Dodging monkey wrenches

Dec 30, 2014 13:43

Yesterday morning I called up the assisted living place so I could make final arrangements to move Mom in there in January. This morning the manager called me back, sounding shaken, and apologized for not returning my call earlier, but they'd just found out yesterday that their parent corporation was closing them down.

So. That happened. :beats head against wall:

I'm glad it happened before we got Mom all moved in, but man, talk about last minute obstacles. I went over to the place which was number two on my list this morning to make inquiries there, and of course they are deluged with people panicking due to the closure of Place #1. They are significantly more expensive, and their rooms are smaller, but all the places further down on my list are even more expensive, and much farther away from where I live, so... :P Someone is coming over this afternoon to give Mom their care evaluation, so I can get a better idea of exactly how much per month they'd charge.

Talk to me

mom drama, my boring life

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