The Clex

Aug 03, 2008 15:56

When looking at certain fanfiction databases one cannot help but notice the prolific amount of Smallville fanfiction.
Inarguably the greater majority consists of the pairing of Clark and Lex. Seeing Jana (
jr24tw) post these brilliant images on her lj only confirms for me the inspiration for such widespread creative expression. Go see the big ones and more at her LJ. They rock and they're pretty. Of course.

Speaking of the pretty this manip artist
belfagor is so far the best I've seen. And whilst I can certainly see the attraction for Spn's J2 I have been wondering exactly how much begging, pleading, flattering, offers of untold wealth and fame it would take to get her/him to turn their talents towards Tom Welling or Clark and Lex, or Tom and Michael. Even if it was only once it would be worth it. Go check out the manips at their lj. Even if you dislike J2 you will be blown away by the quality.

pimp, picspam, clex

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