The India Thing Explained (Abrg'd)

Sep 20, 2005 23:24

Okay, I've been meaning to post about the India thing for a long while. I've mentioned it a couple times here and in the VM4, but apparently, somehow, I never explained.

I'll try to keep it to bullet points.

- BACKGROUND: Rotary, Int'l has clubs in more than 100 countries on six continants. Many of these clubs practice a Group Study Exchange program, something like exchange students, only with young professionals from the area.

- JUNE 3rd: A client, who is also the PR officer for his Rotary club contacts us to ask for some personal help in editing/distributing a release solicting applicants for a GSE team. P/T Co-Worker gives me a copy of the info.

The team will travel to northern India, speaking to the local Rotary clubs, visiting cultural/historical sites, and witnessing how members of their own profession work in other parts of the world. For a MONTH. ALL EXPENSES PAID! (Except airfare. Team members must also pay incidentals like passport fees, shots, etc)

Application Requirements: 25-40 years old, Employed full-time, At least two years experience in chosen field, Intent to remain in that field. (Check to all.) Oh, and you have to be willing to write a brief report and speak to some home clubs about your experiences. (Are you kidding!?!?!! I worked as a travel writer for a summer, and I ADORE public speaking!)

The Problem? - The highly comprehensive application, including essay is due June 30. I am on jury duty June 6-10, have a publication to get out at work, AND a client's statewide annual meeting/conference June 29-July 1.

Oh, and we'll be leaving beginning of December! Less than six months away.

Although I didn't have a lot of time to consider whether or not I can/want to do this, (OBVIOUSLY, my gut instinct was "Sure!" but I wanted to really really think about it.) I decided I could always say "no" later, so I applied. (Getting THAT done, was it's own adventure!)

- JULY 16th: Interview, met with three people for more than an HOUR. (Most detailed interview I've ever been in, really interesting, ALSO a post in itself.)

- July 23rd: Some sort of "teamwork day" with 5 other finalists. Four will make the team, the others will be alternates. These personality/team building/networking/brainstorming exercises last for more than SIX HOURS.

The Problem? One girl is an alternate from the previous year, so she'll make the team. Another was born in India, has visited often, knows the culture and some of the language; I'm sure she'll make the team. The last woman is pushing the 40 year mark, so she'll make the team before me, the youngest by far (who only barely made the 25 year mark by a matter of weeks.) So I have a 1 in 3 chance.

So I get first alternate, which, really, I almost wanted more than making the team.

Let me explain: 1) I'd love to go to India, but it wouldn't make my top 5 places to visit. 2) As alternate, I am basically guaranteed a spot on next year's team, wherever it goes. 3) This gives me 12-18 additional months to get in shape, study the language, etc. 4) The last year's alternate girl, the only one who would definitely be on the team, was the only one who I didn't reallyreally like. (shallow, I know, but there it is.) I won't say she rubbed me wrong, but I could see the two of us coming to some friction after several weeks of close contact, long hours, and little sleep.

I still attend the team meetings, and am prepping I can use for the next year: passport, etc. (and that's yet ANOTHER post! You know when I sent in my application? Week before Labor Day. You know where passport applications from Oklahoma are handled? HOUSTON and NEW ORLEANS)

- September 20th: So, a little before 2:00 this afternoon the lone guy on the team sends out a group email, pulling out because of a family medical situation!

Suddenly, I'm on a team that's LEAVING FOR INDIA IN 86 DAYS!!!!

So, yeah I freaked. (both good and bad at once - I just got my passport on Friday! I still have to send in my visa application to the Indian Consulate! I....!)

Anyway, you're pretty much caught up now.

The Problem? Aside from the personality thing, which really is mostly a lack of interest, than anything:

1) My weight. Granted I've lost a lot this summer, but we're going to be on the go, at a very high altitude. I'd hate to "waste" an international trip by being out of shape.

2) I am 99% convinced that it was something in the Indian food we had Saturday after the meeting that caused my hidious alergic reaction - which STILL has not gone completely away! How can I spend a month in a country where the food does that to me?

3) Safety issues are really concerning my mom more than me. (She's mentioned the term "white slave trade" to me at least three times this evening! Oh, and she sent Younger-Younger Brother in to tell me "good BYE" instead of "good NIGHT")

Number 3, you face pretty much anywhere - even "safe" locals. (Why am I telling YOU guys that? We all remember what happened when VM4 members/friends were in London.) Number 1, I can address. I can lose another 25-30 pounds in the next three months. And even if it's only half that, I'll weigh less than I have in three or four years, and I'll be in better shape than I have in ages. Number 2 is what worries me.

Okay, that took longer than I thought to write, mostly 'cause I had go back and leave so much out to keep it to the point.

So now you know. Thoughts?

india, india trip, gse

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