(no subject)

Apr 10, 2011 23:15

Title: Baby, You Ready to Play
Author: raingoddess2040 
Character(s): Jacob Black, Edward Cullen
Fandom(s): Twilight
Rating: FRM
Warning(s): slash, language, sexual talk
Spoiler(s): None, this is an AU.
Disclaimer: I don’t own it, which means you can’t sue me.
 A/N: Again, this was written a while ago for the twislash_100  drabble meme.... Just getting around to posting here. *fails*


Look at him.

Bending, twisting, writhing, up on that stage.

He should be in my bed.

Fucking slut.

Dancing for these cheap, sick bastards that only want to get their hands on his ass and then go home to their wives and 2.5 kids and their white picket fences and deny, deny, deny that they ever wanted even a taste of his smooth ass.

None of them seem to realize that he's mine. Not even him.

God, look at him. Riding that pole like nothing else. Well, except my cock.

I can see him now, dirty little whore. Head thrown back. Neck exposed, full of my marks - back off you, bitches, he's MINE. Bouncing up and down on my prick like a motherfucking champ. Skin wet and shiny. Cum leaking from the tip of his cock. And I'll know how he tastes by then. I'll be the only one to taste, by then.

Shit! Bad fucking time to be daydreaming. He's finished his set. And he's that last one on, too. And now their closing the fucking bar. Dammit!

But he'll be getting ready to leave. These places always have a back door...


There he is. Fuck! Look at him. Leather practically painted on his thighs. Any shirt that tight should be fucking illegal. And that jacket. MMmmmm, it must smell delicious.

And god-fucking-damn, he's sucking on that cigarette like it should be my cock. That mouth was made for dick. Most especially mine.

Just look at him, watching me all suspicious. Don't worry, baby, I won't hurt you, unless you like it.

He looks unsure... curious... wary. Poor baby. Maybe I should step into the light? Let him see what he can have a piece of?

Ooh, baby looks like he likes. Well, daddy will have to make sure he loves it.

"Hey, beautiful, wanna go have some fun? Maybe mess around and end up somewhere strange, not remembering your name?"

And suddenly, my sex kitten - 'cause he's a cat if anything - isn't in front of me, but behind and he feels so fucking cold and it makes me so much more fucking hot and I want him more than I thought possible. I wasn't prepared for this, for the possibility of a fight, but I want it, so bad.

He touches me and I moan and I don't fucking care.

"Hush, puppy. We'll get around to that soon. That and more than your fantasies could ever prepare you for. My name's Edward by the way, just in case you need something coherent to say."

He smirks and if that doesn't make me almost come in my pants, nothing else will. But I can't let him think he's ahead of the game.

I see him blink, but then I'm behind him, with him shoved against the wall, his sweet ass pressed against my cock.

"Thanks for the name, sweetheart. Name's Jacob. You should remember it. You'll be screaming it later."

He growls and pushes back against me until I let him turn around.

He licks those cock sucker lips and says exactly what I was thinking.

"This seems like the beginning of a beautiful fucking friendship."

jakeward, fanfiction, slash, edward/jacob, fic, edward cullen, jacob black, jacob/edward, twilight

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