More blossom

Mar 30, 2017 17:02

Lowestoft is very pink at the moment. I realised housing on the way Tesco is of a similar age to the houses in Kilburn in London, both of which were constructed after the arrival of railway transport. Having housing of a similar age they have the same sort of garden plantings - lots of mature cherry trees and magnolia (which have a scent, I never knew they smelled nice!).

This is in Bellevue Park

I remember once having a discussion with some Jehovah's Witnesses on Exeter Road in Kilburn about Creationism and the fact that magnolias evolved before bees and therefore have a different method of polination (big pollen so beetles will eat it). Here are some demonstrating that. This plant was growing over a low brick wall and had the flowers at nose height which alerted me to their smell!

Almond in someone's back garden

Another magnolia

I called at the Tesco Gunton Meadow nature reserve and spotted (spotty!) orchid leaf rosettes. There is some discussion whether these are Early Purple or Common Spotted growing in what is supposed to be a Green Winged Orchid colony. I'll keep you posted.

We have blackthorn blossom too.


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