Today as I left for uni the temperature was -22c. As I bundled on layers and layers of black I felt like I was going on an Artic Expedition
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Everything started off according to plan. Got up at five, got the kitties ready, took a cab to Paddington station. Train to Terminal 3, then a tube to Terminal 4. So far so good.
I have been going into debt more and more lately. I have been contemplating on getting a sugar daddy, but then I realized that I could just leech of my REAL daddy
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I got back home this morning at 5:30 thanks to Stansted luggage handlers being shite. All is well here. The kitties are fine and haven't sucked their nipples in my absence.
Ruffe is doing a bit better. He still constantly tilts his head to the right and walks like he is drunk, but other than that he is like nothing ever happened. We still do not know what is wrong with him but it looks like the antibiotics might be having some effect
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First day in Finland. My beloved baby Ruffe is ill. The vets are not sure what is wrong with him. A few days ago he completely started to loose his balance, could not walk straight at all and kept falling over. My dad took him to the vet. He either has an inner ear infection or a brain tumor
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All you Finnish minions, you will the company of yours truly from December the 19th until December the 29th. I will be staying at my parents' place in Tampere. Se you all around the city!
I just got back from Finland and to prevent myself from falling asleep on the bus I took one Pro Plus to many... Now I can't sleep at all so I thought I might as well post a lot of pictures.
Since I am broke (until uni starts again anyway) and unemployed I am taking one of my many daddy-funded pilgrimages to Finland to beg money from my parents. I'll be there only for a week, so that shouldn't be too bad. I'll have a chance to meet up with friends and do this a lot: