Today's Consumption and Exercise

Sep 19, 2005 22:03

2 servings Special K Red Berries with skim milk
1 "Apricot-Mango" non-fat yogurt (100-cal)
1 last small serving hamburger-veggie mix on rice
1 small can peas and carrots (120-cal)
1 small can cooked spinach (60-cal)
taste of chocolate frosting from leftover birthday cake brought into the office (okay, it was a nice sized taste ( Read more... )

water, daily intake, exercise

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Comments 20

ora_wai September 20 2005, 04:25:27 UTC
I forgot to mention this on your earlier post but......


Congrats on losing the weight, may this be only the start for wonderfulness for you!

My next objective is to get a pedometer, so I can monitor my incidental exercise and walking. Dude, I have one of those things and I wore it to work a couple of times. I was walking nearly 20km a day. Freaked me out.


ora_wai September 20 2005, 04:26:03 UTC
Ok, I was trying to quote there, but it didn't work. HTML tags hate me.


r_a_l_i_g_h September 20 2005, 04:30:25 UTC
I usually just do italics. (I stick with the tags I know!)


r_a_l_i_g_h September 20 2005, 04:33:15 UTC

WHOA! No wonder you're exhausted at the end of the day!

No way do I walk that much. But I have been trying to add other steps in. For instance, unless I'm in a time crunch or really have to go, I make myself climb a couple flights of stairs to use the bathrooms on another floor.


bostonben September 20 2005, 17:07:59 UTC


r_a_l_i_g_h September 20 2005, 17:20:14 UTC


daynr September 20 2005, 17:26:34 UTC
Would that I maintained a healthy diet bc you do feel SO MUCH BETTER.


bostonben September 20 2005, 17:41:12 UTC
Hee. Um, I actually felt awesome when I was anorexic, so that can't always be a good thing. I felt all pure and clean. And my stomach never hurt.


daynr September 20 2005, 17:26:01 UTC
Gyms have their place. I love them for classes to stop from running too much. I LOVE the fun classes - hip hop, funk, etc.- and will suffer through something like bootcamp/advanced toning once a week to balance out the faux-lifting I do other days. If you have bad knees/shin splints I would suggest starting with a trainer to do a weight routine for a month before starting fun classes, cause the knees get worked.

Obviously I'm a work-out whore. I'm so addicted & spun to it, but I also ran my first 5K at 7 so it's not my fault.

I just got into swimming in the last 2 years (though my gym in NYC doesn't have it.) It's so fucking hard, and I miss having music, and it makes my skin/eyes/hair burn, but afterwards there is no pain like with running. And it makes your shoulders look so good.

I personally find yoga overrated - once a week tops (bc I get bored with 'meditation' crap)- and pilates easy unless you have perfect form. (I don't.)


r_a_l_i_g_h September 20 2005, 17:54:50 UTC
I'm working on the eliptical/stair machines and upright bikes for my aerobic workout right now. I also do the various weight machines to build muscle strength in my upper and lower body. (I had a trainer set me up on them all to make sure I did it right.)

I can't wait to be able to get to do the fun classes. But I'm going to get myself into better condition first, so I can fully participate and I don't injure anything.


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