Sep 21, 2010 11:57
this morning heather was almost in a panic about her lack of sleep -- honestly, i have no idea how much sleep she got last night, but at 6am she was convinced she hadn't slept at all and was incapable of going to school. she's so intense!
after an extremely short conversation about her morning classes, i tucked her into my bed, closed all the blinds, windows and doors, and let her sleep for a few more hours. when i dropped her off at 11am (just in time for 3rd block...yay, she LOVES honors chem!) i told the administrator that "she had a couple of doctor's appointments this morning." she cheerily thanked me, gave heather her get-out-of-jail-free card (i.e., her excused absence slip), and sent us both on our way (heather to class, me back to work). heather looked rested and happy. i felt a little guilty about my "little white lie" but i have no qualms at all about keeping her home.
well, maybe a little qualm. i do often wonder whether or not i'm being played....