Fic List

Oct 19, 2012 11:33

This is a list of all my fics.
Most are Slash, sorry, but I'm a slashaholic.
Some are incomplete so bear with me please.

Complete = **
WIP = ^

Across The Universe
- I Wanna Hold Your Hand** - Jude/Max (FRK+), slash
- Music Drabble-on**-  Jude/Max (FRK+), slash, mentions of het

 - CSI: Miami/CSI: NY
  - Danny/Speed & Eric/Danny/Speed - What Hurts You The Most Pains Me The Least ^
    (FRAO), slash, threesome
     - Chapter 1

CSI Miami
- Back At Your Door ^  - Speed/Delko  (FRT), slash
- You Said No ** - Speed/Delko  (FRT), slash
Those Three Words ** - Speed/Delko  (FRT), slash
- Seasons of Loneliness **- Speed/Delko   (FRT), slash
- Unbidden Recollection **- Eric/Speed/Horatio  (FRM), slash, threesome
- Safety Net **- Calleigh/Eric, Calleigh/Ryan  (FRK+), het
- Needing to Know ** - Eric/Horatio   (FRM), slash
- Before You Were Mine **- Eric/Ryan  (FRM), slash

- Waking Up Is Hard To Do **- Flack/Hawkes  (FRM), slash

Harry Potter
- Because Eliot Got It Wrong** - James/Sirius, (mention of) James/Lily  (FRK+), slash, het

High School Musical
 - Troy/Chad - Chad Was, Too. ^
    (FRT), slash
      -  Chapter 1 **

Ninja Turtles
- I Love You is 8 Letters ** - Raph/Leo  (FRT), Turtlecest

- Can't Catch Me ** - AC/Clark  (FRT), slash
- Chocolate ** - Chloe/Oliver  (FRT), het

- Benevolent, He Is Not ** - Edward/Jacob  (FRT), slash
- Once ** - Edward/Jacob  (FRT), slash
- Love Is Not a Victory March ** - Emmett/Paul  (FRM), slash
- Be Your Pagan Angel ** - Edward/Jacob  (FRM), Slash
- Baby, You Ready to Play ** Jacob/Edward  (FRM), slash

crossovers, smallville, atu, tmnt, slash, hsm, het, csi miami, fic, gen, turtlecest, twilight, csi ny, hp

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