TDK for the WIN!

Jul 18, 2008 00:33

I can breathe safely now...caught The Dark Knight tonight (talk about value for your cinema going buck! nearly three hours we were in the cinema for). Safely spoiler free below - just containing very general impressions.

And I have to say - it lived up to my expectations. Absolutely. As good as Batman Begins I believe. So go see it. I think you'll like it. Heath Ledger - you absolutely rock and for a final moment on film you had one of your finest performances. You are missed. Your Joker as good as if not better than Jack's and I do not say such things lightly because the Jack is one of my favourite actors ever.

There were a couple of huh? moments for me but I never let them ruin an action packed fun filled entertainment flick like this. That's for after, in the car driving home, when you turn to your other half and go 'And what was with.....' Insert possible contentious continuity or unrealistic character behaviour question here.

Now I need a cool icon like
jeannev's Batman/Kal one...that's very cool Val, I'm liking it!

Oh and the Bat Bike? BRILLIANT! Complete solution to all your gridlocked traffic needs - never be stuck in traffic again. I wonder if I can have one for Christmas - or just the Batman on top will do *vbg*

Saw preview for Hellboy 2 - the bad guys look seriously bad and I like them already - picture SGA's Wraith but with better plastic surgeons. And also X-Files - don't Mulder and Scully still look so darn sweet together even after how many years? I'll be catching both of them.
Next up though will be Wanted. Gotta wait till the end of July for that. Stupid delayed Australian screenings!

tdk, random fun, movies

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