Back to work and a meme

Jan 04, 2015 20:20

Tomorrow. Boo. Though it will only be for a week, as I'm taking the twelfth through the twenty-third off to get Mom moved, and get a start on getting her stuff dealt with. My brother will be coming out to help, and my sister might be coming for a few days as well -- if she does, Mom pointed out that it will be the first time in... geez, thirty years? that all three of us have been in the same place at the same time.

We watched Into the Woods today -- I liked it. They cut a lot of the second act, but I think they did a decent job of condensing it down. We caught the last half of Galavant tonight, and I thought it was kind of eh -- the characters were OK, but the writing's not wacky enough to be Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and not witty enough to be The Princess Bride. All the songs were eminently forgettable.

Because there's been too little silliness in this journal lately, a meme stolen from brutti_ma_buoni:

Go to the closest book to you. Turn to page 206. The first sentence explains your love life.

My sentence, from The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2014, is "In his opinion, one that science does not really confirm, just plain grits were good enough to kill the pests."

That is really not a reassuring sentence when applied to one's love life...

Talk to me

my boring life, meme, movies

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