Apr 02, 2010 10:37
Undertook the first of the cherry blossom rituals last night: EPR + nighttime walk. Am quite upset to find that the National Park Service is undertaking an aggressive Cherry Blossom Fever Abatement program this year. Like even more than the past few years when they just closed all the parking lots because what we really need during high viewing season is less parking. This year the Jefferson is nigh unapproachable. If you do get there you find they've screened off a big chunk of the walkway in front of it; I am concerned about how that must look from the rest of the basin in daylight. There are a bunch of dubious barriers once you get past the FDR. And the meters near Einstein now charge until 10pm.
Missed the Hateful Men. Although the company present was delightful and will, I think, understand that not being hateful isn't exactly a bad thing.
cherry blossom fever