Today's Consumption and Exercise

Sep 19, 2005 22:03

2 servings Special K Red Berries with skim milk
1 "Apricot-Mango" non-fat yogurt (100-cal)
1 last small serving hamburger-veggie mix on rice
1 small can peas and carrots (120-cal)
1 small can cooked spinach (60-cal)
taste of chocolate frosting from leftover birthday cake brought into the office (okay, it was a nice sized taste!)
large serving of zucchini (YUM!)

I was totally going to make a nice lean meal, but with the weight loss, I decided to eat what the family had - this yummy hamburger helper-type thing (from scratch, of course) with bowtie pasta, hamburger, tomatoes, bell peppers, and mushrooms. It was SO good.

70-ish oz of water. And I also drank a 30-oz bottle of one of those fruit-flavored waters. (I use to like them, but the aspertame taste is too strong now. I finished it 'cause I had only drunk the one water bottle I had at work.)

I burned more than 300 calories at the gym tonight, and did my lower body workout. I took the dog for a short walk between coming homw and going to the gym, and I'm going to take him out again for 15-20 minutes, at least.

My next objective is to get a pedometer, so I can monitor my incidental exercise and walking.

water, daily intake, exercise

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