Robert Mitchum said that to Nick Nolte at the Academy Awards once. Anyways, on to my brief rant.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I like individuals, I hate people. And by individuals, I mean just that: individuals or small groups of individuals. And by people, I mean the general public; the rest of the six point something billion
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So I just saw the trailer for Disaster Movie. I'd like to take this opportunity to say that this is the most appropriately named movie since Jackass. I swear, these "2 of the 6 writers from Scary Movie" guys really need to learn to quit while they're ahead behind and just stick to watching movies instead. That's what I've been doing my whole
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Ya know how every now and then, you'll run into (or you are) one of those nuts who thinks all of technology is going to revolt against mankind in the form of some anti-Asimov dystopia? Well, I think it has begun...
For fuck's sake Yahoo News, I just posted! Swedish scientists have calculated the speed of the Santa. They actaully took the time to calculate how fast he goes, how long he has to stay at each house and kill his body with an infinite mass of milk and cookies all before the little chilluns wake up and realize they all got the shaft when he left
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Even though I am home sick from work today with a case of the "feel like shit"s, it has not stopped me from finding something to complain about, which is the fact that the average IQ is slipping, or at least appears to be. I will, however, keep it short and sweet. Apparently, chimps are catching up to us in some brain functions, namely short-term
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