Many Frustations

Apr 17, 2009 19:57

I have a list of frustraion that I just have to get off my chest.

1.  I haven't not been sleeping right. . .I either sleep 4 hours and  cannot sleep all day, but I am so exhausted I cannot focus or I sleep so hard I cannot be woken up on time. . . I think it has to do with that I am helping a friend of mine. He has at least 3 more major things to do this next week and he leaves for Canada on Friday. The biggest thing has to do with his appartment, and I am hoping that if we fill out all of the right paper work, everything will go okay.

2. There are so many things I want to do with my friend before he goes to Canada. . .
 1. Finish reading "Queen of the Damned." (we have over 400 pages in a week. . .)
 2. Watch a list ful of movies
 3. Cook together
  4. Write a few short stories together
  5. Go for another walk together
  6. Clean his apartment
  7. Just have fun

3. We went to figure out his rent issues, because I will have to handle it while he is gone. We just went on three hour bus ride for nothing as I could have gotten the same information if I had called the office. I didn't think to call the damn office until until we were half way to home.

4. I am doing all these thing for a guy I may and probably won't ever get back. Please don't get me wrong, I am helping him out, because I really like hanging out with him, and I want him to be prepared for this trip, But I still love him, and deep inside do not want him to go. (However this frustraion has been on and off on this blog for a while. . .) I know he has to go on this trip. . . it's like a spiritual journey of courage, hope, and inspiration for him.

5. I am getting really sick of being everyone's everything. When will I just get to be me, whenever I figure out who that is completely.

6. I hate when money is super tight, I feel like I am holding glass money, and I am baout to break it if I don't budget right. . .

7. My mom, uncle or I cannot seem to find a job. . . and when I do see someone hiring, they seem to hire who they know first, not who is really qualified. I have an associate of arts, and yet most place will either say I am over qualified or under qualified and now it's that I don't know anyone who will hire, except my father, but I refuse to work with him. I also can't lift more than 20 lbs, thanks to a bad spleen.

8. I am just a little nervous about apartment sitting, because I heard his apartment manger can be a real pain.

9. I am trying to find, international penpals and e-mail friends, but  why does it seem I keep getting the guys from India who want to marry me so they can live in the United States. . . first of all, I have issues with marriage, secondly there is only one person I would possibly marry at this point, and he is taken, and thirdly, you do not want to come to America: we are in recession. I mean if an actually American citizen canot get a simple job, why do you think you can get a job?

10. I also feel that is summer is going to be really boring and lonely or so busy that I will forget most of it.

11. I also want to work my story, but I have been mental fried and socially busy, but after 24th I will get the book done. Hopefully, it will be typed, rewritten, and print, by June 1, 2009. I hope so.

emptiness, mojo, lust, lists, desires, life changes, everything, opinions, words, spirituality, reading, pain, solitude, open, family, karma, past, worries, analyzing, dating, updates, rants, thoughts, drama, fears, men, depressed, distraction, books, comparson, misc, soul mate, weird, frustrations, rejection, secrets, lost, holding things in, tom, beliefs, home, romance, hopeless, insanity, emotional, wants, facebook, relationships, writings, novels, no nerves, dream guy, love, needs, ideas, stories, loneliness, life, heartache, theories, snapped, money, 2009, letting go, venting, fiction, valentine's day

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