One week with two cats later...

Aug 04, 2013 23:02

Sara and I have decided on Mayim for our new cat's name. It's a Hebrew name that means water, which suits her because she just goes with the flow. Seriously, she's so calm. Almost nothing startles this cat -- not loud noises, strange people, getting flicked with water (I did this to her at dinner, when she jumped on the table and made for my goat cheese), or Tovah hissing at her. And Tovah's been hissing at Mayim a lot since she came home. I knew Tovah wouldn't be happy about having a sister, but it's still been kinda stressful. But I think progress is slowly being made. Just earlier this evening, they actually played! Not together, but near each other. Well, not exactly near each other, but in the same room.

To give you a rough idea of how much bigger Mayim is...

Tovah standing in front of my bookcase, June 2012

Mayim sitting in front of my bookcase, July 2013

Some observations about our new kitty:

~ She's much bigger and fluffier than Tovah. She can step from the coffee table to the cat tree, a distance Tovah has to jump. She also has humorously oversized paws and a long face.

~ She's a lot more willing to be held than Tovah, who's never been the most affectionate cat. If you pick Mayim up and put her somewhere, she'll almost always stay here and just chill. You can bet that Tovah will never stay anywhere you put her. Seriously, if I put her on my bed, she immediately jumps off and jumps right back on, because she just won't stay anywhere unless she puts herself there.

~ Mayim is a lot more mellow, but also less playful and fiesty. Tovah has a lot of energy for her age and she'll bat at her fifty-year-old shoelace for as long as you dangle it in front of her. We've tried to get Mayim to play with some of the cat toys, but she's not that interested. She'd rather just chill.

This weekend was tax-free, and combined with the back-to-school season, it made for two very stressful work days. Ugh. I'm so glad it's over with, but I'm afraid things are going to get even worse before they get better. I probably shouldn't think too much about it. Yesterday evening, I rode my bike to the indie movie theater and Sara and I saw Fill the Void, an Israeli movie about Hasidic Jews. It was cool hearing so much Hebrew, but it also kinda drove home that I'll never be able to speak that language. Or be a Hasidic Jew. In one scene, they sang the lines from the Book of Psalms, "If I forget you, O Jersualem" (you hear those verses a lot in Judaism) and when I came home, I found a cover of it by Matisyahu! It's my new favorite song!

image Click to view

My version of this would be, "Jerusalem, if I forget you, let me forget how to write good fanfiction."

tovah, pictures, mayim, back-to-school woes, video, movies in theater

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