Jobhunt 2008 ! and other news

Nov 25, 2008 10:33

Just heard from possible new place about a third interview - tomorrow afternoon with president and general manager of the parent holding company.

So I figure I am on the short list and made a favorable impression with the existing Senior System admin and the Senior Developer.

A bit anxious now. Been a long time since I worked in the private sector and this would be a stretch for me. A good stretch I think but still a bit scary. In some way it would be a great answer to the current situation, and that is what makes it even more anxiety producing because it would hurt to miss this chance.

Time to pull up my big boy pants and do ti - wash, iron and press the corporate armor (otherwise know as a suit and tie) and gird my loins for battle.

Another anxiety producing near miss was last Thursday night when I got pulled over by a cop for having a headlight out and problems with my brake lights. I freaked out a bit when I realized my insurance wasn't up to date. (I tried 3 times earlier in the month to drop by and renew and they were never open when I was there) I got lucky that the cop took pity on me and I got things fixed and renewed a.s.a.p!

Although I can see why Ford have a bad rep - replacing a freaking breaker and headlight should NOT be that hard! Even with Chilton manual and pictures it took over an hour to do. "Squeeze the two side tabs and pull the headlight out being careful not to break the light bulb assembly".

Easy to do it you have three hands and a grip like a pair of pliers. It should have read "Get a pair of vice grips to squeeze in the side tabs. Spray WD-40 around the socket like it was going out of style. Swear at assembly, designer and question the parentage of the engineer who though this was a good idea, then insert a large bladed screw driver between the lip of the light bulb assembly and the frame. Twist hard hoping *not* to get a jolt from an accidental connection. Scrape knuckles, Swear some more. Twist harder - pull - use vice grips to get a hold of the assembly. Pull harder and then pry it loose from a death grip of old, fragile, *dirty* plastic frame. Once accomplished slide in new light bulb assembly like grease from a goose. Have a beer."

Also finished "Daemons are Forever" by Simon Green - a great read. I can so hear/see David Tennet (the current actor playing Doctor Who) playing Eddie Drood the main character.

Also Gina got me a hardback edition of "A Day for Damnation" Thank you Beloved

jobhunt 2008, car, books

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