
Jan 02, 2015 17:30

I took Mom over to look at Place #2 this morning, and while she's not thrilled with the idea of a studio apartment, that's all they have left after the stampede from Place #1. The nurse who gave her their evaluation said that she didn't think Mom needed any additional levels of care, as they call it, at this point, so yay for that. I put down a deposit, and we're going to move her in as soon as my brother can get out here to help out.

One of my cousins is going to be driving over from California in the next couple of weeks to take the colonial desk and whatever else Mom can pawn off on him, too, so I won't have to worry about shipping that to the historical museum back in Connecticut, where she's sending a bunch of other family heirlooms. Once we get her moved, I need to contact a couple of places that do estate sales and see about disposing of the rest of her furniture and stuff. So we're nowhere near done, but actually putting money down is a big step forward.

I really, really hope she likes it there once she's moved in. Fingers crossed...

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my boring life

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