This is way cool...

Aug 01, 2008 21:11

Several random observations:

1) Do you use Firefox to browse with? If so have you installed this amazing wizardry?
A seriously excellent way to view images without the clunkiness of the Google Image search. I've just installed it and typed in Tom Welling for the search and oh my. Got my own personal art gallery of Tom right there and it scrolls through and loads so fast I am never going to be wasting time looking for that specific Tom pic anymore. I don't usually get into add ons but this one is worth it.

2) I do believe trying to avoid being spoilt for Harry Potter, Smallville, any much anticipated big budget movies, or popular TV shows is actually easier than trying to avoid the copies of Breaking Dawn (Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer) currently floating around out there. One big Twilight community has actually stopped posting for three days in order to control the frenzy. I can handle spoilage to a certain extent but not of books. Anything else except books. The enjoyment you get from a brand new book with a story you've waited for is one of the finer things in the human experience so I refuse to be spoiled!! And yes the Twilight fandom is somewhat cracktastically insane and I am more than a little scared of them. Lurking mostly seems to be working out for me.

3) Thankyou rain for falling on our drought ridden lands. You can go away now, we've had enough.

lillaw!!!! May all your hopes and wishes and dreams be fulfilled. Yes even those dreams *vbg*

5) I think in September my head will explode from all the shows that will be returning that I have somehow managed to get myself addicted to in various degrees from mild to 'must have hit right now or shall die'. Shows I'll be waitin' on. Smallville, Dexter, SC:Terminator Chronicles, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, CSI, House, Reaper and Heroes. Since I have learned that my fav character from Firefly - Jayne Cobb aka Adam Baldwin is on a show called Chuck I may have to check that one out.

6) Question for my Rosenbaum fans - What do those two tatts on the inside of his arms say? I have been intrigued by them ever since I saw his inner arms in some candid photos. Because isn't that what everyone does? Check out his arms? *g*

7) I want more hot Tom pics. But I don't want a pony tail so I hope disappointment does NOT abound. And it's ok if Michael's in them.

8) Question for flist - Attending Book Launch Event Parties? As geeky as Comic con attendance or  a higher/lower level of geekery? Not that I'm going. I briefly considered it and then figured I'd rather just grab my book and go home to read it.

9) Lastly - I am still not completely happy with my LJ layout or header. Want to change it but making things look cool is time intensive. And I am the opposite of time intensive.

random fun, query, rl, birthday, books, tvshows

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