
* Outdoor stuff - more clean up in the garden, move wood and pile up the dead falls that are lying around the yard after the last few days of really strong wind.

swimming, job search, tuesday tell all, spring, cleaning

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