Here is my complete Masterlist. Fanfiction by genre.
I'm also on fanfiction net. Here: Ashes To Ashes:
The Hourglass - Ashes to Ashes, Gene/Alex romance, angst.
Political RPS:
Mandelborne (George Osborne/Peter Mandelson):
Untitled - H/C. Slash.
Untitled - Unrequited love. Angst. Slash.
Broken - Some mentions of past Mandelbell. Peter has to break up with George for his own good. Angst. Slash.
Peter's final gift - Peter Mandelson's final "gift" to his "friends" in Westminster. Crack! Mentions of Peter/pretty much everyone. And some Mandelborne. Slash.
The kiss of Judas. - Very dark. Warning for character death. Peter wants the young Tory and is desperate to have him at any cost, but passions soon turn to obsessions. Slash.
Over and Over and Over. - The decay of Peter and George's relationship. Inspired by the Cure's disintegration. Slash.
Milison(Ed Miliband/Alan Johnson):
Untitled - Take on Alan's resignation. Angst. Slash.
Untitled - Crack. Ed (being the clumsy man he is) drops his favourite pen under Alan's desk and has to retrieve it. Trouble follows.
Burnballs (Andy Burnham/Ed Balls):
Untitled - Andy agonizing over children. H/C. Angst. Slash.
Milixander (Ed Miliband/Douglas Alexander)
Untitled - Ed finally acts on his feelings for Douglas. Slash.
Untitled Challenge Fic - Ed Miliband/Michael Gove fluff/crack. Slash.
Untitled - Ed Miliband/David Cameron. resignation angst. Slash.
Untitled Drabble - Douglas Alexander/Sadiq Khan drabble. PWP. Slash.
Untitled - Ed Miliband/Yvette Cooper. PWP. Het.
Untitled. - Andy Burnham/Debbie Abrahams. Andy congratulates Debbie after her victory in Oldham. PWP. Het.
2025 - Set after the game in 2025. Angst. Very dark.
Good Omens:
Times - Crowley/Aziraphale slash.
Charlie Bone:
A Strange attraction. - Olivia/Manfred.
What should have happened - Asa comes back to settle the score.
Original Writing
Van Gogh diary extract - English coursework original writing.
A Life Lesson - Paul Gauguin/Emile Bernard slash. PWP. Angst. Unrequited Love.