Dodging monkey wrenches

Dec 30, 2014 13:43

Yesterday morning I called up the assisted living place so I could make final arrangements to move Mom in there in January. This morning the manager called me back, sounding shaken, and apologized for not returning my call earlier, but they'd just found out yesterday that their parent corporation was closing them down ( Read more... )

mom drama, my boring life

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Comments 41

ljs December 30 2014, 21:03:00 UTC
Oh NO. Good thoughts for swift resolution of the problem in the best way for you and your mom. :(


rahirah January 3 2015, 01:31:21 UTC
Thank you!


janetmiles December 30 2014, 21:28:52 UTC
Ayiyi. As ljs said, Good Thoughts for a quick and positive resolution.


rahirah January 3 2015, 01:31:29 UTC
Thank you!


velvetwhip December 30 2014, 21:37:05 UTC
Oh no. Not great news. I am so sorry.



rahirah January 3 2015, 01:32:00 UTC
We managed to get her into the second choice place, thankfully.


readerjane December 30 2014, 21:41:05 UTC
Oh, no, I'm so sorry to hear it. Hope the market fills that vacuum right quick.


rahirah January 3 2015, 01:33:49 UTC
There are quite a lot of assisted living facilities in Phoenix, but a lot of them are out on the outskirts, and a lot of them cater to residents who need much more intensive care than Mom does. :/


cindergal December 30 2014, 21:53:35 UTC
Well that just sucks. I hope the second place turns out to be a good option for you both. *hugs*


rahirah January 3 2015, 01:34:13 UTC
Not as good, but acceptable!


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